4th Sunday of Advent

The Nativity of the Lord

December 23/24/25, 2023

"What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (Jn 1:3,4)


Christmas Eve falls on the 4th Sunday of Advent this year! Check our Mass schedules for both celebrations and plan to gather with your parish family for these holy days.


Let us welcome Our Savior together! Seating for Christmas Masses at the Cathedral is open, with no requirement for tickets or registration. Face coverings are encouraged but not required. Parking for Christmas Eve Masses is available. 

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 23 at 5:30pm (Vigil)

Sunday, December 24 at 7am, 9am, 11am and 1pm (Spanish)

Cathedral hours | 6:30am – end of 10pm Vigil Mass for Christmas

Photo from ADW website

The Nativity of the Lord

Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 24

A Christmas Prelude, 4pm

Contemporary Choir

Vigil Mass of Christmas, 4:30pm

Msgr. Jameson

A Christmas Prelude, 9:15pm

Schola Cantorum and Madrid String Quartet

Solemn Mass of Christmas, 10pm

 (bilingual in English & Spanish) (livestreamed)

Cardinal Gregory

Blessing of the Manger Scene

Cathedral hours | 6:30am – end of 10pm Vigil Mass

Penn Parking Garage open 8:30am - Midnight


Christmas Day

Monday, December 25

9am (choral) Fr. Hurley

 11am (choral) Msgr. Jameson

1pm (choral en español) Fr. Benson (livestreamed)

Cathedral hours | 8am – end of 1pm Mass



Let us pray:

for the sick, especially Maria da Silva, Halina Mielnik, Camilia Juber Carmona, Ramón De Pool, John Guerriero, Elsa Henderson, Yvette Romero, Enmanuel Del Valle, Patricia Castro, Michael Harrill, Eileen Elvin, Geralda Masi, Katie Roland, Peter Tan, Mary & Carl Milewski, Therese Fergo, Maria Gianino, Yolanda Mendez Acevedo, Anne Rader, Robyn Nishimi, Paul Gruber, and Blanca Rose Juarez.

To add a name to the prayer list or to request Holy Communion for someone sick or homebound, email Msgr. Jameson. If you are asking for prayers for a person who is sick, please first get their permission.

Mystical Word

Spiritual Happiness, by L.J. Milone

In the Gospel for Christmas Day, Christ is described by St. John the Evangelist as "the true light, which enlightens everyone." L.J. in his Gospel reflection writes: "Christmas is a feast of enlightenment that is meant to wake us up to the divine in all things and, especially, within us. Happiness is always already within us, and it is the Holy Mystery of God. This is the Light the Gospel talks about."  


Christmas Offering

During Advent we reflect upon the many blessings of the Lord, including those graces experienced at St. Matthew’s. Sacrificial giving is about giving back to God what he has given to us. It’s not the size of the gift that’s important, but rather giving of our substance—giving back in proportion to what we have received, giving even when it’s not easy to give. You may place your Christmas offering in the collection baskets, use one of the online donation options below, or mail your donation to the rectory office. Thank you for your support, which is so critically needed.

Online Offertory: PayPal FaithDirect

Christmas Volunteers Needed

Liturgical Ministry Needs

If you're planning to attend Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day at St. Matthew's, please consider assisting as a hospitality minister. To volunteer, please email Ana Triaureau. Eucharistic ministers and altar servers also are needed. To serve at a Christmas Mass, please email Fr. Benson. Thank you!

Come and decorate!

If you can help us decorate the Cathedral on the morning of Friday, December 22, contact Pam Erwin and prepare for a big boost in Christmas spirit!

Schedule Updates

Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration this Week

Thursday & Friday, December 21 & 22:

  • Confessions in the Cathedral, 11am - Noon.
  • No Eucharistic Adoration (Cathedral is decorated for Christmas)

Saturday, December 23:

  • Confessions in the Cathedral, 4 - 5pm

Cathedral Holiday Schedule

Tuesday & Wednesday, December 26 & 27:

  • Masses at 7:30am and 12:10pm
  • No Confessions or Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Cathedral opens at 7am and closes after the 12:10pm Mass

Rectory Office Holiday Hours

  • Sunday, December 24 through Wednesday, December 27 - closed
  • Sunday & Monday, December 31 & January 1 - closed

Ministry Schedule Updates

  • In-person & Zoom meditation are on break until January 3.
  • Celebration of the Word is on break until January 3.
  • Catechesis for adults and youth with Fr. Benson meets on Thursdays, December 21, 28 & January 4, and on Monday, January 8 (7:30pm in the East Conference Room) (no meetings December 25 or January 1).
  • Young Adult Coffeehouse is on break until January 7.
  • RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Inquiry is on break until January 10.

