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Christmas Party Update
Unfortunately, we have some disappointing news to announce: We have made the tough decision to cancel the Christmas party we had been planning to have at Roots on December 18th.

Given the emergence of the new Omicron variant, we are forced to look at the bigger picture and consider the potential risk that gathering as a big group poses.
The recent spike in COVID cases in our area is alarming, and we have reason to believe it is only going to get worse between now and the 18th.
Our obligation to provide a safe place of work extends to workplace social events. This means that we also had to take into consideration outside elements that are beyond our control, and we realized that, even with full health and safety rules in place, we cannot guarantee safety for everyone. The last thing we want is an outbreak due to our party.

As much as we would love to forge ahead with our original plans, we know it is not the right thing to do for you and for your families. Family holiday celebrations are in the works, and we would hate to put any of those gatherings in jeopardy as a result of our party.

We also had to take into consideration the position of Rutland Regional, Albany Medical Center, Dartmouth, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, and other local health care facilities. They have collectively been urging the public to take every precaution necessary to help prevent the hospitals from becoming overcrowded with COVID patients. We don't want to add to their stress.

This was a hard decision to make. With the difficulties we faced this year, we felt we deserved a day to celebrate and enjoy ourselves. We were in the full swing of party preparations, and were anticipating a fun, memorable evening. If there was a way for us to safely move forward with the evening, we would have.
But don't worry - while we can't have our traditional party, we are planning something special to celebrate the holiday, and to recognize you for all of your hard work, sacrifices and dedication.

Please stay tuned for more details!
There is Still Time to Vote!
Nominate Employee & Manager of the Year
The cancellation of our Christmas Party will not stop us from honoring this year's chosen employee choice recipients! So please get your nominations in and stay tuned for details about the presentation of these awards.
Nominate by the end of the day December 10th to participate in the 2021 Employee Choice Awards.
Join Our Company Toast
Send in your video now!
We received a lot of feedback from last year's "Pass the Eggnog" video toast, so we're going to do it again this year! Grab a cellphone, and have someone take a quick video of you passing your drink of choice - and have fun with it! We had some pretty creative submissions last year, let's see if we can top it!
2 Quick Tips:
  1. When recording your video, hold your cellphone horizontally (as opposed to the vertical position that we use 99.9% of the time), and
  2. Receive your "eggnog" with your right hand, then Pass it off with your left hand
Did you miss last year's video, or need a refresher? Click the video below to see last year's video:
Send in your jobsite photos!
Did you grab a photo at a jobsite last week?
Share your photos with us, we'd love to see them!

Click "Upload Job Photo" to send in your recent jobsite photos!
Click below to see what you missed:
Happy Thanksgiving and RSVP Now!
Thanksgiving Photo Contest & Save the Date!
Thank You, Veterans
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992