Christmas Masses | December 24-25, 2023

Christmas Livestream Links

Sunday, December 24, 2023


9:00pm Carol Service

10:00pm MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


Monday, December 25, 2023


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK

Candlelight Mass on New Year's Eve 12/31

Contemplative Evening Prayer 1/5

Grief Support Group begins 1/9

When God Spoke Greek 1/11

Confirmation for Adults 2/6

Cathedral Book Group 2/15

Sacrificial Giving 2024

Make your pledge today!

Poem of the Month

Lisa Matchette reads a selection from the Fifth Villancico by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (translation by Alan Trueblood), and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary

News and Notices

MARY, MOTHER OF GOD This year, because the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God falls on a Monday, it is not a holy day of obligation. We will have two Masses for this great solemnity on Monday, January 1 at 8am and 10am. The Cathedral will close following the 10am Mass.


WELCOME BACK Would you yourself – or someone you know – like to take another look at the Catholic Church? If, for one reason or another, you have been away and long for community, or feel hungry for something more, Welcome Back might be just the right place to safely express your concerns. A new in-person six-week series will begin in January. Information, John Simpson, 206-654-4658 or


THE GIVING TREE Thank you to all who generously and graciously offered gifts and presents for this year’s Giving Tree. May this holy season be full of abundant blessings for you and your loved ones.


ALL ARE WELCOME TO DINE AT THE CATHERAL KITCHEN! Dinner: Monday to Friday, 4pm-4:45pm. Sunday Breakfast: 7am–8am.

ADVENT SOCK DRIVE Our Annual “Warm Hearts and Soles” sock drive continues through the end of the year. Our Goal: 2,023 pairs of athletic or winter socks for homeless men. Please drop socks off in the Cathedral Chapel or in the Parish Office. If you're ordering socks online, have them shipped directly to St. James Cathedral.


THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN has returned to in-person dining, welcoming over 100 dinner guests each night. (Since Covid, we have focused on takeaway meals.) Volunteers are needed to help serve, every weekday, from 3pm to 5pm. We also have a special opportunity for a pianist who could play from 4pm to 4:30pm any weeknight. Music is a wonderful gift to our guests. Would you consider helping out in the Kitchen? Information, Mick McHugh, Director of the Cathedral Kitchen, 206-949-6114


GRIEF ALLIES: A Practical Guide for Friends, Family, Colleagues & Neighbors of Grieving People Do you struggle with what to say to a grieving friend? Put off writing those condolence cards? Want to setup a meal train for a family in crisis, but don’t know how? Widowed Parent Institute founder Jenny Lisk shares practical tips for Grief Allies: the friends and neighbors who want to be supportive and helpful for the grieving people in their lives. You’ll leave this presentation with the practical tips, resources, and tools needed to feel prepared to support the grieving people in your life. Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 7:00–8:30pm, on Zoom or in-person at 910 Marion St. Registration,


CARE FOR CREATION TIP Electronics are popular gifts during the holiday season. What to do with your old gear? Hold on to it for a few more weeks, then bring it to St. James Cathedral for an upcoming electronics recycling drive. Stay tuned for more information!


OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY NEWSLETTER Learn about upcoming events and opportunities as well as stay informed on Catholic social teaching by receiving this monthly newsletter. Subscribe,


This Sunday's bulletin

St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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