Social Justice

  • St. Matthew's Creation Care Green Team invites you to its December Zoom meeting Thursday, December 21, 6 - 7pm for a discussion of Pope Francis’ message to the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 28.
  • All are welcome to pray a Rosary for Life with Respect Life Committee members in the Cathedral on Saturday, December 23 at 12:45pm, following the 12:10pm Mass.

Music in the New Year

Epiphany Recital

St. Matthew's Cathedral Principal Organist Paul Hardy begins our Cathedral Great Organ 2024 Concert Series with a recital on our Lively-Fulcher Organ at 3:30pm on Sunday, January 7, the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. Join us in the Cathedral or via the livestream.


Adult Formation & Spirituality

Deepen Your Faith

Fr. John Benson leads catechesis for adults and youth on Thursdays, December 21, 28 & January 4, and on Monday, January 8 at 7:30pm in the East Conference Room.

Coming in January

New Zoom Study of John's Gospel

Registration is open for a 5-session, parishioner-led Bible Study on the Gospel of St. John - Part Two, on Monday evenings on Zoom beginning January 22, from 7 to 8:30pm.


National Eucharistic Revival

This year, the U.S. bishops are sponsoring a National Eucharistic Revival. The aim is to kindle love for the Risen Jesus in the Eucharist and revitalize the Catholic people’s participation in Sunday Mass. To this end, we present brief weekly meditations on the Eucharist until the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 2, 2024.

"Let everyone be struck with fear,

let the whole world tremble,

and let the heavens exult

when Christ, the Son of the Living God,

is present on the altar in the hands of a priest!

O wonderful loftiness and stupendous dignity!

O sublime humility!

O humble sublimity!

The Lord of the universe,

God and the Son of God,

So humbles Himself

That for our salvation

He hides Himself

Under an ordinary piece of bread!

…look at the humility of God,

And pour out your hearts before Him!

Humble yourselves

That you may be exalted by Him!

Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves,

That He Who gives Himself totally to you

May receive you totally!"

– St. Francis of Assisi

Ministerio Hispano

IV Domingo de Adviento

domingo 24 de diciembre

11am Posada familiar y Novena

salón de conferencias del norte

1pm Misa en español

Bendición de los Nacimientos para la casa

Solemnidad de

la Natividad del Señor


domingo 24 de diciembre

Misa Solemne de Navidad

(Bilingüe en inglés y español)

9:15pm Preludio (Schola Cantorum y Madrid String Quartet)

10pm Misa (transmitida en vivo)

Cardenal Gregory

Día de Navidad

lunes 25 de diciembre

La Catedral se abre a las 8am

9am y 11am Misas en inglés

1pm Misa en español (coro en español) (transmitida en vivo)

Fr. Benson


  • Novena de Navidad, salón de conferencias del norte:

jueves 21 de diciembre a las 6:30pm

viernes 22 de diciembre a las 6:30pm

sábado 23 de diciembre a las 6:30pm

domingo 24 de diciembre a las 11am

  • Clases de Catecismo para niños, adolescentes y adultos no hay clases los domingos 24 y 31 de diciembre y 7 de enero

  • Grupo de Oración no hay reunión del grupo de oración los martes 26 de diciembre y 2 de enero

  • El Santo Rosario por teléfono en español – todos los días a las 3pm (347-378-0694, PIN 283 201 937#) (no hay oración 24/25 de diciembre o 31 de diciembre/1 de enero)


Para más información, envíe un email a Fatima Aybar o P. John Benson o llame a la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215 

"O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death."

(from Evening Prayer, Thursday, December 21)


Msgr. Jameson and the Cathedral clergy and staff

wish you and your families a merry

and blessed Christmas, with much hope

for a peace-filled and prosperous new year!






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For our registered parishioners: Have you moved? Gotten a new phone number? Been married? Had a child, or otherwise added someone to your household? IF SO, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEND US YOUR NEW INFORMATION FOR OUR RECORDS. Thank you!

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