For Pastoral Care
Call 215-247-7466 and leave a message. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Laura Palmer at 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message.
Have you had an address, email, or phone number update? Send Your Update here
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Should you wish to have something considered for inclusion in Field Notes, requests must be submitted by Tuesday at noon to We will review your request and determine if its contents are appropriate for Field Notes and/or Sunday Announcements. Please note that some requests may be denied due to length constraints or unsuitability. | |
Sunday Worship
December 15, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent
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8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (spoken)
In person
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist for Children, Youth, & Families
In person
10:30 a.m. Choral Holy Eucharist
In person
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A Note from
Rev. Laura
It really wasn’t until last Sunday evening at the “Advent Lessons and Carols” service that it hit me how much I need Advent this year. I could feel my beleaguered heart begin to open in renewed hope and optimism—an antidote to the uncertainty and dread about what may happen in our country after the inauguration.
The power of the music, the sublime beauty of candlelight, the gathering together of our community, and the traditional hymns of hope as well as the readings, reminding us of who we are as a people of faith.
Sunday also brought the breaking news of the new rector – the Rev. Dr. Mary Barber—who will be beginning here on January 16th—The announcement brought palpable joy and energy to us all— the patient waiting of Advent seemed over because of the news of another Mary who said “Yes.”
Continue reading here.
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Christmas Memorial Flowers
If you would like to make a donation to this year's Christmas Flower Fund in honor of, or thanksgiving for, a loved one, please contact Connie Haggard at As is St. Martin's tradition, we will also memorialize each loved one's name in our Christmas service leaflets. Please submit names no later than Sunday, December 15th.
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Flower Guild Invitation
Mon. Dec 23rd, 9:30 - noon
Please do join the Flower Guild as we prepare flower arrangements for Christmas services on Monday, December 23rd. We will gather at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary, and we will be done before noon. All are welcome! Bring a friend. Clippers are helpful if you have them. No experience needed. Snacks will be provided. Questions? Please contact Annette: 267-981-4754
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Opportunity at St. James School
Please Help!
When the 90 students at St James are on Christmas vacation they will not be eating breakfast and lunch at school. The Welcome Table at the school is sending $25 gift cards home to help offset increased food costs within school families.
Please consider donating $25 gift cards to Aldi or Shop-Rite. These are the closest stores to the school. But a Visa or Mastercard is also appropriate, as are checks made out to "The Saint James School." Jane Good needs the gift cards (or checks) by this Sunday the 15th at the latest. Please bring them to the church or leave them with a volunteer at the Welcome Desk prior to Sunday. Thank you in advance!
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Let's Light the Way Home!
2025 Annual Giving Update
Pledges to date: $484,867
75% of goal met so far!
143 households have pledged including
21 new or returning pledges
For those of you who have yet to make a pledge, take a moment to think about what St. Martin’s means to you. In the past, in the present, in the future. We are at the brink of a bright future! We have a growing children’s, youth, and families program. Our music program continues to soar. In January, we will welcome our new rector, the Rev. Dr. Mary Barber! As you think of these blessings, please also think about how to extend and increase them. Your pledge does that.
Our Annual Giving pledge goal is $650,000. About 380 families consider themselves members of St. Martin’s. We need everyone who is lifted up by belonging to St. Martin’s to participate in the Annual Giving pledge campaign. Pledges received by the end of December will enable us to firm up our 2025 budget. The budget that funds all the good works and exciting activities of our parish. Your commitment and support are essential as we plant our seeds for 2025. Be thankful for our bounty. And commit to the future harvest.
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The light that St. Martin's has lit in us:
During the Annual Giving campaign we have been reflecting on the light of St. Martin's. In case you missed last Sunday's, listen to the moving reflection given by Lorie and Michael Simmons. Listen HERE
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Blue Christmas Service
Tuesday, Dec. 17th, 7:00 p.m.
Does hearing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" in CVS make you want to flee? The holidays are wonderful-- except for those struggling with grief, loss, chronic illness, depression, anxiety, loneliness, despair, and anything else from that bucket of pain and stress that for some can be a lot to carry. On Tuesday, December 17th, there will be a "Blue Christmas" service at St. Martin's. The name suggests exactly what it is: a simple service (with Eucharist) for anyone who feels left out of the celebratory spirit of the season. There will be exquisite music, a blend of poetry and scripture, and a reflection by Leslie Newbold. The service promises to be meditative and soothing. Come and receive the peace it has to give; the peace that passes all understanding, whether you're "blue" this year or not.
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Annual Giving BBQ Bonfire
Wednesday, Dec 18th at 6:00 p.m.
During our Wednesday Food & Fellowship time the parish will continue to celebrate its 135th anniversary with a BBQ dinner and bonfire hosted by the Stewardship Committee with seasonal music by live musicians.
Come early and sing Christmas carols with the Pageant performers in the choir room from 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. All are invited!
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As Carol Duncan, our deacon, recently announced, she'll be officially retiring on January 5th. We will have a celebratory reception for her after the 10:30 a.m. service.
