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January 2019
If I had a time machine and could go back to any moment from this past month, I’m not sure which moment I would choose. This holiday season has been so full of beautiful moments from the Lord, that I’m not sure which is my favorite. 

Early on in the Advent season our worship band (as usual) played in the town square. 50 minutes of non- stop worship echoed throughout the city square of Zagreb. People would walk by, stop and listen for a song or two, and then continue on their way. It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit would water those seeds that were sown...

Five days later, our Youth band, Salvation, played for the first time ever in the City Square. It was exciting to see them out there proclaiming Christ through song. A whole group of people that none of us knew gathered in front of the stage and watched their entire concert. It was truly a wonderful moment as Christ’s eternal love was proclaimed to a city in spiritual need.
Our Christmas service is another wonderful moment to recall. The children opened the service with a short recitation of the Christmas story. It is the first time in several years that our children have done something like this, and it was very encouraging for the entire congregation to see and hear from our children. We worshiped together, learned from the Word, and afterward had a time of dinner and fellowship. Our sanctuary was so full that only a few seats were left empty - we most definitely had much to give God praise for.
As of December, Bonnie has taken over the youth ministries, which means that she was in charge of the youth’s New Years lock in. This is another time we think of with fondness (albeit, I’m not sure we’d want to go back in time and revisit it - haha). We had a blast, though, playing silly games and goofing off. However, there were also some truly awesome moments during the night where God visited us with his presence, spoke to the youth through his Word and prayer. It was a time of celebration on several levels. 
We wrapped up the Advent season with a conference featuring Bonnie father as our guest speaker. For the past month, since our week of fasting and prayer in November, we have felt God moving in a special way in our church, and this conference was definitely used of God to bring about a breakthrough in many of our people. Several of them have talked to us about how God has changed them and helped them to take specific steps in their lives. It was definitely a very encouraging, transforming beginning to our year! 
God has certainly done a great work in us this year, and you have been instrumental in that! We want to thank you for all of your prayers, all that you have given and sacrificed to help the work of the Lord advance in Croatia. We have been so blessed, and you are apart of that- Thank you! We pray that your Christmas and New Years have been abundantly blessed, as well.

In His Love,
Mario & Bonnie Ducic
Croatian Evangelistic Outreach