The Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Field Notes

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Click here for Livestream/YouTube links for all Sunday services.

Prayer List

This Week's Lectionary

For Pastoral Care 

Call 215-247-7466 and leave a message. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Laura Palmer at 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message. 

Have you had an address, email, or phone number update? Send Your Update here

Should you wish to have something considered for inclusion in Field Notes, requests must be submitted by Tuesday at noon to We will review your request and determine if its contents are appropriate for Field Notes and/or Sunday Announcements. Please note that some requests may be denied due to length constraints or unsuitability.

Sunday Worship

December 22nd, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (spoken)

In person

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist for Children, Youth, & Families

In person

10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist

In person

A Note from

Rev. Laura

Nothing says Christmas like a Parish Hall basement. Each year I wait for the moment when I feel Christmas comes and thoroughly lodges into my waiting heart.       

It’s sometimes at “The Messiah” in that moment when the audience stands as it has for hundreds of years for the “Hallelujah Chorus.” But there are other times when Christmas arrives that are less majestic and soaring but just as real.

It happened for me this week when I sat on the steps in the Parish Hall basement as the choristers sang hymns in preparation for the Christmas pageant. Continue reading here.

Recording of the Blue Christmas Service:  

In case you missed the tender and powerful "Blue Christmas" service on December 17th, below is a link. Leslie Newbold gave an exquisite reflection about her son, William's death. She captures the complex feelings of those who are grieving in the midst of the happiness and joy of the Christmas season.  

I can't recommend this service highly enough. It is deeply reflective and hopeful. (Leslie's reflection comes approximately 29 minutes into the service,)

Blue Christmas Service, Dec. 17th


Winter Solstice Walk

THIS Saturday, December 21st

Walk begins shortly before dusk (approx. 4:45 p.m.)

Meet at Valley Green Inn

7 Valley Green Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19128

St. Martin's Climate Action Team will join forces with Our Mother of Consolation Parish for a Winter Solstice Walk on Saturday, December 21st, the day of the solstice. We will gather at Valley Green Inn shortly before dusk, then walk along Forbidden Drive for a contemplative service under the lights of the path. Please dress warmly. RSVPs are not required, but any questions can be directed to Jason Martin at

Flower Guild Invitation

Mon. Dec 23rd, 9:30 - noon

Please do join the Flower Guild as we prepare flower arrangements for Christmas services on Monday, December 23rd. We will gather at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary, and we will be done before noon. All are welcome! Bring a friend. Clippers are helpful if you have them. No experience needed. Snacks will be provided. Questions? Please contact Annette: 267-981-4754

Let's Light the Way Home!

2025 Annual Giving Update

Pledges to date: $499,117

77% of goal met so far!

153 households have pledged including

21 new or returning pledges

As of today, 153 families have pledged $499,117 to support St. Martin’s mission and ministry in 2025. For those of you who have yet to make a pledge, take a moment to think about what St. Martin’s means to you. In the past, in the present, in the future. As you think of these blessings, please also think about how to nourish, extend, and increase them. Your pledge does that. 

Our Annual Giving pledge goal is $650,000. About 380 families consider themselves members of St. Martin’s. We need everyone who is lifted up by belonging to St. Martin’s to participate in the Annual Giving pledge campaign. Pledges received by the end of December will enable us to firm up our 2025 budget. It’s not too late to include your family into those pledging financial support to St. Martin’s for 2025!

Stewardship Committee's

BBQ & Beer

On this past Wednesday night, 85 members of the St. Martin’s community were welcomed by the Stewardship Committee to celebrate the holiday season at what is becoming their signature annual BBQ & Beer feast. 

Guests young and old reveled in the holiday music, the warmth of the community and the opportunity to spend time together sharing a meal. Here’s to another year of growing, giving, and sharing! 

Children, Youth, & Families

Dear St. Martin's Families,

For any would-be performers who haven't been able to make Wednesday night rehearsals, we are adding an additional Pageant rehearsal this Sunday, December 22nd at 9:45 a.m. in the church immediately following the 9:00 a.m. service. At that rehearsal we will help any last minute performers get a role and a costume in advance of the Pageant on Christmas Eve. For those that already have a part, we'll do a brief walk-through of the Pageant.


Angel, Justina, and Rev. Luke

Christmas Pageant Rehearsal Registration!

Children of all ages and youth are invited to join Director Angel Wentz and Rev. Luke to put on this year's Christmas Pageant at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Please register your performers here.

Pageant: Tuesday, Dec. 24th

(Call Time: 4 p.m., Pageant: 5:00 p.m.)

Make an Animal Mask for the 3:00p.m. Christmas Eve Service

Are you planning to join us at the 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service for Infants and Toddlers (and their families)? We'll have a special mini-pageant as we sing "The Friendly Beasts" song. There will be animal masks available when you arrive, but if you like to you're welcome to make one in advance.

A Dove
A Sheep (with curly horn)
A Donkey (shaggy & brown)
A Cow (All White & Red) -- can be colored!

Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 24th

3:00 p.m. Infant and Toddlers’ Christmas Holy Eucharist

5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist with Pageant and Music

10:00 p.m: Organ and Choral Christmas Music

10:30 p.m: Festival Choral Eucharist for Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 25th

10:30 a.m: Holy Eucharist with Music

Christmas Office Hours

The Parish Office will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24th through Wednesday, Jan. 1st. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Laura Palmer 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message.

Pausing for Christmas Break

Field Notes - Returns January 3rd

Adult Forum - Returns January 8th

Blessed Baking - Resumes January 3rd

St. Luke's Food Donation Wagons - Resumes January 10th

Please do not leave food, including non-perishables, in the wagons outside the Parish House over the holidays. Thank you!


