Love Passionately

By Ernest Pratt

Recently, I came across the mission statement of the Global Methodist Church. It says “… to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.”  

Further inquiry reminds me of what we are doing as members of Church of the Lakes. Mark 12 records the greatest commandment according to Jesus. When one of the teachers of the law asked Jesus which was the most important commandment, Jesus replied, Mark 12:30 “… Love your God with your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31 …Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

I am proud to say that we at Church of the Lakes have been striving to adhere to these commandments. We are committed to show love extravagantly to our communities locally, regionally and globally.

In our local communities, Church of the Lakes supports organizations like Canton for All People, Total Living Center, and Pregnancy and Parenting Center. We also share our blessings locally with missions like Lil Lambs Closets, Blessing Bags, Baby Bundles, and Prayer Shawls ministries.

Regionally, the church runs a week-long summer Royal Family Kids Camp for children in the foster care system. We support RAHAB Ministries, which is an organization whose goal is to stop sex trafficking, our youths volunteer at Ohio Colony for the Deaf and go on mission trips to help where there is a need.

Globally, our congregation supports Hope School in Beit Jala, Palestine; Helping Children Worldwide in Bo, Sierra Leone; Compassion International in Ecuador and Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone, the church is involved in providing quality health care at Mercy Hospital in Bo and the surrounding communities.

We indeed try to show God’s love with our hearts our soul, our mind and our strength. We can continue to achieve our goals in being Christ’s hands and feet with commitment of our time, our talents and our treasure. Let’s take into advisement Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously, will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

May God bless your giving abundantly. 


Click here for the parking map or to register a child for the nursery

At the end of the service we will be taking a quick "Church Family Photo". Membership

The service will not be streamed live, we hope to see everyone who is able in person. However, it will be available later to watch on-demand if you are unable to attend.

Childcare will be available at the High School for children 5 and under. All others are encouraged to join for worship.

Reception for Diana Mayer

Church of the Lakes extends our deepest appreciation to Diana Mayer for her 25 years as Church Secretary. Our Staff-Parish Relations committee would like to celebrate the impact she made on our church. Everyone is invited to join in this retirement celebration on Sunday, December 17th, 12:15 pm in the Activity Center. There will be a box for cards at the reception.

Church Hiring

Staff Parish Relations has two open positions in light of Cassandra Schwab moving from Administrative Assistant for Student Ministries to Church Secretary and Katie Motz stepping down as Assistant to Director of Christian Education. Applicants should send a cover letter and resume to A person can apply for both positions if interested. Deadline for submissions is Monday, December 4th.

Job Descriptions:

Assistant to Director of Christian Education 
Administrative Assistant for Pastor of Student Ministry 

Commitment Covenant

You should have received your 2024 commitment covenant. Please fill it out and bring it with you to church, we will be collecting them at the end of each service through December 3rd. You can also complete it on our website.

Printed copies of the commitment covenants are available at the connect center. All members and regular attenders are encouraged to complete a commitment covenant in order to help the church plan for the coming year.

Click here for the online Commitment Covenant

EFT Contributions

What is an EFT contribution? It stands for Electronic Funds Transfer and is a way for a business or church to electronically receive money from someone’s checking or savings account on a regular monthly basis. The holder of the bank account agrees with the church on the amount and day of withdrawal and then does not have to worry again about writing a check, stuffing an envelope, or feeling guilty when the basket is passed, and the member forgot their wallet or only has a few dollars which they were going to spend on lunch.

This form of contribution is twice as nice as any other type of donation because it benefits both the giver and the receiver. The church knows in advance how much money they are assured of each month to operate on, and the donor knows exactly how much they are being debited each month to better plan their finances.

When I had my orthodontic practice in North Canton, we always gave the patient the option of EFT and as a business owner, we always hoped they would choose that option. If they chose this plan, we knew how much monthly income we were assured of. Personally, you will have a spiritual bonus for doing something that will help the church continue to run the wonderful ministries that has become the calling card of Church of the Lakes.

The first time I was involved with Electronic Funds Transfer was when my daughter was a student at St. Thomas High School. They did not give me the option of any other form of payment, so I had to become disciplined enough to remember how much I was going to be debited each month, so I didn’t overdraw my checking account. But once I got used to the bookkeeping advantages and minimal work I had to do, it became simple, easy, and routine. When I realized how well that worked, I now have my Verizon account and my health insurance payment set-up through EFT each month as well as my contributions to Church of the Lakes.

When deciding how I wanted my contribution to Church of the Lakes to be processed, I chose two EFT payments each month, one on the 5th of the month and one on the 20th of the month. I wanted to make sure I knew the dates so it would be an automatic reminder of the debit to my account. I usually pay my bills (yes, writing checks!) on the first of the month and the fifteenth of the month. When I am in my checkbook on the 1st, I automatically enter my Church payment for the 5th and when I write checks on the 15th, I enter the Church EFT payment for the 20th.

