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Employee Spotlight
Charlene Hibbard
Accounts Payable
Proctor, VT

My husband and I have 3 children and 12 grandchildren. No grandchildren are ever spoiled, just saying.

Favorite Food:
Pizza and beer - of course!

Guilty Pleasure:
Shh...don't tell my husband, but my alone time when he is ice fishing! From January to March, hehe!

Pet Peeves:
Chairs that are not pushed in - and probably many more, but I only have so much space to write!

First Job:
RRMC - working in the kitchen. I was only responsible for the good food.
Best thing about your job:
The people I work with and customers I have met here at Casella Construction.

Who do you most look up to?
My dad. He was hard working, responsible and fun-loving.

Best advice you've ever received:
Treat others as you want to be treated.

Dishonest people

No real hobbies, but I like to work in my yard and around the house.

Favorite Color:

Something everyone should know about you:
Nothing, I am pretty straight-forward.
AGC/VT Annual Meeting
Best Builder Award Presented to Casella Construction!
Associated General Contractors of Vermont held its annual meeting on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Unable to hold the meeting in person, AGC got creative and hosted members at the AGC/VT Virtual Island!

During the meeting, it was announced that Casella Construction won a Best Builder award - Highway Renovation Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction!

Congratulations to everyone that worked on and supported the Brandon project! This was the largest project in company history and a hard-fought one. This award is a testament to each and every one of you who worked hard day in and night out! To earn such an award on the largest project to date speaks for itself: Industry leading in all we do. Thank you!
Project Complete: Downtown Brandon
Check out the video below to see the award presentation - you'll also get to see some of the cool features of the virtual world (beaches! speedboat rides! fireworks!)
The 10 Commandments of Safety
In most everything we do, we find a "trick" to make the process easier and faster.

After we develop these tricks, they become work habits in our everyday activities.

Developing everyday habits can keep you injury free through the year.
Here are ten safety habits to live by:
  1. Set Your Own Standards. Don’t be influenced by others around you who are negative. If you fail to wear safety glasses because others don’t, remember the blindness you may suffer will be yours alone to live with.
  2. Operate Equipment Only if Qualified. Your supervisor may not realize you have never done the job before. You have the responsibility to let your supervisor know, so the necessary training can be provided.
  3. Respect Machinery. If you put something in a machine’s way, it will crush it, pinch it or cut it. Make sure all guards are in place. Never hurry beyond your ability to think and act safely. Remember to de-energize the power first before placing your hands in a point of operation.
  4. Use Your Own Initiative for Safety Protection. You are in the best position to see problems when they arise. Ask for the personal protective equipment or additional guidance you need.
  5. Ask Questions. If you are uncertain, ask. Do not accept answers that contain, “I think, I assume, I guess.” Be sure.
  6. Use Care and Caution When Lifting. Most muscle and spinal injuries are from overstrain. Know your limits. Do not attempt to exceed them. The few minutes it takes to get help will prevent weeks of being off work and in pain.
  7. Practice Good Housekeeping. Disorganized work areas are the breeding grounds for accidents. You may not be the only victim. Don’t be a cause.
  8. Wear Proper and Sensible Work Clothes. Wear sturdy and appropriate footwear. These should enclose the foot fully. Avoid loose clothing, dangling jewelry, and be sure that long hair is tied back and cannot become entangled in the machinery.
  9. Practice Good Personal Cleanliness. Avoid touching eyes, face, and mouth with gloves or hands that are dirty. Wash well and use barrier creams when necessary. Most industrial rashes are the result of poor hygiene practices.
  10. Be a Positive Part of the Safety Team. Willingly accept and follow safety rules. Encourage others to do so. Your attitude can play a major role in the prevention of accidents and injuries.
Holiday Road
As with most events planned for this year, COVID-19 restrictions prevent us from gathering for our annual Christmas Party.

Instead, we have decided to take the party on the road, and deliver it to you!
Voting ends Wednesday, December 16 at midnight
[submitted by Louis Glodgett]
[submitted by Kim Webster]
Ugly Sweater Contest!
Click below to see what you missed:
'Tis the Season!
Thank You
In the News, Stay Safe & Last Call!
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992