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Dear Kilgore Area Chamber of Commerce Partners,

Your Kilgore Area Chamber of Commerce "Email Blast" will be distributed to over 1000 chamber members, employees, and partners at a cost of only $65. It will also be shared on our FaceBook (nearly 4000 followers), Twitter, and Instagram pages. Do you have an event, new promotion, or program that you would like to share with the members? This is a great and inexpensive way of accomplishing that. The suggested image file is a jpeg, png, or pdf format. As a new member, we offer the first Email blast for free. The Chamber is not responsible for the content or layout of your ad. It must come complete in the image sent.
This is a Paid Advertisement
Powered by the Kilgore Area Chamber of Commerce
This email blast is an advertising service to allow Kilgore Area Chamber members to communicate directly to other members. The cost is $65.00 for one email blast. Suggested image file is a pdf or .jpg format. Please call Lisa or Jill at 903.984.5022 or reply to this email to schedule a blast today. It is first come, first serve and we hope so send out one to two a week.

  • The views and or comments expressed in this message do not necessarily reflect the view/comments of the Kilgore Area Chamber of Commerce. This is a paid advertisement.