For Pastoral Care
Call 215-247-7466 and leave a message. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Dr. Mary Barber at 845-527-9545 or the Rev. Laura Palmer at 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message.
Have you had an address, email, or phone number update? Send Your Update here
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Should you wish to have something considered for inclusion in Field Notes, requests must be submitted by Tuesday at noon to We will review your request and determine if its contents are appropriate for Field Notes and/or Sunday Announcements. Please note that some requests may be denied due to length constraints or unsuitability. | |
Sunday Worship
February 2nd, 2025
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8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (spoken)
In person
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist for Children, Youth, and Families
In person
10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist with Baptism
In person & via Livestream
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PEPFAR (HIV) funding pulled. Massive funding freezes that were announced and then rescinded. A tragic plane crash on the Potomac. ICE raids on restaurants and a car wash right here in our city.
It is scary and distressing. Folks are feeling pulled to act, but unsure what they can or should do to respond.
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In particular, immigration has bubbled up this week as an issue at St Martin’s. The Refugee Resettlement Committee is reaching out to their network of faith leaders who work with immigrants and refugees, and to organizations such as Episcopal Migration Ministries. Vestry had a beginning discussion on how to consider responding to changes in immigration policy and mass deportations.
It is natural that concerns are rising up in the St Martin’s community. Many of us employ or work alongside immigrants. Many of us have immigrants in our immediate family. This church has sponsored and supported families over the years and we are still in touch with them. They are not abstractions to us -- we know them and we are afraid for them.
We may need to consider possible action at different levels. A first step needs to be checking in with immigrants we know and have relationships with, and checking in with organizations and partners we have worked with. We can also broaden our partnerships and get to know other organizations with expertise and knowledge. We can be aware of what The Episcopal Church is saying as a guide.
Discerning what to do is not a solo project of the Rector or of one committee. It will need input and wisdom from our whole community.
And it will need prayer, whether weekly Eucharist, daily meditation and Morning Prayer, Bible study, or other ways of contemplating how Jesus calls us to be and to act in these times.
As one of these offerings, I will lead a Lent Quiet Day on March 15, from 12-4pm at the church. We will read from the Psalms and the Book of Job together and talk about how to bring our difficult prayers to God. (See the announcement below for more.)
Whatever you are wrestling with in your own life or with the news of the day, consider giving yourself the gift of a little space and time just for yourself and God.
And if you would like to speak with me about immigration, or anything else, please reach out!
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A Prayer for Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27, 2025
Adapted from a prayer by the Church of England
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Eternal God,
we come before You
to remember the victims of the Holocaust.
We lament the loss of six million Jewish people
who were killed in the Holocaust,
the millions of other victims of Nazi persecution,
and victims of all genocides.
As we remember and lament
all those whose lives have been lost,
help us to work for a better future today.
We pray for a day when all shall be free
to live in peace, unity and love.
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Service Information for Pete Davis
All are invited to attend either of the below services for longtime parishioner Pete Davis, who died January 22nd. Please click here to view Pete's obituary.
1) Celebration of Life service at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Ocean City, NJ.
Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. with a preceding visitation from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
2) Quaker Meeting For Worship at The William Penn Charter School
Saturday, February 28th at 1:00 pm.
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Lent Quiet Day
Saturday, March 15th
12:00 - 4:00 pm in the Houston Room, with lunch included
Led by Rev. Mary
The Psalms and Job: Bringing our whole selves to God
We will read from and experience these Wisdom texts as we ponder questions about the meaning of suffering, how we pray to God, and how God responds to us. There will be some silent break time included. No prior reading or preparation is needed, just bring a pen and diary/journal. Please sign up here.
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Image credits: Khaled al-Saa’i (born 1970) Resurrection Triptych painted in Ann Arbor in 2002, Natural ink, tempera, and gouache on paper, University of Michigan Museum of Art, 2003.1.367A–C | |
Wellspring Presents: Contemplating Abstract Art
On Zoom Next Sunday February 9, 2025, 2-3:30 p.m.
Cost: Sliding Scale with $25 as suggested price
Register here.
Wellspring is co-sponsoring (with Interfaith Philadelphia) Contemplating Abstract Art, part of Wellspring’s series exploring the connections between art and spirituality.
Representational art illuminates the meaning of what is depicted using line, shape, color, contrast, light and dark etc. Abstract art uses the same elements of art to begin a dialogue with the viewer. The viewer responds with feelings, thoughts,
and associations that may lead to intellectual, emotional, and spiritual discoveries. Participants will be guided to contemplate abstract works of art and, in sharing their responses, will help one another see the potential of abstraction to enrich the viewing experience.
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Facilitators: Rev. John Hougen, Ph.D. is co-chair of Wellspring at St. Martin’s, Coordinator of The Art of Interfaith Understanding and volunteer docent at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Christine Modey, Ph.D. is Director of the University of Michigan’s Community Scholars Program, fostering students’ commitment to community service, social justice, and intercultural understanding. | |
Children, Youth, & Families | |
Save the Date: Youth Group Interest Meeting!
Sunday, February 9th
10:00 - 10:30 a.m. in the Houston Room
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Fiber Craft Nights Continue Wednesday!
Wednesdays now through March 5th
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Houston Room
This week saw the start of our intergenerational fiber arts and crafts sessions! All are invited to join us this upcoming Wednesday for the next session. Bring a project you're working on, or your own equipment (needles, yarn, etc.) to start a new project: we'll have three options, all to support our neighbors in need.
Never knit before? We can teach you! We'll have extra yarn and needles for that purpose. Bring yourself and a friend for crafting and warm beverages by the Houston Room fireplace.
Lastly, thank you to all who donated supplies!
