"As a global war on terror veteran, having Crozer has had a huge impact on my life."
Celebrating 10 Years Together!

"As a global war on terror veteran, having Crozer has had a huge impact on my life. From assisting with picking up items that I drop and can’t pick up due to my back injury to alerting me to people coming up from behind. Crozer has played a huge part in reducing the number of medications I rely on and providing a better quality of life. I will be forever grateful for receiving Crozer as a service dog from Circle Tail."
Jeff and Crozer, partnered July 2012
Jeff and Crozer, July 2022
Did you know Circle Tail provides service/hearing dogs and training at no cost to qualified individuals? Circle Tail also provides continued support and training throughout the life of the team. It costs approximately $20,000 to fully train and partner a service/hearing dog. YOU can help Circle Tail continue to help dogs help people with a gift today!
Don't Miss Circle Tail's 2022 Golf Classic!
Deadline to Register: August 19, 2022
See your Circle Tail friends - human and canine - face to face again!

When: Monday, August 29. Golf begins at 8 AM.

Where: O'Bannon Creek Golf Club, Loveland, Ohio.

What: Bring together your friends and family for a day of fun, with the added benefit of supporting a fantastic cause. Enjoy a beautiful course, great food and drinks, puppy meet-and-greets, and the opportunity to win unique gifts and experiences!

Golf ticket includes lunch and drink tickets. For non-golfers, there are tickets available for the post-event lunch and gift raffle.

Interested in supporting the Circle Tail dogs and people whose lives they change? Your gift to Circle Tail will be recognized at the event, on Circle Tail's website, social media, and more - choose which sponsorship opportunity is right for you.
In honor of Circle Tail’s 25th year, we are reaching out to first-time donors! An anonymous Circle Tail supporter has graciously offered to match every $25 gift up to $5,000 if we reach 200 NEW donors by August 25, 2022. Your $25 donation will have double the impact!

If you've mentioned Circle Tail to friends and colleagues, now is the time to encourage them to donate for the most bang for their buck!

Your donation will be designated “For the Dogs” and will be used to provide food, medication, veterinary support, and training for our service dogs.
Find the latest news, events, and classes at circletail.org!