Call Us At: (951) 277-3377
Its that time of year when we spend as much time as possible with our loved ones.

Sailing Season will be here sooner than one thinks. The days will get longer and longer until its time ! Its time to get out on the water again. Time to prep the boat !

As we reflect on the year gone by, we can count our blessings for a wonderful year. We can also look forward to next year.

Sailors know how to adjust the sails and heading when a storm is heading fast towards one's little craft.

Sailors know from standing late night watch on the wine dark sea, the rest of the crew fast asleep below, that the dawn will always arrive and bring new horizons, new adventures, and most importantly new friendships.


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to All !
1232 East Pomona Street,
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(951) 277-3377