The Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Field Notes

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A Blessed Thanksgiving to all!

from the staff at St. Martin's

Please note:

There will be no Field Notes next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Prayer List

This Week's Lectionary

For Pastoral Care 

Call 215-247-7466 and leave a message. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Laura Palmer at 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message. 

Have you had an address, email, or phone number update? Send Your Update here

Should you wish to have something considered for inclusion in Field Notes, requests must be submitted by Tuesday at noon to We will review your request and determine if its contents are appropriate for Field Notes and/or Sunday Announcements. Please note that some requests may be denied due to length constraints or unsuitability.

Sunday Worship

November 24, 2024

Christ the King Day

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (spoken)

In person

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist for Children, Youth, & Families

In person

10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist

In person

Unfortunately we are currently unable to stream our 10:30 a.m. services as some of you discovered last Sunday. An essential hardware component of the system failed and will be replaced in the coming weeks. We hope to have streaming back up and running in time for December 8th services. Copies of sermons are available in Field Notes for those who can't be in church to worship in-person. Thank you for your patience as we rectify the issues. We apologize for the disappointment and frustration this glitch has caused. 

A Note from

Rev. Laura

In theory at least, I try to practice what I preach. When people ask me about what they can or should “do now” in the wake of the election, my response is generally one to start where you are and do what you can. 

Which brings us to “Doc” 16 lbs of joy, cute, and um, mayhem.

He’s my foster-to-adopt buddy and we’ve made it to Day #4 together. Curled up beside me as I write, he feels like one of the best ideas I’ve had. But yapping and jumping on those who had come to meet with me in the rectory yesterday gave me pause.

While plans for Doc were underway before the election, the timing made even more sense to me afterwards, as crazy as that may sound. Continue reading here.


Thanksgiving Day Holy Eucharist (spoken)

Thursday, Nov. 28th at 10:30 a.m.

In Person Only

Please note: The Parish office will be closed Thursday, Nov. 28th and Friday, Nov. 28th. There will be no Food & Fellowship or Adult Forum on Wednesday, Nov. 27th.

Let's Light the Way Home!

2025 Annual Giving Update

Pledges to date: $388,287

60% of goal met so far!

99 households have pledged including

10 new or returning pledges

As of Wednesday November 20, we have received 99 pledges totaling $388,287, putting us at 60% of our $650,000 pledge goal for 2025. Of those pledges, 10 are either new or renewed pledges from households that didn’t pledge last year, while another 42 households increased their pledge. 

To those who have submitted your 2025 Annual Giving pledge, we thank you for your generosity! We look forward to having everyone participate as Annual Giving is vital to funding our plans for mission and ministry in 2025.

Let’s Light the Way Home!   

Hello … St. Martin’s Calling!

The Stewardship Committee is hosting an Annual Giving Phonathon tonight, November 21, from 6:30-8 p.m. to advance the success of our 2025 Annual Giving campaign. Parishioners who haven’t submitted their 2025 pledge as of this Thursday can expect a friendly call to answer any possible questions related to our 2025 campaign. 

Last Chance To Sign Up to Host Or Attend An Advent Dinner! Please sign up by TOMORROW, November 22nd. Sunday, December 8th at 6:00 p.m.

St. Martin’s has a tradition early in Advent to attend a beautiful Advent Lessons and Carols service (Dec. 8th, 5:00 p.m.) with candle light and then disperse to one another’s homes for a simple supper to celebrate our church family. These small group meals help us better understand and appreciate who we are as a community as we journey through Advent. Click here to sign up to host or attend a dinner!

Be Part of Our Dec. 4th Adult Forum: Interfaith at the Holidays

Please note: there will be no Adult Forum or Food & Fellowship this upcoming Wednesday, November 27th.

Do you have experience with navigating the end-of-year holiday season in an interfaith family? What stories do you have to tell, what lessons learned, what life hacks developed?  Would you be willing to share some of your hard-earned wisdom with others? Please let the Adult Forum team know if you'd like to be part of our program for Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. You don't have to prepare anything; just let forum co-chair Chris Satullo know you're willing be part of the event. He'll tease out the stories and tips in an interview format. You can find an email address and phone number for Chris in the Parish Directory.

