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The Messenger

Vol. 84 + No. 33

August 19, 2022

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Children pray a whole-body prayer during the annual Blessing of the Backpacks on August 14.

Appreciation Breakfast for our Outreach and Welcome Team - This Sunday

John 14:2   “In my Father’s house are many rooms” ... and that is why you need a guide!

Imagine going to a new place -- a very large place with many big imposing doors -- and trying to find your way without Siri or Alexa or even Google maps! 

At Church Street, we have LIVE people who provide that service every Sunday and at special events. 

In recognition of this important volunteer service at the church, we would like to invite all ushers, greeters, acolytes (and families), and altar guild members to attend a celebration in the Parish Hall on Sunday August 21 from 9:15 to 10 am.

There will be a light breakfast and an opportunity to mingle with your fellow volunteers who have provided these valuable services over the years. 

Four-Course Dinner Group to Resume! Register by Aug. 22

Four Course Dinner Group is Back at Church Street! After 2 1/2 years of pandemic closure, Four-Course Dinner Small Group will resume in September 2022!

Here’s the dealYou (plus one) will join 4 to 6 other people making a total of 6 or 8 to a group who, like you, love to socialize, eat, and make friends. Each couple will host a dinner in their home with the others bringing an appetizer and a side dish, salad and bread OR dessert. The host will provide the entree, drinks, and set the table! By the end, you will have each provided part of the meal. OR, you can host your group OUT to dinner on separate checks.

Your dinner group will have 3-4 dinners between Sept. 1, 2022 and Jan. 31, 2023—five months.

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND REGISTER: Please note that the times on the registration form are simply the registration period, not when the event/dinners themselves are taking place. Dinner times are to be determined by each group. You and a spouse, partner, or friend will sign up for the group. **NOTE - when you register, have one person in your two-person group register for both people so we can identify the pairings! The deadline to sign up is August 22, 2022.  

If you are new to Church StreetUMC and have questions, please call Ann Reego—865-680-8288 or email ann.reego@gmail.com. We hope you will join us. We promise you will enjoy every minute!

From Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Dear Friends,


It has been almost eight years since I assumed the role of Minister of Spiritual Enrichment at Church Street, and I must say I have cherished my time of serving the congregation in this capacity. Throughout this span and my eleven-year previous appointment here, you have opened your homes and very souls to me, sharing your deepest thoughts and prayers, and have inspired me when I found my own witness flagging. Where would I be without your love, kindness, and generosity? All these I consider sacred gifts. 


But what does one do with such treasured memories? As I end this chapter

of pastoring on August 20 to spend more time with family, I shall take my cue from Longfellow, who embraced the memories of the times he spent with his three young daughters:


I have you fast in my fortress, and will not let you depart,

But put you down into the dungeon, in the round-tower of my heart.

And there will I keep you forever, yes, forever and a day,

Till the walls shall crumble to ruin, and moulder to dust away!*

My husband Dwight and I will continue as part of this congregation which welcomed us so warmly in the nineties, and we will continue to cheer you on as you grow in your faith and discipleship under the leadership of your stellar appointed clergy and incomparable staff.


With love and gratitude,

Pastor Jan

*The Children’s Hour, HW Longfellow, 1863

Stop by the Parish Hall for Coffee with Jan on Sunday, August 28 between 9:30 am-10:30 am (the Sunday School hour). If you would like to make a gift in honor of Pastor Jan, she requests that you designate your gift to the Church Street Building Fund.

SCAM Emails Circulating

Please be advised: Emails from Church Street clergy and staff will come from the @churchstreetumc.org email. 

Scammers have found a way to pretend to be clergy and staff and write emails asking you to buy them gift cards to various outlets. We will never ask you to buy secretive gift cards! Please always make sure you read the email address (not just the name in the "From" line of your email) to ensure it's really from someone at church. If you receive one of these emails or if you aren't sure about the sender, please forward the email to Kelly Woods: kwoods@churchstreetumc.org.  

Worship Opportunities

Sunday, August 21

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

8:30 & 11 am at 900 Henley Street

10 am on Rejoice! WBXX-TV & 11 am on YouTube


Rev. Catherine Nance

Luke 13:10-17


Now Thank We All Our God, arr. Michael Rosewall

Parish Youth Choir (8:30 am, nave)

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, arr. William C. Witherup

Parish Adult Choir (11 am, nave)

If Ye Love Me, arr. Philip Wilby

Virtual Parish Adult Choir (Rejoice! and online)

Lectionary Readings for this week:

Jeremiah 1:4-10, Isaiah 58:9b-14, Hebrews 12:18-29, Luke 13:10-17

COVID Community Level is MEDIUM 

The CDC Covid Community Level was last updated on 8/11 to medium in our county. If you are at a high risk for severe illness, talk to your healthcare provider about the need to wear a mask or take other precautions.

