For Pastoral Care
Call 215-247-7466 and leave a message. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Dr. Mary Barber at 845-527-9545 or the Rev. Laura Palmer at 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message.
Have you had an address, email, or phone number update? Send Your Update here
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Should you wish to have something considered for inclusion in Field Notes, requests must be submitted by Tuesday at noon to We will review your request and determine if its contents are appropriate for Field Notes and/or Sunday Announcements. Please note that some requests may be denied due to length constraints or unsuitability. | |
Sunday Worship
January 26th, 2025
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8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (spoken)
In person
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist for Children, Youth, and Families
In person
10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist
In person & via Livestream
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This week I have had the pleasure of hearing of some of the amazing ministries happening at St. Martin’s, serving our members, the Philadelphia community, and the wider world. From the youth choir and Wednesday dinners, to helping vestry members discern their gifts, to Godly Play, to cello lessons in Suriname, to the Guatemala Project and Need in Deed. | |
I know I have not even begun to name all that this community does, and I have likely even forgotten some of the learning I experienced this week! It is a healthy sign that St. Martin’s operates on many different levels, taking care of ourselves and each other, and then using that well of connection and faith to reach beyond the church walls.
Some of these ministries are newer, and some have very deep roots, reaching back decades and generations. Need in Deed started in three private schools in Philadelphia, by Nikki, Whim, and Mary, from a desire for meaningful and empowering service-based learning for their children. It is now in 100 public school classrooms around the city, and led by Kyra, daughter of one of the original teachers, Mary. Barbara and Pam and others from the congregation have been involved over these years as well.
The model used for Need in Deed involves students identifying their values and concerns, and then researching a problem they want to address by speaking with local experts. At its heart, this is discernment, listening for where the Spirit is leading, where our discomfort and joy and desire meet the needs of our world.
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May these and other St. Martin’s ministries continue to be blessed and to be a blessing to everyone they touch!
Pictured: Need in Deed Adult Forum
Led by Kyra Atterbury
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Celebrating the Arrival of the Rev. Dr. Mary Barber, Rector
Last Sunday, January 19th, 2025
Photos courtesy of John Howe, Jerry de Guzman, and Tyrone Whiting
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Join Men for Others to Prepare Meals for Face to Face!
Saturday, March 1st, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St Martin's is bringing back the tradition of the "Men for Others" group (from pre-COVID times) with an additional twist: St. Martin's in now a partner organization of Face to Face, Germantown, a wonderful non-profit which, among other things, serves healthy home-cooked meals five days each week to whomever comes into their dining room. We would like to work together on Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm to prepare a meal for the less-fortunate people in our area and talk and get to know each other in this way. Another twist: we’re open to the possibility of a name change for the group and of other genders joining. We plan to discuss those possibilities.
Six to ten individuals who can make a firm commitment to being there that morning are needed. If you are interested please contact Mark 610-202-6235 or Jason at 215-356-6764 or We will plan a short meeting in person or by Zoom in advance of this day to share more details and hear input from interested folks.
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Next Week's Adult Forum
Wednesday January 29th, 2025
7p.m. in the Houston Room
Topic: Preparing Your Essential Legal Documents
Speaker: Karen Dayno
This lecture will focus on the documents that older people need to develop to accomplish important tasks like making decisions about healthcare as they age and having others make decisions on their behalf. It is also an important lecture for those who are assisting parents, friends and others who need guidance on these issues.
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Epiphany Fireside Tea & Sherry Continues Sunday!
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Houston Room
Every Sunday through March 2nd
All are invited to attend a cozy gathering beside the Houston Room fireplace complete with tea, hot chocolate, and of course, per St. Martin's tradition, sherry! If you are able, please consider bringing a treat or additional beverage to share! RSVPs are not required. Please contact Kate Maus with any questions.
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Children, Youth, & Families | |
Fiber Craft Nights
Wednesdays January 29th - March 5th
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Houston Room
All are invited to a cozy fiber arts and crafts time for all-ages every Wednesday evening from January 29th through Ash Wednesday. Bring a project you're working on, or your own equipment (needles, yarn, etc.) to start a new project: we'll have three options, all to support our neighbors in need.
Never knit before? We can teach you! We'll have extra yarn and needles for that purpose. Bring yourself and a friend for crafting and warm beverages by the fireplace in the Houston Room.
Hope you can join us!
-Rev. Luke and Diane Pierce
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Choose Love: A Call for Philly to Defend Sanctuary City Policies
Saturday, January 25th at 2:00 p.m.
Meet at Arch St. United Methodist Church & march to Love Park
Led by the New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia
Join members of the Refugee Resettlement Committee in attending NSM's Choose Love action event, which invites us to call on Mayor Parker and the city council to choose love in policy and support immigrant families. Please contact Jeff Meade or Mary Anne Delaney with any questions.
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The Rev. Dr. Mary Barber
January 19th, 2025
Good morning, St. Martin’s! I am so happy and excited to be here with you at last. It’s a wonderful beginning for us and for this church community. And it’s obvious to me, as I have zoomed with staff, and popped in to the church to show my wife Alleyne around and meet up with James and see the choristers and choir in action, as I have seen many volunteers and staff in these short few days, it’s obvious that we are beginning together from a place of health and strength, a place where many members of this community are present and involved daily and weekly in doing the work of the Body of Christ in this place. Continue reading here.
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Annual Parish Financial Meeting and Special Parish Meeting
Sunday, Feb. 23rd
Immediately following the10:30 a.m. service
The Vestry has set Sunday, Feb. 23, as the date for the Annual Parish Financial Meeting, a requirement of the parish bylaws. The 2025 budget and the financial health of the parish will be reviewed. The meeting will begin in the Parish Hall promptly after the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.
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There will also be a Special Parish Meeting that day for the purpose of voting on a set of bylaws amendments that the Vestry endorsed at its December meeting. The amendments are basically fixes and clarifications to problematic and/or conflicting clauses in the current bylaws related to election of Vestry members and the scheduling of parish meetings. None of the changes are intended to make major changes in parish operations. Click here to view the proposed bylaw amendments. | |
Wednesday Noon Eucharist
Mary Chapel
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Morning Prayer on Zoom
Weekdays at 7:30 a.m.
Email morningprayer@ for link.
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Wellspring Worship Reflections
After the 10:30 a.m. service
Houston Room
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Biblical Studies on Zoom
or by phone
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Please contact Cathy Glazer for the Zoom information.
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Blessed Baking
Fridays at 9:00 a.m.
Parking Lot
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Non-Perishable Food Collection for St. Luke's
Ongoing: Please deliver to the wagons on the Parish House porch.
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Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118
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