...the Church, which is His Body... (Ephesians 1:22-23)
16 October 2020
Latimer & Ridley
Message from the Rector

Render unto Caesar; Render unto God
Dear Friends in Christ,

In Sunday's gospel we hear a line of questioning that could be worthy of a Presidential debate. Hoping to trap him in giving a good soundbite, the Pharisees ask Jesus, "Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?"

The Pharisees knew that there was an expectation in the Jewish religion of tithing--giving back to God of the things that God's people received. And they also knew that the emporer's government was an occupying force over and above the Jewish religious and civic authorities. Whatever Jesus said, he was bound to get on someone's bad side.

Jesus's answer rings in our ears today: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21b, Authorized Version)

Jesus's answer at once acknowledges our temporal responsibilities. We must pay taxes for the common good. We must buy groceries and pay for clothing and shelter. Rendering unto the physical world part of what God has given us is, in part, how we make a life together. How we care for ourselves, for our families, and for those around us.

But his answer also draws our attention to the greater authority--to God who made and holds all things--to whom Creation and our very lives belong.

What does that mean to render unto God the things that are God's?

Do we give of our money? Do we give of our time? Do we give our lives, our work, our wills?

Yes. To all of it.

There's an old offertory sentence that I like that encapsulates the idea for me: "All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee." All things are God's. Anything that belongs to us, anything that's given to us, is for a time. Why wouldn't we then give just a part of that back to God to be blessed and returned for God's work of reconciliation in the world?

Over the next few weeks I and parish leaders will be asking you to think about what belongs to God--and what you will give back to God for the coming of God's kingdom in this next calendar year.

Even in the midst of the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic the consistent, faithful pledging--and fulfillment of those pledges--by members of this parish have kept our shared ministry operating. Folks are praying and getting to know Jesus. Folks are being fed. The sacraments are being celebrated. God's work of reconciliation continues, and you have joined in it through giving of yourselves. Thank you.

This year thanks to your pledges and to a fortuitous PPP loan from the CARES Act, we will meet budget this year with the lowest endowment draw on record. Next year will be tougher, however, as economic downturn from the coronavirus will continue--and our corresponding revenue may continue to suffer.

Be in touch if circumstances have changed and you are unable to pledge in the same way in 2021 because of the coronavirus. You are not alone in this difficult time.

But if you are able to, please consider an increase for 2021 to help offset the revenue losses anticipated next year.

Pray over the next few weeks about what you can do, and the treasurer will be in touch shortly with more information and a pledge card.

It's a privilege to join together with you in returning to God just a part of the blessings that God has given us. I know that God will continue to take this faithfulness and bless it, returning it for the healing of the city and world--and continuing God's reconciling work even in this most difficult time.

Yours in the hope of Christ's resurrection,

Yours faithfully in Christ,

Outdoor Mass Registration
While the 11:00am live streamed service on Sundays will continue, for now we are adding an 8:00am Rite I Low Mass and 9:00am Rite II Low Mass in the parish garden (west of the church building, accessible from the Elm Street gate).

Parishioners are asked to register online to attend the 8:00am or 9:00am mass.

Safety protocols include the following:

  • Attendance capped at 20 people; preregistry required
  • All attendees will wear masks
  • Congregants are asked to bring lawn chairs from home
  • Hand sanitizer will be used upon entry and before communion
  • Communion in one kind (Host only) will be offered
  • Social distancing of at least six feet will be observed
  • Service leaflets can be taken home or disposed, not returned to ushers
  • Offerings will be received online or in a stationery alms basin
Week Ahead
The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Low Mass, 8:00am (in the garden, by registration only)
Low Mass, 9:00am (in the garden, by registration only)
Low Mass, 11:00am (live stream only)
Compline, 9:00pm (live-stream only)

Morning Prayer is said at 8:00am every Monday through Friday. Join from the website.

A live stream broadcast of masses and services will be available via our website. Our sermons archive is available here.