Besides making several EFT payments, I am also the recipient of two EFT payments. I have two teaching jobs that both pay me on the 31st by EFT. I don’t have to go to the bank to deposit a check or make out a deposit slip or stand in line. This form of transaction is definitely a win for both the donor and the recipient.


Global Methodist Church

Church of the Lakes is officially part of the Global Methodist Denomination.

Please let us know if you would like to keep your membership with Church of the Lakes, if you will still be attending but do not want to be a member, or if you would like to be removed from the Church of the Lakes membership rolls.

Click here to complete the 'Membership Response Form' online

This form is also being mailed to all members, and can be filled out and returned to the church office.

Membership certificates for those who choose to join Church of the Lakes GMC will be available after worship beginning on November 19th.

Poinsettia Orders

Orders & payment for poinsettias for the Christmas Eve services will be taken until November 20th. Poinsettia plants are $8.25 each and are available in red, white, and pink. To place your order call the church office, 330-499-8972. 

If you want your poinsettia, you can pick it up the week after Christmas. 

Purchase New Hymnals

Our affiliation with Global Methodist Church requires the purchase of new hymnals. For just $30 you can purchase a hymnal honor of someone, in memory of someone, or to the glory of God. Get a hymnal purchase form from the church office and submit it with your attached check to make sure we get the correct information.

Sanctuary Altar Flowers

Please sign up on the chart outside the Christian Education office if you would like to purchase the Sanctuary altar flowers for a specific Sunday during 2024. List your name, and in honor or memory of (whomever) beside your chosen date. Limit to just one date per household so we can accommodate others. Cost is $20, make checks payable to “Church of the Lakes” with your chosen date on the memo line.

Core 52 Scripture Memory Cards

We have CORE 52 Memory Verse sets available to assist you with the memorization of each weeks’ Scripture verse. The verses are on a keyring allowing for you to look up past verses that hold meaning for you. They are organized to follow the sermon series schedule. The Memory Cards for remaining sermon series sets are now available, if you would like a set visit the office. 

Worship Services

Sunday Morning In-person Worship:

  • 8:30 & 11:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
  • 9:30 & 11:00 am - Contemporary Worship in the Activity Center
  • 9:30 am - Contemporary Worship Canal Fulton Campus at Northwest High School

Online Worship:

Watch live at the service time, or after the service has ended ‘on-demand’

  • 9:30 am - Contemporary Worship
  • 11:00 am - Traditional Worship


Jesus in the Home - Family Adventure

We encourage you to spend some intentional time together as a family. We have some fun ideas for activities and games that will help you connect to each other while exploring your relationship with God.

Click here for the November Adventure

M.O.Ms (Ministry of Moms)

Being a mom is beautiful and hard. We get that you need a safe space to breathe and a place to get some encouragement that what you are doing matters. Join us on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (November 22nd), 6:00 - 8:00 pm, in room 214. Friends are welcome. For more information contact Angela Fritz.

Children's Christmas Party

Wise Men Still Seek Him- Children's Christmas party. You are invited to our Children's Christmas party on Wednesday, December 13th as we travel with the wise men to seek Jesus and offer Him our gift. 

The Children's Christmas party is for children in Kindergarten - 6th grades. There will be a pony ride (weather permitting), Bible Story, Craft, Game, and more. The cost is only $5 and can be paid at the door. Dinner begins at 5:30pm immediately followed with the Christmas party.

Click here to register

Widow's Connection

The widow's connection group will be meeting at Mulligan's Restaurant and Pub on Tuesday, November 21st, 11:30 am. This group is open to new members at any time. Text or call Sue Hoffmeyer, 330-704-1774 for a reservation by November 19th.

Women's Book Club

The book club will be discussing Hang the Moon by Jeannette Walls on Wednesday, December 6th, 10:00 am in room 206. Members are asked to bring a snack to share and/or a children's book for donation.

Women's Christmas Gala

We will once again be having our Women's Christmas Gala at the Historic Massillon Women's Club. Join us on Thursday, December 14th, entertainment begins at 5:30pm and dinner is at 6:15pm. The cost is $20 per person and is due to Sheri Grunwald by December 3rd to secure your reservation.

If you would like to donate gifts to our evenings drawing, contact Sheri. We try to have a small gift for everyone attending. You can ask local businesses for donations to the occasion.  

Call the Church office with your reservations, 330-499-8972. Contact Sheri Grunwald, 330-806-1934 with any questions or concerns.

