Embrace Grace
St. Paul is excited to be walking with two Moms this Fall. Both Jess and Faith are due the same date in January and are having boys. Embrace Grace was created to give women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy hope and love.
Being pro-life is more than a belief or a vote, it is sharing Jesus. We are honored to
support these two brave women who have chosen life.
Please join us for our next Embrace Grace - St. Paul Baby Shower on Saturday,
November 16, at 2:00 pm in the Ministry Center.
You may purchase gifts from the links below or from any store, gift cards are welcome too. Please place UNWRAPPED gifts in the box in the ministry center or you can ship them directly to the address listed on Amazon. We will be sorting the gifts and dividing them up between Jess and Faith. Thank you for your prayers and support, we could not do this ministry without you! Question or for more information call Lisa Goss 989-450-8128.
Faith's Amazon Gift Registry - click here.
Jessica's Amazon Gift Registry - click here.
Wreath Pick Up Information
Pick up your wreaths at one of the following locations and times.
School Parking Lot: Friday, November 22 from 3:00-3:30 p.m.
Ministry Center (at the portico entrance): Sunday, November 24, after both services.
If you are not available during these pickup times, contact Kristen Glasser to make arrangements: 989-529-2962. If you have not paid for your preordered wreath, cash or check made out to Artisans Landscaping can be mailed or dropped off at the school office. Thank you for supporting the Art Program at St. Paul Lutheran School!
Youth Group Greeting Card Fundraiser
This Sunday morning the Youth Group will be selling greeting cards to raise money for the Nation Youth Gathering. The cards have been generously donated and prepackaged into sets of five, or single cards for specific occasions. Please check them out and support a great cause. Thank you!
Thanksgiving Display and Donations
The Elders are planning to include a cornucopia display in the altar area for the Thanksgiving worship services again this year. Collected items will be donated to a local food pantry. Those interested in contributing food to the display may bring their donations to church now until November 24. Please leave them in the corner of the narthex near the basement stairs. Thank you for supporting the needs of our community in this way.
Christmas Decorations in Church - Help Requested
The Elders are welcoming anyone interested in preparing the church sanctuary for the upcoming Christmas celebration. We'll turn on some Christmas music, sling some garland, and get those trees a sparklin'. If you are available Saturday, November 30, at 3:30 p.m., please come and help!
With the Christmas season fast approaching, it is time to place your poinsettia orders! Please consider getting your orders in before December 1, 2024.
If anyone is interested in purchasing poinsettias for the Christmas season, please contact Barb Appold at 989-686-7548 or Brenda Weiss at 989-798-2308 for prices, sizes and ordering.
Screen Team - Help Needed!
Our video display team desires to add another late service screen operator. We'd like enough members so that each serves for one Sunday per month. Training is available. Call Don Krueger at 989-895-5737 if interested.
Youth Pancake Breakfast
Thank you to everyone that came out to support the Youth at the Pancake Breakfast. We are happy to serve almost 200 people and raised over $1,300!! These funds will be used to support the trip to the National Youth Gathering in the summer. A special THANK YOU to Miss Tiffany, for organizing this event.
Thank You
The family of Diane Rachwitz would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the St. Paul Lutheran church family for the overwhelming support and love shown to us during the recent loss of our beloved Diane Rachwitz. Your prayers, comforting words, and acts of kindness have been a source of great strength and solace during this difficult time.
Thank You
"St. Paul Family,
We are writing to express our sincere gratitude for the warm welcome we experienced at St. Paul. Your kindness has made us feel right at home. We are looking forward to being a part of your family.
Our best, Shelley Rieger & Mark Kuizenga."
Book Fair - Thank You!
Once again, St. Paul families generously supported our Book Fair! We earned $2,800 Scholastic Dollars to be used for books and resources. Shoppers also donated 80 new books to St. Paul. Thrivent made it possible to give 42 students new books and prizes.
A special thank you to Gretchen Jurek, Sheri Lusher, Megan Kusterer, Kristen Fisher, Lu Britton, Bonnie List, Jennifer Zielinski, Amanda Boyle, Carol Hayward, Clarissa Marter, Kelly Schimm, Debbie Garcia, Rachel Appold, Jeff Glasser, and Melissa Garcia who kindly gave of their time and talents. Thanks also to our student volunteers, Lilly, Lainy, Sofia, Nora, Mya, and Shay, who assisted with set up and clean up. You helped to make the Book Fair a huge success. I am so thankful for you. - Kristen Glasser
Do You Need A Box of Offering Envelopes?
As we prepare the new giving envelopes for 2025, please consider electronic giving for your tithes and offerings. If you received a box this year but do not need one in the future, please contact the office to opt out of envelopes. You would still receive a yearly statement of contributions. On the other hand, if you haven't received a box of envelopes and would like to request one so that you will receive a contribution statement, please also contact the office. Thank you!
Church Membership
The elders are currently in the process of "cleaning up" the membership rolls to better reflect who actually belongs to St. Paul. If you are not in the habit of signing the attendance sheet, please do so! It makes our reports much easier to read.
Can & Bottle Drive - Youth Group
The St. Paul Youth Group will be having a Returnable Can & Bottle Collection Fundraiser during the month of November. Money raised will be used toward expenses for our students attending the 2025 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Look for the Begick Nursery trailer in the Ministry Center parking lot beginning November 1st to drop off your bagged returnable can & bottle donations. Thank you for your support of the St. Paul youth who will be attending the 2025 LCMS National Youth Gathering. Please contact Vicki Begick (989-525-3733) with any questions regarding the Can & Bottle Drive.
Ladies Aid Christmas Party
Dear Ladies Aid members- Please plan on attending our annual Christmas party. This year it will be held at the Ministry Center on Monday, December 2. Cost is $20.00 per person. Social hour begins at 5:00 p.m., with dinner at 6:00 p.m. Deadline to signup is November 25. For questions please contact Cindy Eastman 989-686-7365.
Ladies Aid Bake Sale
The St. Paul Ladies Aid will be having a donut hour and bake sale this year on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Donut hour will be from 8:30-9:30 a.m., with the bake sale from 9:30-11:00 a.m. We plan to have all of our traditional German treats including eisenkuechle, springerle, stollen, butter horns, breads, and sauerkraut. Any congregation members interested in donating baked goods or helping to work the Bake Sale, please contact Diane Behmlander at 989-297-3485, Jennifer Zielinski at 989-450-9805, Shelley Appold at 989-482-6617, Tammy Jaskiewicz at 989-385-0898 or Betty Stieve at 989-321-1442.
Ladies Aid Bake Sale Help Needed
Ladies Aid Bake Sale committee is looking for some help to get ready for the big day. On Thursday, December 5, we need fryers for the Eisenkuechles and Friday, December 6, we need bread makers. We would welcome any help and any shifts you are available. If interested or have any questions, call Diane Behmlander at 989-297-3485, Jennifer Zielinski at 989-450-9805, Shelley Appold at 989-482-6617, Tammy Jaskiewicz at 989-385-0898 or Betty Stieve at 989-321-1442.