6 Best Practices for 2021
Cigarette & Alcohol Consumption Testing
If you're responsible for collecting smoking and alcohol test resultswhether for research projects, employment, or life insurance applicationsfollow these tips to make the process faster, easier, and more reliable next year.
Don't rely on inaccurate self-reporting information; invest in tests that offer precise consumption results for better decision-making
Measure specific alcohol & cigarette consumption over time so employees, subjects, and applicants can't stop usage to alter results
Continue to limit travel and personal contact by choosing a testing option that doesn't require a phlebotomist or paramed

Instead of testing for presence of a substance, measure DNA methylation (modification of a gene due to alcohol or cigarette consumption)
Invest in a test kit that lets you conduct analysis in the privacy of your own home, research lab, or medical office

Keep results confidential: Make sure test results are provided via encrypted files to maintain privacy