Those of us on the Stewardship Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of Church of the Cross for your pledge of support for 2019.

Those pledges will enable Church of the Cross to both fund our Ministry programs and to pay for the recent work done on the building such as the new roof and interior remodeling.

The work done on our building will enable both the church and the community to use this valuable asset for years to come. We feel that Church of the Cross is on an upward path and your commitment will enable it to continue on that path. We look forward to traveling on that path with you and our other brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you still want to pledge your support for 2019, there are still pledge cards available in the narthex and lounge or please ask an usher for assistance.

Please join us on December 5 at 7:30 pm.

We will be discussing "Educated" by Tara Westover.
We are collecting items for the Schaumburg Food Pantry.  

The pantry provides assistance to those in need within Schaumburg Township.
  Items needed now are:

  • Cranberry sauce
  • Canned yams
  • Boxed potatoes
  • Soup & crackers
  • Apple sauce
  • Stuffing
The sign-up form for Worship Leader, Disciple on Duty, Usher/Greeter, Counter, Communion set-up & serving, Coffee Hour & Weekly flowers is available online.
Click HERE to sign up. There is also a sign-up form for Coffee Hour in the lounge.