As Carol Duncan, our deacon, recently announced, she'll be officially retiring on January 5th. We will have a celebratory reception for her after the 10:30 a.m. service. 

She will be preaching her final sermon on Dec. 29th and hopes many of you will be able to attend.

Carol has lovingly and faithfully served St. Martin's for twelve years. It is hard to think of an aspect of our lives together that she has not included her in one way or another. Many of you may not realize that as a deacon, Carol was unpaid. Please be generous in contributing to the purse we have established to honor her years of Service to St. Martin's. 

We have all been immeasurably blessed by her presence among us. While she will remain as a parishioner, which softens the news of her retirement, she will be stepping back from her ministerial roles here. I have been deeply grateful to serve alongside Carol as a clergy colleague. ~ Rev. Laura+

To contribute towards Rev. Carol's purse:

  • Go to the Giving page of St. Martin's website: Click the "Give Now" button. Under the "Select Fund" drop down menu, select "Purse Gifts". Please write “Rev.Carol’s Purse” in the memo line. 
  • Write a check to St. Martin's with "Rev. Carol's Purse" in the memo line. Please put it in the offering plate or leave it in Lorie Hershey’s mailbox in the Parish House. 

At the Dec. 11th Adult Forum, we heard an informative presentation from Ali Corr, corporate relations manager for Philabundance, about that indispensable nonprofit's work to combat hunger in the greater Philadelphia region.

Lousy, wet, windy weather combined with holiday bustle limited attendance at the forum to a mere handful. That was a shame, since Ali shared a useful rundown of the impressive array of anti-hunger programs that Philabundance runs that could use a helping hand either from volunteers or donors.

To a) thank her for making the long slog up from Philabundance's South Philly warehouse and b) share info to help you decide your holiday charitable giving, we recorded her talk as well as the slide deck she used. On the last slide, you'll find a QR code for ease of online giving.

Please email Tyrone at for the recording and slide presentation.

Our Wednesday Adult Forums will resume on January 8th, 2025, at 7pm. More information below in the "Coming Up" section.

A Message from the Infectious Diseases Committee

Friends, cases of influenza are surging across the country, right on schedule. Influenza A is the dominant strain, and like all flu, can be especially dangerous for young children and older adults, whose immune systems are not as robust as younger adults’. COVID, RSV, and pertussis are all making the rounds. There are vaccines for all these diseases and your Medicine Cabinet encourages you to consider getting your shots to protect yourself and others. In addition, there is a nasty mycoplasma (bacterial) pneumonia taking hold in many areas, including Philadelphia. There isn’t a vaccine for this, but good infection hygiene — hand washing, masking, and maintaining a healthy distance from people who are showing symptoms — can help keep you safe, as with all the respiratory bugs. If you have any symptoms of infection, please take good care of yourself and others by isolating. New tests are available that can rapidly diagnose either COVID or influenza, and you might consider having some on hand. Many insurance programs cover these. Good luck and good health! If you have any questions, please contact any of us.

~ Sandy Abrams, Jim Buehler, Dick Dupuis, Lydia Ogden, Nate Pierce

Letter from the Concilio and Edwards Family

Dear Saint Martin’s Family,

Your prayers for our daughter/granddaughter, Claire Concilio, these past nine years has meant the world to us. We have not ever felt alone in our long, difficult journey that began when Claire received a diagnosis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (ALS in babies) right after her first birthday. Claire has endured 4 major surgeries for her spine and hips as well as 5 other surgeries on her legs, ankles and arms. While God did not grant us our prayer of allowing Claire to walk, He has given her the best health of her life since her full spinal fusion surgery in March. We are looking forward to giving Claire a more normal childhood now, one not dominated by surgeries. With Claire's stabilization, this seems like the right time to thank you all one last time, and then remove Claire's name from the weekly prayer list.

Five years after moving from Philadelphia, we are still trying to find another church that even approaches the spirit we found at St. Martin‘s. We will always be grateful to you. And, St. Martin's will always be in our hearts.

Yours, Amy Concilio, Gus Concilio and Barb Edwards 


Sermon Transcript

The Rev. Luke Selles

December 15, 2024: Fourth Sunday of Advent

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. The Lord is near.” In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, as we lit the third candle in our Advent Wreath, we prayed and reflected on Joy. And, as you’ve likely noticed, that candle, like our liturgical color this Sunday, has changed from blue to pink. What’s going on here?

Continue reading here.

Coming Up

Wednesday Adult Forums Resuming in January

Our Wednesday Adult Forums will resume on January 8th, 2025, at 7pm. The topic for our first forum in 2025 is "Immigration." Jeff Meade and Mary Anne Delaney, will review the activities of our Refugee Resettlement Committee along with new regional initiatives in anticipation of the changes to come after January 20th with a new administration.

After a successful pilot program from Sept.-Dec. this year, the Forums will remain permanently on Wednesdays evenings for the foreseeable future.

~ Rev. Laura

Epiphany Fireside Tea & Sherry

Sundays, Jan. 12th through Mar. 2nd, from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Houston Room

All are invited to attend a cozy gathering beside the Houston Room fireplace complete with tea, hot chocolate, and of course, per St. Martin's tradition, sherry! If you are able, please consider bringing a treat or additional beverage to share! RSVPs are not required.

Wednesday Noon Eucharist

Mary Chapel

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Weekdays at 7:30 a.m.

Email morningprayer@ for link.

Wellspring Worship Reflections

After the 10:30 a.m. service

Houston Room

Biblical Studies on Zoom

or by phone

Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Please contact Cathy Glazer for the Zoom information.

Blessed Baking

Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

Parking Lot

Non-Perishable Food Collection for St. Luke's

Ongoing: Please deliver to the wagons on the Parish House porch.

Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118 | 215.247.7466
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