Sermon Transcript

The Rev. Laura Palmer

November 17, 2024

In case you’ve missed it, cold water swimming these past few years has been having a moment. Devotees point its health benefits—like lowering one’s blood pressure and raising one’s mood—that come from regularly plunging into frigid, icy water. “Cold water clearly gives us something we can’t find anywhere else,” said a fan. Another pointed to gaining an increased sense of mastery in a world that feels like its spinning out of control.

My first glance at the lectionary for Sunday can feel like standing on the shores of an icy lake, knowing that like it or not, I must take the plunge. The odds are that the greater my initial resistance is to a text, the more I’ll learn in the end.

But quite frankly, I’m alarmed when I hear of “wars and rumors of wars.” Continue reading here.


We need ornaments! Shortly after Thanksgiving, there will be a Christmas tree in the Houston Room! Please help make it spectacular!  We need white lights and shiny ornaments that you may no longer need. There will be a big plastic box on the bench by the Welcome Desk for you to leave your ornaments and lights. Our children, youth, and families will be making ornaments as well.

Friends, a slight change to announce. If you have an idea or project that involves raising money please reach out first to Kate Maus, who is our Coordinator for Member Engagement. This is happening to make sure we remain accountable and prevent potential conflict. Kate's email:

Thank you,

Rev. Laura

Children, Youth, & Families

Greening Advent: Wreath Making & More

THIS Sun., Nov. 24th!

9:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Join St. Martin's children, youth and families along with the Climate Action Team as we craft our own Advent Wreaths on Sunday, November 24th. Drop in, reflect on Advent rituals, hear about sustainable Christmas practices, and make an Advent wreath over donuts and hot cider. Wreath-making materials will be provided, but please bring any leftover supplies (candle holders, wreath rings, etc.) from previous years’ wreath-making. 

Due to some very generous donations, there will be enough greens for everyone, no need to bring your own!

To offset the cost of other materials, however, we invite a suggested donation of $10/wreath. To donate online, please click here. Select the fund "General Giving," then add the memo "Advent Wreaths."

Children, Youth, & Families Advent Dinner

Sunday, Dec. 8th

5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Lessons & Carols service (Childcare provided)

6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Cocktail Party for Parents & Guardians (Childcare provided)

6:30-7:30 p.m. Dinner Party

Like last year, we will be having a special CYF Advent Dinner so families have a chance to get to know each other better. The church is offering childcare during the preceding Lessons and Carols service (5:00 p.m.) and for half an hour afterwards so parents can enjoy adult company with a glass of wine. Then, children and families can gather together for a simple catered dinner in the Parish House, hosted by our former Rector’s Warden, Barbara Thomson. If you are able, please consider bringing a dessert to share.

In order to make sure, we have enough food for everyone, please RSVP by Friday, December 6th by emailing Rev. Luke at

Christmas Pageant Rehearsal Registration!

Children of all ages and youth are invited to join Rev. Luke to put on this year's Christmas Pageant at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Please register your performers here.


All rehearsals run 5:15-6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall

Wednesday, Dec. 4th

Wednesday, Dec. 11th

Wednesday Dec. 18th: Open rehearsal of Christmas hymns for the pageant. All are welcome to stay afterwards for our BBQ & Bonfire at 6:00 p.m., hosted by the Stewardship Committee.

Pageant: Tuesday, Dec. 24th

(Call Time: 4 p.m., Pageant: 5:00 p.m.)

Advent Lessons & Carols

Sunday, December 8th at 5:00 p.m.

Join us in the joyful anticipation of a new church year at our Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 8, at 5:00 p.m. Immerse yourself in the sacred beauty of the season with scripture readings and music sung by the Choir and Section Leaders of St. Martin's. Set against the warm glow of candlelight, this cherished annual service invites reflection, inspires hope, and fosters a sense of community as we prepare for the joy of Christmas. All are welcome.

