April 9, 2020
At Cigna, we’re proud of the incentive programs we offer to our Medicare Advantage customers. One of those valuable incentives is the 360 Exam. This thorough medical exam not only gives customers an accurate overall view of their health, but they can also receive a $50 gift card simply for completing this fully-covered service.*

In light of COVID-19, we’ve changed some of the guidelines for the 360 Exam
W e have extended the time frame for customers to complete the exam and send in the attestation form . Customers should complete their 360 Exam by July 31, 2020, and send their attestation form to Cigna on or before August 31, 2020.**

We’ve temporarily waived the in-person requirement, giving customers the opportunity to complete the exam via a telehealth visit. While this visit can be virtual, the customer must be visible to the provider via a screen; voice-only calls and e-visits do not fulfill the requirement. Cigna has provided two ways for customers to get a provider sign-off for a virtual visit:

  • Fill out the incentive form with the date of service and provider name and mail it back.
  • Sign up online at and attest the date of service and provider name. 
Cigna encourages all customers to get their yearly 360 Exam and additional preventive screenings to stay on top of their health and spot any possible issues before they become bigger problems. Please make sure your clients understand they can call our customer service line at 800-668-3813 with questions about the 360 Exam. 
*Customers enrolled in Cigna Arizona Medicare Advantage Plans, Leon Medical Centers Health Plans, TX STAR+PLUS, CarePlan Texas MMP, Part D Prescription Drug plans, and Cigna Medicare Supplement benefit plans are not eligible for this incentive.
** Customers must be on a Cigna Medicare Advantage plan on or before May 31, 2020, to take advantage of this date extension. Customers with a start date of June 1, 2020, and after are eligible for the 2021 plan incentive program.
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