See Parish Notices below for information about small group gatherings this week.
Feasts & Fasts
Teresa of Avila, Nun, 1582, October 15

Hugh Latimer & Nicholas Ridley, Bishops & Martyrs, October 16

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch and Martyr, c. 115, October 17

Saint Luke the Evangelist, October 19
Intercessions & Thanksgivings
We give thanks:

For all who are helping those in need during the pandemic;

For family, work, friends, and safety;

We pray for guidance:

For all school children; for all college and university students; for St. Hilda’s House Corps members: Caleb, Catherine, Jacob, Jane, Liam, and Oliver

We pray for those who are ill or who have immediate needs:

Shelia Graham-Smith; Frances Merry Kelley; Bruce Clinton; Mike Markowicz; Marian Myers; Dorsey Shelley; Linda Reilly; Arya Singh; Pat Gillis; Marcia Griffiths; Neeta Moore; Kermit Westerberg; Harvey Shaw; Pat Shelley; Margaret Smith; Bentley Layton; Fr. Bob and Carolyn Deming; all others suffering from illness including our President and First Lady and others in the White House and government who are infected with COVID-19; the O’Neil family, the Bergfeld family, and all others who mourn; and all who have lost their jobs resulting from the pandemic

We pray for the recently departed:

Adam LeBlanc; Rory O'Neil; Dan Bergfeld; Bishop Jim White; Lena Esposito; Ruth Bader Ginsburg; and all who have died of COVID-19

To join the Guild of Intercession, a group who pray daily for the parish and your prayer requests, or to make a prayer request or thanksgiving, please contact Don Smith.
Parish Notices
Public Services: Public services are said outside in the garden. The church building will not be open to the public during services. Please do not enter the church building for any reason until further notice.

Evensong & Benediction: Evensong and Benediction continues next Sunday, October 25th, at 5:00pm. An organ recital precedes the service at 4:30pm supported by the Marjorie Jolidon Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. The next recitalist is Nathaniel Gumbs who is Director of Chapel Music at Yale University. The church building will not be open to the public, but the recital and service will be live streamed.

Compline: Compline is sung every Sunday night at 9pm. A break will be observed between December 6, 2020 and January 10, 2021, and the final service of term is May 19, 2021. The church building will not be open to the public, but join via our website or on Facebook.

Children & Family Ministries: Church School continues this Sunday via Zoom. Ms. Melia will tell a story and we'll wonder together during this 30-minute period. For the Zoom link, email Ms. Melia.

Sunday Forum: The Sunday Forum meets this Sunday, October 18th, at 10:00am for online fellowship--a virtual coffee hour. Bring a coffee or tea and join us on Zoom.

All Souls' Requiem Mass Monday, Nov 2, 6:00pm: Sunday, November 1, is All Saints' Day; Monday, November 2, is All Souls' Day. The parish will remember those who have died with a live streamed requiem mass with special intentions for those who have died of the coronavirus this year. Submit names to be remembered at mass via this form; contact the parish office for more information.

David O'Sullivan to Retire: After 33 years as Executive Director of the Community Soup Kitchen, David O'Sullivan announced that he will retire in early 2021. We give thanks for David's leadership in providing meals to New Haven citizens in need and his friendship with this parish for over four decades. Stay tuned for opportunities to say thank you to David before year's end.

Pop-Up Pantry Program: The Community Soup Kitchen partners with other area organizations to provide food items for New Haven residents each week. The Pop-up Pantry program operates at a rotation of New Haven schools on Wednesdays from 2-6pm. To sign up to volunteer, click here. Further details and questions may be directed by email to the Community Soup Kitchen.

Morning Prayer is offered Monday through Friday at 8:00am using the Zoom platform. You may join by video conference by clicking here or dial in from your phone to 929-436-2866 and entering meeting ID 726 241 020. Press the # key twice after entering the meeting ID. This information is also available at our website.

Book of Common Prayer: While the church building is closed, you may access a copy of the Book of Common Prayer, which includes the service of Morning Prayer, online at this link.

Community Soup Kitchen continues to feed hungry New Haven neighbors during the pandemic. While volunteers aren't needed at present, contributions are. You may contribute at the CSK website.

Online resources:

Book of Common Prayer, online in pdf format

CDC Guidance regarding the coronavirus

Yale Public Health explainer regarding coronavirus pandemic