*The COVID-19 community level is determined by the higher of the new admissions and inpatient beds metrics, based on the current level of new cases per 100,000 population in the past 7 days.

See the calendar listings below. If you would like a link to one of the following Zoom meetings, or if your group would like to set up a Zoom meeting, please contact Kate Spencer at kspencer@churchstreetumc.org or 865-521-0268, she will help set you up on the church account!

Ongoing Worship, Sunday School, Children, Youth & Music Meetings:

  • Worship: Sundays, 8:30 & 11 am, Nave; Rejoice! at 10 am (WBXX); YouTube at 11 am
  • Sunday School Classes meeting In-Person, at 9:40 am Sundays:
  • Cattywampus - CLC 122
  • Covenant - 309-E
  • Discovery - CLC 124
  • Epworth - CLC 123
  • Friends in Christ - on hiatus until September
  • Followers - room 310
  • Murphy Builders / Pathfinders - room 204
  • Parables - 118
  • Potter's Wheel - Chiles room
  • Seekers - 201-C
  • Youth (CLC)
  • Children (Children's classrooms)
  • Sunday School Classes Meeting in person and online (hybrid) currently, at 9:40 am on Sundays:
  • Open Door - meeting Sundays now through August at 7 pm on Zoom
  • Partners - Parlor
  • Crossroads - 201-A
  • Youth Choir - Sundays, 3:45 pm, Rehearsal Room and Parish Hall 
  • Children's Choir & Dinner - Sundays, 4:45 pm, Rehearsal Room and Parish Hall 
  • NightLife - Sundays, 5 pm, Parish Hall 
  • Parish Adult Choir Rehearsal - Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, Rehearsal Room
  • Youth Band - Wednesdays, 7 pm, CLC11

Upcoming Meetings & Events (by Zoom unless a room is noted):

  • Parish Health Team: Sunday, 12:15 pm, Chiles Room
  • Stephen Ministers Peer Supervision: Sunday, 1:30 pm, CLC 120
  • Permanent Endowment Committee: Monday, 5 pm
  • Singles Bridge: Mondays, 6 pm, 201-C
  • Service Circle: Tuesday, 9:30 am, CLC 122
  • Church Council: Tuesday, 6 pm, Chapel
  • BOH Ladies Lunch & Learn: Wednesday, 12 pm, Vestal UMC
  • Soup Kitchen: Thursdays, 11 am, Parish Hall
  • Sharing Shop: Thursday, 11:30 am, CLC
  • Parish Health Team: Thursday, 5 pm

Click here to see the online calendar.

Our Prayers

Christian love and sympathy to:

The family and friends of John Pearson, brother of Jean Galyon, who died on August 15.

Recently Hospitalized:

Sarah Keller


Mary Catherine Beach married Anthony Bachner on June 4 in Knoxville. The bride's parents are Poppy and Cliff Beach.

Our Presence

August 14 - 558 Total

Online Worship - 126

In-Person Worship - 432

8:30 am - 170

11 am - 246

Nursery - 16


Anna Elmore

Soup Kitchen: Floyd & Mary Brogden


Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Building Fund: Janice Hixson, David & Stephanie Northington, Loretta Best, Frank & Kathie Bemis, Dash Roberts, Burton & Katherine West, Gene & Sandra Flinter

Tim Ward

Children/Youth Choirs: Burton & Katherine West

Altar Flowers

The Chancel Altar Flowers are given in honor of Church Street Clergy by Terrye and Larry Danner.

All are welcome at Church Street!
We believe every person is of sacred worth and created in God’s image. We welcome and celebrate the gifts God has given to all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, disability, status, economic condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious affiliation. We respect diversity of opinion and expressions of Christian faith. We believe God loves everyone unconditionally! As God loves us, so let us love and serve in the name of Christ.

Church Street United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 1303, Knoxville, TN 37901
Office: 865-524-3048 Fax: 865-521-0288 Pastor On-Call: 865-320-9100
Please call the church office to reach a specific member of our staff.
Get in Touch!
See what's happening on our social sites:
Facebook  Instagram  Youtube