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Please come to support Anna Meyer and her students in a performance in our Parish Hall on Friday, February 7th at 7:00 p.m. Anna, wife of former Director of Music, Erik Meyer, invites you to support these young musicians from the excellent organization Play On Philly and I strongly encourage you to support the next generation of artists in the Marian Anderson Young Artists Program Honors Recital.
– Tyrone Whiting
Director of Music & Arts
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Thanks and Appreciation from Carol Duncan
Dear St. Martin’s,
I received a check in the mail yesterday of your amazing generous purse to which you contributed in thanksgiving for my years as your Deacon. I am inexpressibly thankful to have served as your Deacon. You know being with you in that deeply meaningful way was exactly the way I wanted to serve and love God and become my deepest self. I am so grateful that your gift showed it was meaningful to you also. Love and service to God must be expressed as a people, as a community. The fullness doesn’t happen individually.
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I’m thinking I will use this money toward deeper practice of an activity called SoulCollage® . It’s a way of meditation and self-reflection based on images, imagination and insight. There are many teachers and many retreats around the country that I want to take advantage of. I hope to learn more and even bring it back to teach it at St. Martin’s. I couldn’t have done it without your gift. Thank you.
I am so grateful to still be a member of St. Martin’s community. I think we will need each other even more deeply in the next few years. Let’s stick together and be church.
With deep love and gratitude,
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Philly Schools as Humane Spaces
Wed., Feb. 19th, at 7:00 p.m.
FUMCOG (The First United Church of Germantown)
Our newest outreach partner, Need in Deed, is hosting a citywide forum on educational equity. Come learn from a panel of city leaders how to advocate for the rights and needs of public school children in 2025. Registration is required. Please click here to view the event flyer. To register, scan the QR code on the flyer or click here.
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An Invitation from LOC: Doing Justice During Our Increasingly Challenging Times
What do I do now? What is the appropriate response to my feelings of confusion and concern for the future of my family and ultimately our country? Do I still have compassion, love, and concern for justice for all of our neighbors? Dedicating ourselves to “something good and positive” would seem to be one way to respond. In some circles, one might even say, What Would Jesus Do?
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We have an option you can consider right away for your response. The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is looking for additional participants to work alongside POWER Interfaith, a multifaith organization in Philadelphia and the southeast quadrant of PA. The major goal of its collective effort during 2025 is to pursue real solutions to affordable housing problems in the city. Continue reading here. | |
The Rev. Dr. Mary Barber
January 26th, 2025
Well, what a week. Immigrant deportations have started. There was a flurry of executive orders. Among many other things, it was declared that there are only two genders, and babies born here will no longer be considered US citizens.
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And there were already voices of resistance to these efforts, lawsuits filed and statements made by agencies and individuals. One many of us took notice of this week, was the sermon by Bishop Maryann Budde at Washington National Cathedral. At the end of her sermon focusing on unity, Bishop Budde implored President Trump to show mercy on LGBTQ+ people and immigrants. It was a quiet, direct, strong, Gospel message, and it seemed to capture the imagination of church and non-church people through the rest of this week. Continue reading here. | |
Save the Date:
Lenten Retreat at Holy Cross Monastery
Friday, March 21st - Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
Facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Mary Barber
Please stay tuned for more information and a registration link in the coming weeks.
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Join Men for Others to Prepare Meals for Face to Face!
Saturday, March 1st, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St Martin's is bringing back the tradition of the "Men for Others" group (from pre-COVID times) with an additional twist: St. Martin's in now a partner organization of Face to Face, Germantown, a wonderful non-profit which, among other things, serves healthy home-cooked meals five days each week to whomever comes into their dining room. We would like to work together on Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm to prepare a meal for the less-fortunate people in our area and talk and get to know each other in this way. Another twist: we’re open to the possibility of a name change for the group and of other genders joining. We plan to discuss those possibilities.
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Six to ten individuals who can make a firm commitment to being there that morning are needed. If you are interested please contact Mark 610-202-6235 or Jason at 215-356-6764 or We will plan a short meeting in person or by Zoom in advance of this day to share more details and hear input from interested folks. | |
Epiphany Fireside Tea & Sherry Continues Sunday!
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. in the Houston Room
Every Sunday through March 2nd
All are invited to attend a cozy gathering beside the Houston Room fireplace complete with tea, hot chocolate, and of course, per St. Martin's tradition, sherry! If you are able, please consider bringing a treat or additional beverage to share! RSVPs are not required. Please contact Kate Maus with any questions.
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Annual Parish Financial Meeting and Special Parish Meeting
Sunday, Feb. 23rd
Immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service
The Vestry has set Sunday, Feb. 23, as the date for the Annual Parish Financial Meeting, a requirement of the parish bylaws. The 2025 budget and the financial health of the parish will be reviewed. The meeting will begin in the Parish Hall promptly after the 10:30 a.m. liturgy.
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There will also be a Special Parish Meeting that day for the purpose of voting on a set of bylaws amendments that the Vestry endorsed at its December meeting. The amendments are basically fixes and clarifications to problematic and/or conflicting clauses in the current bylaws related to election of Vestry members and the scheduling of parish meetings. None of the changes are intended to make major changes in parish operations. Click here to view the proposed bylaw amendments. | |
Wednesday Noon Eucharist
Mary Chapel
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Morning Prayer on Zoom
Weekdays at 7:30 a.m.
Email morningprayer@ for link.
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Wellspring Worship Reflections
After the 10:30 a.m. service
Houston Room
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Biblical Studies on Zoom
or by phone
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Please contact Cathy Glazer for the Zoom information.
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Blessed Baking
Fridays at 9:00 a.m.
Parking Lot
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Non-Perishable Food Collection for St. Luke's
Ongoing: Please deliver to the wagons on the Parish House porch.
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Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118
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