Good News

Green Beans for St. James School Community

Ask for 250 cans of green beans and you shall receive 398. Thank you so much for contributing to Team Green Bean!

And thank you to Jane and Al Good for delivering them.

Thanks to the many Saint Martin’s parishioners and friends, who supported our Tapestry Raffle and Guatemala Craft Sale on Saint Martin’s Day. Wendy Leaver was our tapestry winner and was very excited when her ticket was pulled. The raffle and craft sale combined to raise over $1,500 for the special projects fund.

Our Scholarship Drive has raised over $15,000 to date and is still collecting pledges and contributions until November 30th . We will be sending the entire amount raised by the annual scholarship drive to the Diocese of Guatemala for San Juan Apostol in Chichicastenango in early December for student scholarships for 2025. We will also be sending an additional $2,000 for San Martin, Obispo de Tours in Totonicapán for scholarships in that community for 2025. We are thankful to be able to work with Padre Alvaro Fidel Miranda Velasquez to administrate both of these scholarship programs. We are grateful for your generous support of the children in these communities.

We are planning a trip to Guatemala from Saint Martin’s in late June/early July and hope to include members of the parish. We plan to visit our companion parishes and meet the local people of the Western Highlands that we serve through our Companion Ministry. More details will be coming soon with information sessions planned for early 2025.

Take Action

This Thanksgiving, we invite you to join the Face to Face 32nd Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot on November 29, 2024—a fun, family-friendly way to give back. The 5-mile run/1 mile walk is held on Thanksgiving morning at Forbidden Drive in Fairmount Park. Sign up at PHLY Turkey Trot to Benefit Face to Face

Face to Face is one of St. Martin’s Ministry Partners and it offers vital support to those experiencing poverty and homelessness. With services such as meals, legal aid, health care, and education, Face to Face exemplifies the values of compassion and dignity that align with our church’s mission to love and serve our neighbors. 

Whether running or walking, your participation helps provide critical resources to reduce the suffering and empower the lives of our community. Together, we can spread gratitude and hope while making a tangible difference.

Coming Up

Wellspring Events: Sunday Nov 24th and Saturday Dec. 7th

Tour Frank Lloyd Wright Synagogue

Sun, Nov. 24, 2 – 4 p.m. 

Location: Beth Sholom Synagogue: 8231 Old York Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027 

The art and architecture of Beth Sholom is the result of a unique collaboration between the deep faith of Rabbi Mortimer Cohen and the architectural genius of Frank Lloyd Wright. Via film and guided tour, we will explore how this building embodies the spirit and teachings of Judaism as we seek to discern how it is similar to, and different from, the worship spaces of other traditions. Interfaith Philadelphia is cosponsoring this tour. To register click here. 

Seasons of Hope in Word and Image

Saturday Dec. 7, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Facilitated by Rev. John B. Hougen, PhD, (Coordinator of the Art of Interfaith Understanding series) and and Joanne Conway (Spiritual Director) 

For many, hope is hard to come by due to world events and personal struggles. This program, to be held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will provide access to spirit-based sources of hope. Advent, Hanukkah, the Winter solstice, the anniversary of the historical Buddha’s enlightenment, and other faith-filled celebrations occur during December. Each in its own way engenders hope among devotees. Selected readings and works of art will reveal sources of hope related to the season and its holidays. Participants will be encouraged to respond with words of hope from their own spiritual perspectives. To register click here. 

Wednesday Noon Eucharist

Mary Chapel

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Weekdays at 7:30 a.m.

Email morningprayer@ for link.

Wellspring Worship Reflections

After the 10:30 a.m. service

Houston Room

Biblical Studies on Zoom

or by phone

Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Please contact Cathy Glazer for the Zoom information.

Blessed Baking

Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

Parking Lot

Non-Perishable Food Collection for St. Luke's

Ongoing: Please deliver to the wagons on the Parish House porch.

Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118 | 215.247.7466
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