The Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Field Notes

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Click here for Livestream/YouTube links for all Sunday services.

Prayer List

This Week's Lectionary

For Pastoral Care 

Call 215-247-7466 and leave a message. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Laura Palmer at 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message. 

Have you had an address, email, or phone number update? Send Your Update here

Should you wish to have something considered for inclusion in Field Notes, requests must be submitted by Tuesday at noon to We will review your request and determine if its contents are appropriate for Field Notes and/or Sunday Announcements. Please note that some requests may be denied due to length constraints or unsuitability.

Sunday Worship

December 8, 2024

Second Sunday of Advent

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (spoken)

In person

9:00 a.m. Advent Come & Sing for Children, Youth, & Families

In person

10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist

In person

5:00 p.m. Advent Lessons & Carols

In person

Thank you for your patience as we remedy our live-streaming problems. It has been a difficult process to try and homogenise our Frankenstein system but this week I installed a new streaming platform and an improved hearing assist system. Ushers can help you with the new headphones and listening devices. Those online can join on our YouTube page or through our website: Please continue to be patient as we are sure to have some initial glitches as our system is integrated but we hope to stream both the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist and the 5:00 p.m. Advent Carols Service this Sunday. Cantate Domino! – Tyrone Whiting, Director of Music & Arts 

A Note from

Rev. Carol

With ambivalent feelings of both anticipation and regret, I am announcing my retirement from the active Diaconate.

My farewell sermon will be Dec. 29. There will be a reception and celebration of my ministry in early January. I hope you will all come to both. I want to tell you how much I have loved being your Deacon. The good news for me is Bishop Gutierrez has agreed I can remain as a parishioner with you. So I’m not leaving the congregation, but I will no longer function in any official capacity. I have been a Deacon for 28 years. I’ve been at St. Martin’s for 12 years... Continue reading here

A Note from

Rev. Laura

The news of our Deacon, Carol Duncan’s, retirement is a turning point for St. Martin’s. Carol has been a loyal and faithful deacon, serving clergy and our parish with steadfastness and devotion for the past twelve years. It is hard to imagine not having her as a clergy colleague. But what softens the blow is that Carol will continue on among us as a parishioner. Carol’s selfless service has touched every area of our ministry here. Continue reading here.


THIS Sunday, December 8th

Advent Lessons & Carols, 5:00 p.m.

Join us in the joyful anticipation of a new church year at our Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 8, at 5:00 p.m. Immerse yourself in the sacred beauty of the season with scripture readings and music sung by the Choir and Section Leaders of St. Martin's. Set against the warm glow of candlelight, this cherished annual service invites reflection, inspires hope, and fosters a sense of community as we prepare for the joy of Christmas. All are welcome.

THIS Sunday, December 8th

Advent Dinners

Following the Advent Lessons and Carols service, join in the annual St. Martin's Advent Dinners. Prior sign-up needed. Any questions, please email Rev. Carol at

CYF Advent Dinner in Parish Hall. More details in the CYF section below.

Christmas Memorial Flowers

If you would like to make a donation to this year's Christmas Flower Fund in honor of, or thanksgiving for, a loved one, please contact Connie Haggard at As is St. Martin's tradition, we will also memorialize each loved one's name in our Christmas service leaflets. Please submit names no later than Sunday, December 15th.

Let's Light the Way Home!

2025 Annual Giving Update

Pledges to date: $468,457

72% of goal met so far!

131 households have pledged including

17 new or returning pledges

As of today, 131 families have pledged $468,457 to support St. Martin’s mission and ministry in 2025. Our heartfelt thanks to all who have made pledges so far! For those of you who have yet to make a pledge, take a moment to think about what St. Martin’s means to you. In the past, in the present, in the future. We are at the brink of a bright future! We have a growing children’s, youth, and families program. Our music program continues to set the bar. We are imminently welcoming our new rector. As you think of these blessings, please also think about how to nourish, extend, and increase them. Your pledge does that. 

Our Annual Giving pledge goal is $650,000. About 380 families consider themselves members of St. Martin’s. We need everyone who is lifted up by belonging to St. Martin’s to participate in the Annual Giving pledge campaign. Pledges received by the end of December will enable us to firm up our 2025 budget. The budget that funds all the good works and exciting activities of our parish. Your commitment and support are essential as we plant our seeds for 2025. Be thankful for our bounty. And commit to the future harvest.  