Carol has lovingly and faithfully served St. Martin's for twelve years. It is hard to think of an aspect of our lives together that she has not included her in one way or another.
Many of you may not realize that as a deacon, Carol was unpaid. Please be generous in contributing to the purse we have established to honor her years of Service to St. Martin's.
We have all been immeasurably blessed by her presence among us. While she will remain as a parishioner, which softens the news of her retirement, she will be stepping back from her ministerial roles here. I have been deeply grateful to serve alongside Carol as a clergy colleague.
~ Rev. Laura+
To contribute towards Rev. Carol's purse:
Go to the Giving page of St. Martin's website: Click the "Give Now" button. Under the "Select Fund" drop down menu, select "Purse Gifts". Please write “Rev.Carol’s Purse” in the memo line.
Write a check to St. Martin's with "Rev. Carol's Purse" in the memo line. Please put it in the offering plate or leave it in Lorie Hershey’s mailbox in the Parish House.
Thank you!
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Children, Youth, & Families | |
Dear St. Martin's Families,
For any would-be performers who haven't been able to make Wednesday night rehearsals, we are adding an additional Pageant rehearsal on Sunday, December 22nd at 9:45 a.m. in the church immediately following the 9:00 a.m. service. At that rehearsal we will help any last minute performers get a role and a costume in advance of the Pageant on Christmas Eve.
Angel, Justina, and Rev. Luke
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Christmas Pageant Rehearsal Registration!
Children of all ages and youth are invited to join Director Angel Wentz and Rev. Luke to put on this year's Christmas Pageant at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. Please register your performers here.
Pageant: Tuesday, Dec. 24th
(Call Time: 4 p.m., Pageant: 5:00 p.m.)
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Open Pageant Rehearsal
Wednesday, December 18th
5:15-6:00 p.m. in the choir room
All are invited to come and sing Christmas carols with the Pageant performers in the choir room.
Note to Parents/Guardians: Pageant performers will receive a special envelope with information about their characters at rehearsal on the 18th, so they can prepare their hearts and minds for the Pageant at home before the 24th. If you won't be able to attend rehearsal, no worries - Rev. Luke will email you the information.
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One of the gifts Advent has to teach us is that there are no shortcuts. We are reminded on this, the second Sunday in Advent, that the only way over is through—the wilderness.
And once again, when God acts, it’s in an unexpected and preposterous way— through John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin. We forget that John is the baby who leaped in his mother Elizabeth’s womb when Mary arrived immediately after the annunciation to tell her she’d said “Yes” to the Angel Gabriel’s preposterous request. But what seems preposterous to us, is not, in fact, to God.
While we think of John the Baptist as well, a bit crazy, hundreds, maybe thousands of followers resonated with his message of redemption through baptism and crowded the river’s edge. Continue reading here.
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Winter Solstice Walk
Saturday, December 21st
Walk begins shortly before dusk (approx. 4:45 p.m.)
Meet at Valley Green Inn
7 Valley Green Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19128
St. Martin's Climate Action Team will join forces with Our Mother of Consolation Parish for a Winter Solstice Walk on Saturday, December 21st, the day of the solstice. We will gather at Valley Green Inn shortly before dusk, then walk along Forbidden Drive for a contemplative service under the lights of the path. Please dress warmly. RSVPs are not required, but any questions can be directed to Jason Martin at
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Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24th
3:00 p.m. Infant and Toddlers’ Christmas Holy Eucharist
5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist with Pageant and Music
10:00 p.m: Organ and Choral Christmas Music
10:30 p.m: Festival Choral Eucharist for Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25th
10:30 a.m: Holy Eucharist with Music
Christmas Office Hours
The Parish Office will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24th through Wednesday, Jan. 1st. If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency text or call the Rev. Laura Palmer 267-418-0123. Please leave your name with any message.
Pausing for Christmas Break
Field Notes
Final 2024 edition: next Friday, Dec. 20th
Resumes January 3rd, 2025
If you have content that you would like in Field Notes prior to the Jan. 3rd edition, please send it to Lorie Hershey,, no later than Friday, Dec. 20th.
Adult Forum - Returns January 8th
Blessed Baking
Final 2024 collection: this Friday, December 13th
Collection resumes January 3rd
St. Luke's Food Donation Wagons
Final 2024 collection: Next Friday, Dec. 20th
Collection resumes January 3rd
Please do not leave food, including non-perishables, in the wagons outside the Parish House between these dates.
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Wednesday Noon Eucharist
Mary Chapel
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Morning Prayer on Zoom
Weekdays at 7:30 a.m.
Email morningprayer@ for link.
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Wellspring Worship Reflections
After the 10:30 a.m. service
Houston Room
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Biblical Studies on Zoom
or by phone
Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Please contact Cathy Glazer for the Zoom information.
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Blessed Baking
Fridays at 9:00 a.m.
Parking Lot
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Non-Perishable Food Collection for St. Luke's
Ongoing: Please deliver to the wagons on the Parish House porch.
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Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
8000 St. Martin's Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118
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