Church & Politics

3rd Edition March 1, 2022 Primary Election

It is an act of dicipleship to vote

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Never more have we needed righteous candidates to lead our nation. We need Champions of American Freedom who will uphold the very core of the nation, which is the American family as instituted by God and blessed by the Jewish and Christian faiths.

Please use this guide voter guide which identifies Righteous candidates, listed by Elected Position. If the name is in red color, you may get more information by clicking on their name to open their website, or Facebook page.

Righteous Candidates

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Early Voting: 2/14-25th

Click here to view Election Sites/Polls

Election Day March 1, 2022

Click here to find your representatives

Federal Offices

U. S. Rep Dist 15

Mauro Garza

U. S. Rep Dist 20

Kyle Sinclair

U. S. Rep Dist 21

Michael A. French

Chip Roy

U. S. Rep Dist 23

Alma Arredondo-Lynch

Tony Gonzales

U. S. Rep Dist 28

Sandra Whitten

Willie Vasquez Ng

U. S. Rep Dist 35

State Offices

Governor's Race

Allen West

Lieutenant Governor

Todd M. Bullis♥

Daniel Miller♥

Aaron Sorrells♥

Attorney Genereal

Louie Gohmert

Comp of Public Accounts

Michael Burlanga

Comm of the General Land Office

Weston Martinez

Comm of Agriculture

James White

Sid Miller♥

Railroad Commissioner

Wayne Christian

State Board of ED, Dist 1

Michael "Travis" Stevens

State Senator, Dist 25

Donna Campbell

State Senator, Dist 26

Ashton Murray

State Rep., Dist 118

John Lujan♥

State Repl, Dist 121

Steve Allison

Justice, 4th Court of Appeals Dist 6

Todd McCray❤

District Judge, 144th Judicial District

Lorina I. Rummel♥

District Judge, 186th Judicial District

Daphne Previti Austin

District Judge, 225th Judicial District

Renee Yanta

County Offices

Bexar County Chair Rep

John Austin

Jeff McManus

Bexar County Judge

Nathan Buchanan

Judge, County Court at Law No. 8

Ashley Foster

Judge, County Court at Law No. 11

Tommy Stolhandske♥

Judge, County Court at Law No. 14

Susan Skinner ❤

District Clerk

Misty Spears ❤

Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 3, Place 1

Julie Bray Patterson

Criminal District Attorney

Meredith Chacon❤

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♥ Red heart notes/ designates church membership

Questions/ Comments?


Here are the 10 Primary ballot propositions: Keep in mind that this is an opinion poll of Republican voters and not a policy referendum. You are not voting to make a law but merely saying YES you agree or NO you do not agree with the statement. 

1)In light of the federal government's refusal to defend the southern border, Texas should immediately deploy the National Guard, Texas Military Forces, and necessary state law enforcement to seal the border, enforce immigration laws, and deport illegal aliens.

2.) Texas should eliminate all property taxes within ten (10) years without implementing a state income tax.

3.) Texans should not lose their jobs, nor should students be penalized, for declining a COVID-19 vaccine.

4.) Texas schools should teach students basic knowledge and American exceptionalism and reject Critical Race Theory and other curricula that promote Marxist doctrine and encourage division based on creed, race, or economic status.

5.) Texas should enact a State Constitutional Amendment to defend the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, from fertilization until natural death.

6.) The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature should end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats.

7.) Texas should protect the integrity of our elections by verifying that registered voters are American citizens, restoring felony penalties and enacting civil penalties for vote fraud, and fighting any federal takeover of state elections.

8.) Texas should ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for sex transition purposes.

9.)Texas parents and guardians should have the right to select schools, whether public or private, for their children, and the funding should follow the student.

10.) Texans affirm that our freedoms come from God and that the government should have no control over the conscience of individuals.