Tis the Season! Thank you to everyone who has made a financial gift to DCPC this year. You have changed lives through your giving. If you have yet to fulfill your estimate of giving for 2023, or would simply like to insure we keep all of our ministry commitments for 2023 and help us start 2024 ministries strong, you can put money/checks in the offering plate, mail checks to the church office.
With stock prices at or near record highs, it may be time to consider gifting to DCPC some of your stock holdings in which you have a gain in value. When you contribute stock you receive the full value of the stock as a tax deduction and you avoid having to pay capital gains tax on your profit. DCPC then sells the stock and as a nonprofit the church is not subject to tax. If you were to sell the stock first you are subject to the tax. Considering your net after-tax proceeds, DCPC could receive a lower contribution. Donating the stock is a win-win situation for everyone (except the IRS, of course).
DCPC promises to be good stewards of whatever you contribute, but you might consider making a designation as follows: (1) complete payment of your 2023; (2) prepay all or part of your 2024 pledge; or (3) complete payment or prepay of your Capital Campaign pledge.
If you are interested in making a stock gift during this time of record values, please contact Harriett Rosebrough or Trish Jones at the church office (704-892-5641) and they will be glad to assist you. As always, you should consult your tax professional for guidance in making this gift.
If members and friends generously give approximately $300,000 in December, we'll finish strong and fulfill all of our ministry commitments. Thank you for helping us be faithful in ministry by making a year-end gift. You can make your secure online gift here.
Thank you, again, for your generosity and the many ways, not just financially, that you support the ministries of DCPC. You are part of the way that the light still shines in the darkness. May the blessings of Christmas be yours this season and always.