Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Saturday, December 24, 2022
8:00PM | Sanctuary
At Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, we feel that no one should be alone at Christmas, or for that matter, any time of the year.
Come, reconnect with old and new friends, while sharing Christmas memories
or even making new ones, as Christmas is a time to know that God's love and celebrates each and everyone of us, just the way we are!
We invite you, this Christmas Eve, to come and celebrate God's gifts of hope, peace, joy and love, as we share "All I Want for Christmas" through the birth of Jesus, the Promised One. Together, let us celebrate the triumphant arrival of the Christ Child, as we hear the familiar story, through scripture, song, and God's word, as we celebrate the arrival of the Christ Child, this Christmas Eve, at Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church.
We invite you to join us following our Christmas Eve Worship for a special
dessert reception hosted by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church
Board of Directors and Staff.