Adult Forum: Ali Corr from Philabundance

December 11, 2024

7 p.m., Houston Room

The holidays are a time when we're urged to think of those experiencing hunger or food insecurity, and to donate food to help them. But do you ever wonder how big a problem hunger really is in our region and what are the most effective strategies to combat it? Come to the forum this Wednesday to hear from Ali Corr, a member of the leadership team at Philabundance, our city's biggest food bank. Under CEO Loree Jones, Philabundance has been working to develop a data-informed, impact-oriented strategy to lessen hunger's impact on local lives, not merely to move cans from one shelf to another.

Children, Youth, & Families

Dear St. Martin's Family,

To guide your family's devotions this year, I've adapted a devotional guide from Muscadine Press for Advent Wreaths, which comes in the form of prayer cards for each Sunday's candle-lighting ritual. The link to a pdf version is below along with the resources that the Climate Action Team shared on November 24th for a sustainable Christmas. If you would like a printed copy of the devotional cards, please email me, and I'll be happy to make one for you.

There are many things happening here at St. Martin's this season. I hope to see you on Sunday at our special "Come & Sing service" or at our CYF dinner following the Advent Lessons & Carols service, which are open to everyone.


The Rev. Luke Selles (they/them)

Advent Wreath Devotional Guide 
Sustainable Christmas Ideas (from the Climate Action Team)

This Sunday, December 8th, there will be a special 9:00 a.m. service. Rather than a Eucharist, join us as we sing beloved Advent hymns, enjoy breakfast, and decorate ornaments. There will also be a special surprise guest. All are welcome!

This Sunday, December 8th: CYF Advent Dinner

5:00 p.m. Advent Lessons & Carols service 

(Childcare provided)

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Cocktail Party for Parents & Guardians 

(Childcare provided)

6:30-7:30 p.m. Dinner Party

After the Advent Lessons and Carols service, Barbara Thomson will be hosting a special CYF Advent Dinner so families have a chance to get to know each other better. The church is also offering childcare (crafts + a showing of The Muppet Christmas Carol) during the Lessons and Carols service and for half an hour afterwards so parents can enjoy adult company with a glass of wine before the dinner before we all gather for dinner in the Parish Hall. If you are able, please consider bringing a dessert to share.

Christmas Pageant Rehearsal Registration!

Children of all ages and youth are invited to join Director Angel Wentz and Rev. Luke to put on this year's Christmas Pageant at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Please register your performers here.

Pageant: Tuesday, Dec. 24th

(Call Time: 4 p.m., Pageant: 5:00 p.m.)

Rehearsals: Run 5:15-6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Wednesday, Dec. 11th

Wednesday Dec. 18th: Open rehearsal of Christmas hymns for the pageant. All are welcome to stay afterwards for our BBQ & Bonfire at 6:00 p.m., hosted by the Stewardship Committee.

Advent Lessons & Carols

Sunday, December 8th at 5:00 p.m.

Join us in the joyful anticipation of a new church year at our Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 8, at 5:00 p.m. Immerse yourself in the sacred beauty of the season with scripture readings and music sung by the Choir and Section Leaders of St. Martin's. Set against the warm glow of candlelight, this cherished annual service invites reflection, inspires hope, and fosters a sense of community as we prepare for the joy of Christmas. All are welcome.

Good News

We Greened Advent!

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, we had a surplus of greens (thanks to several generous donations), a full house, and, most importantly, a lot of fun! Thanks to the members of the Climate Action Team, to James, and to Rev. Luke for the work planning and putting it all together.


Sermon Transcript

The Rev. Carol Duncan

November 28, 2024: Thanksgiving Day

Thank you for coming to church on Thanksgiving. We are not usually here on Thursdays. This remarkable day falls between the last Sunday of Pentecost in the old church year, and the first Sunday of Advent, in the new church year. We are in a time between times, in itself an occasion to be thankful for. It sums up our liminal time of waiting before our new rector is announced and welcomed. I have a couple of things about Thanksgiving to share with you. Continue reading here.