Jesus in the Home Event

All families are invited to join us for a evening of fellowship and fun. Bring the whole family to North Canton Entertainment Center on Friday, January 19th, 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Cost is just $5 per person and includes roller skating, laser tag, bumper cars, and more. Dinner will be provided.

Click here to register

Christian Children's Home of Ohio

We are again partnering with the Christian Children’s Home of Ohio (CCHO) in Wooster. CCHO provides a safe and stable residential environment where abused, neglected and traumatized children (ages 6-18) find healing, discover hope and experience unconditional love. They have asked us to sponsor some gifts for their children to enjoy.

This year the Christmas gifts are centered around Recreation & Devotion. In addition to the items listed below Church of the Lakes is raising funds to purchase and install two outdoor basketball hoops for CCHO costing $2600. Donations above $75, and those not specifically designated will help this purchase. 

$10 – Devotional and Coloring Books 

$25 – Pickleball Equipment

$50 – Rollerskates

$75 – Weight Training

Click here to donate

Thanksgiving Meal

It's that time of year again to begin planning our annual Thanksgiving Dinner for church members and the community. Anyone who has nowhere to spend Thanksgiving is welcome and we look forward to serving you a wonderful, hot meal on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd at noon. All are welcome. If you would like to help with preparation or serving on Thanksgiving Day please join us for the following meeting dates for planning:

November 20th at 6:00 pm - room 201

Toy Collection for SAM Center

We are collecting donations of new toys for distribution to military veteran's children (newborn to age 13) through the SAM center for Christmas. Place donations of unwrapped new toys in the collection box in the entryway by December 1st

Outreach to Canal Fulton Community

On Saturday, December 2nd starting at 5:30 pm, Church of the Lakes Canal Fulton Campus will be part of the "Christmas on the Canal" parade. As a part of this event, there is caroling, ice sculpting, an electric light parade and a tree lighting. Pastor Robby is looking for volunteers to hand out invitations to the Christmas Eve Service with small candy canes as the float goes down the parade route. This fun event will help spread the word about Church of the Lakes ministry and presence in the Canal Fulton community. If you are able to help out that evening for about an hour, contact Pastor Robby.

Hanging of the Greens

Even though our home decorations are still pumpkins and Thanksgiving, it is time to help decorate God's House for advent. We need your help on Sunday, December 3rd starting with a pizza lunch in May Hall at 12:15 pm. We decorate the sanctuary, activity center and entryway. Many hands are needed and appreciated. RSVP to Jo Jacobs, text 330-844-0896 or respond online if you can help/will join us for lunch. Also, let me know if you will need child care. Thanks for your time and energy to celebrate the advent season.

Click here to register

Hiring Nursery Coordinator

Church of the Lakes is currently hiring a Sunday Morning Nursery Coordinator. This is a part-time, paid position. For the complete job description and application click here.

Baby Bundles Plus

Join us on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month, 9:30 am in room 108. Help sew & stuff little dolls for Children's Hospital, baby quilts for The Pregnancy & Parenting Center and also for Baptisms. Also help make stuffed animals for Children Services of Stark County & Aultman Hospital and lap quilts for the elderly. 

All are welcome, instructions given. Fabric, bating and monetary donations always appreciated. With questions, call or text Lucy Woods, 330-417-0282.

Hope Bridge Fundraiser

SAVE THE DATE: On Saturday, February 10th, 2024 our Women's Ministry group will sponsor a luncheon/fundraiser for the Hope Bridge Ministry. This non-profit Christian organization offers services, homes, resources and support for foster children and foster families in our area. This WE LOVE CHILDREN event will include a Silent Auction of theme gift baskets so we need your help. To donate a basket or for other questions, contact Angela Fritz.

Acme Receipts

Help us earn money for our Child Care Center by bringing in the bottom portion of you receipts from Acme Grocery Store for "Community Cash Back". The Child Care Center will receive 5% of the total spent on Acme Store Brands. Please put your receipts under the Child Care Center office door through December 24th.

DipJar Donations

Go to the ministry bookcase in the entryway & dip your credit or debit card into the ‘DipJar’ for an automatic $20 donation to this month's spotlight mission:  

Christian Children's Home of Ohio (CCHO)

Children’s Residential Center in Wooster provides a safe structured environment to meet the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of children from all across Ohio who have been abused, neglected and traumatized by the people they should be able to trust most. Children ages 6-18 live in spacious cottages and are provided with therapeutic, social, spiritual and educational opportunities designed to aid the child with the healing process, model for them how a healthy family functions, develop coping and life skills, and introduce them to Jesus Christ.

Stay up to date with your offering

Give online and setup one time or recurring giving

OR text give to 330-961-5524

OR mail a check to the church:

  5944 Fulton Dr NW

  Canton, OH 44718

Click here to give online
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