Are you living with a Chronic Physical Illness?
Would you like to learn how to better cope with your illness alongside other patients who are just like you? Please join me for a unique experience to improve managing the emotional aspects of living with a Chronic Illness.

Chronic Illness Adult Group Therapy

Benefits of Group Therapy:

  • Develop vital communication skills to improve interpersonal relationships with friends, family, significant others, and coworkers

  • Learn how to better communicate with your treatment team and other medical professionals to foster better health outcomes

  • Learn how to identify life stressors and how Chronic Illness may impact interpersonal relationships

  • Learn about how Anxiety and Depression uniquely impacts PI Patients and tools to improve overall mental health

  • Decrease feelings of isolation

Wednesdays (Bi-Weekly)
7 pm
387 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor
NY, NY 10016

Cost: $80.00 (Out of Network Group Coverage May Reimburse)
Payment is due at the time of the session. I accept ZellePay (, Venmo(@Jodi-Taub)


  • Adults Living within the NYC/TriState Region

  • Attend a one time in person session to determine eligibility and appropriate fit

Living with a Chronic Illness can be challenging. I am here to help.

Jodi Taub, LCSW

Therapy for Adults, Adolescents, & Children  |  Ph: 773-818-3453