Sermon Transcript

The Rev. Luke Selles

December 1, 2024: First Sunday of Advent

“Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Welcome to Advent, the season of waiting and expectation for God’s coming – for the divine breaking into our reality. In Godly Play, the curriculum we use for teaching children here at St. Martin’s, the focus of this Sunday is “Prophecy” and, as we just lit our first Advent candle, we reflected and prayed for “hope.” But for prophets like Jeremiah, hope is hard-won.

Continue reading here.


Pray for the soul of The Reverend Louis (Lou) Howard Temme, Interim Priest of St. Martin's from 2009 - 2011, who died on November 26, 2024. He lived with his wife Kathryn, of 49 years, in Center City Philadelphia. His love of the city, and the diverse people who inhabit it, was a hallmark of his attitude - from the time he was a young teenager growing up in the gritty Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown, to his 33 years as pastor of Trinity Memorial Church, at at 22nd and Spruce Streets in Center City. Continue reading his obituary here.

A Requiem Eucharist will be held at Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., followed by a reception.

Coming Up

Wellspring Event: Seasons of Hope in Word and Image

Saturday Dec. 7, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Facilitated by Rev. John B. Hougen, PhD, (Coordinator of the Art of Interfaith Understanding series) and Joanne Conway (Spiritual Director) 

For many, hope is hard to come by due to world events and personal struggles. This program, to be held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will provide access to spirit-based sources of hope. Advent, Hanukkah, the Winter solstice, the anniversary of the historical Buddha’s enlightenment, and other faith-filled celebrations occur during December. Each in its own way engenders hope among devotees. Selected readings and works of art will reveal sources of hope related to the season and its holidays. Participants will be encouraged to respond with words of hope from their own spiritual perspectives. To register click here. 

Spirituality of Aging

Next Wednesday, December 11th

10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Houston Room and via Zoom

Spirituality of Aging is a conversation group bringing older adults together to share our stories, questions and insights about aging, in a supportive, congenial spirit. The group meets monthly, and is open to all who want to explore with others the experience of growing older (and, we hope, wiser). To RSVP, or for more information, please contact Elizabeth Morrison at

Blue Christmas Service

Tuesday, Dec. 17, 7:00 p.m.

Does hearing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" in CVS make you want to flee? The holidays are wonderful-- except for those struggling with grief, loss, chronic illness, depression, anxiety, loneliness, despair, and anything else from that bucket of pain and stress that for some can be a lot to carry.  On Tuesday, December 17th, there will be a "Blue Christmas" service at St. Martin's. The name suggests exactly what it is: a simple service (with Eucharist) for anyone who feels left out of the celebratory spirit of the season. There will be exquisite music, a blend of poetry and scripture, and a reflection by Leslie Newbold. The service promises to be meditative and soothing. Come and receive the peace it has to give; the peace that passes all understanding, whether you're "blue" this year or not.

Annual Giving BBQ Bonfire

Wednesday, Dec 18th at 6:00 p.m.

During our Wednesday Food & Fellowship time the parish will continue to celebrate its 135th anniversary with a BBQ dinner and bonfire hosted by the Stewardship Committee with seasonal music by live musicians.

Winter Solstice Walk

Saturday, December 21st

Walk begins shortly before dusk (approx. 4:45 p.m.)

Meet at Valley Green Inn

7 Valley Green Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19128

St. Martin's Climate Action Team will join forces with Our Mother of Consolation Parish for a Winter Solstice Walk on Saturday, December 21st, the day of the solstice. We will gather at Valley Green Inn shortly before dusk, then walk along Forbidden Drive for a contemplative service under the lights of the path. Please dress warmly. RSVPs are not required, but any questions can be directed to Jason Martin at

Wednesday Noon Eucharist

Mary Chapel

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Weekdays at 7:30 a.m.

Email morningprayer@ for link.

Wellspring Worship Reflections

After the 10:30 a.m. service

Houston Room

Biblical Studies on Zoom

or by phone

Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Please contact Cathy Glazer for the Zoom information.

Blessed Baking

Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

Parking Lot

Non-Perishable Food Collection for St. Luke's

Ongoing: Please deliver to the wagons on the Parish House porch.

Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118 | 215.247.7466
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