Ethnic Ministries

Circles of Color


Diocese of Olympia


February 18, 2023

A Word from the Canon

To honor Absalom Jones, I offer my sermon preached to commemorate his feast day on February 13th.

Sermon on Absalom Jones given by the Rev. Canon Carla Robinson: February 12th, 2023

In love and service,



Prayer for Black History Month

We echo the prayer Carla+ offered at Full Circle:

May God bless the memory of Tyre Nichols. We pray for his family during this time of unspeakable loss and grief. His life mattered. Tragically we have been here time & time again. Lord, grant us the strength and courage to never accept injustice & cruelty as the price for public safety. And give us grace to truly strive for justice and peace and to honestly respect the dignity of every human being.


Creator, we lift up and thank you for our Black siblings who have shaped history. We pray that the learning happening this month in schools, homes and workplaces will be meaningful and deep-rooted. We pray for open hearts and minds, And spirits willing to learn and be transformed by you. May this month be a time of curiosity and sharing, conversations and celebrations, challenge and encouragement. Loving God, help us to dig deeper, look closer, and think bigger. In Jesus’ name,


Black History Month: Praising God Through the Arts

Sundays in February @ 10 am | Saint Margaret's, Bellevue

Please mark your calendar and join St. Margaret's!

  • Sunday, February 19: Celebrating the work of Black artists
  • Sunday, February 26: Stephen Newby and the Sound of the Northwest Choir
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Special Guest for Black African Ministries Province VIII Meeting

February 25 @ 9:00 - 10:00 am

Join BAM Province VIII for a lively conversation with Rosita Stevens-Holsey, niece of the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray to discuss her work to preserve Pauli Murray's legacy.

Register in advance for this meeting here.


(A Short List of) Black History Month Resources

The Church of England. Liturgical resources


St Margret’s, Bellevue. Black History Month celebration opportunities


St Clement’s, Seattle. History of St Clement’s


AAA. Black History landmarks in the Pacific Northwest


The Seattle PI. A Timeline of Black History in Washington State


Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans. A Black History “Playlist”


The Diocese of Iowa. Read Watch and Listen list


St Ambrose Episcopal Church, Raleigh. Celebrating Black Saints


The Episcopal Church. Black bishops of the Episcopal Church


Defend Black History: A Reading List

The racist governor of Florida continues to escalate his attacks on the freedom to learn and teach history. Join Haymarket Books in standing in solidarity with all those in Florida and across the country who are organizing to resist.

In light of this recent round of attacks on the freedom to read, Haymarket has made three ebooks free to download, and are raising funds to help us send hundreds of free books to young people in Florida.In addition, they've put together this reading list of indispensable books on Black history and politics, all 40% off as part of their Black history month sale.

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Rev. Pauli Murray (July 1 feast day) from the Pauli Murray Center

Black Saints Resource Coming in April

We are delighted to share that there is an effort underway by Sherina James, Rev. Samuel Torvend, and Christ Church, Tacoma to put together a booklet highlighting Black saints in the liturgical calendar! Editing has taken longer than anticipated and they hope to release it on April 4th, the church's commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr.

As the Circles have voiced a need for a BIPOC saints calendar, we will be working to expand this offering started by Christ Church to include other saints of color as well. Please send us any relevant materials as we begin gathering biographies, photos/art, and liturgies to celebrate these faithful ancestors!

Presiding Bishop Curry invites gifts to Absalom Jones Fund for Episcopal HBCUs

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites people of all backgrounds and faiths to give generously to the Absalom Jones Fund in support of the work of two historically Black institutions of higher education in cultivating and preparing diverse leaders: Voorhees College and Saint Augustine's University.

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Edie Weller and family

Our community lifts prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller, whose husband John Weller passed last month. We mourn with the Weller family, hold them in our prayers, and stand with them in their grief as they prepare for his memorial. We pray especially for Edie, Bryan, and Liz, the rest of their family, as well as all who knew and loved John. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Edie shares her gratitude and love for Circles' support. John's service will be held at 2 pm on Saturday, March 18th, at Saint Mark's Cathedral. Reception to follow in Bloedel Hall downstairs.

Fred and Kris Jessett

The Jessetts would like to offer a thank you for all the kind words and prayers of the members of the Circles of Color. Fred says, "It really helps to know that others share our grief." If you'd like to send a card of sympathy, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.

Our community continues to lift prayer for the Jessetts, their daughter Victoria who passed in December, and her children. We pray for comfort and God's presence to be apparent to them as they journey with grief. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Vinh Do and family

Our community lifts prayer for Vinh's mother who is recovering in a rehab facility now. We praise God she is out of the hospital and pray for her continued recovery, health, and strength so she can return home. We pray also for Vinh and the rest of the family as they navigate insurance and future care needs during this difficult time. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Timi Vann and family

Our community lifts prayer for Timi Vann who underwent an intensive procedure a few weeks ago. She is home with family and received great news from her pathology report. We continue to pray for comfort, healing, and recuperation for Timi and that she, her girls, and husband Brian would be held in love by their community and the continued care of Timi's medical team. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you'd like to send a card, the Vanns' address is 5056 36th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105. You can find more updates and ways to support the Vanns via their Meal Train.

Carlos and Julianna Caguiat

Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. We pray especially for Julianna and those who care for her, that answers would become clear as to why she has had trouble walking and that she would experience ease in walking again. We pray also for Carlos and his medical team as they continue treating his condition. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.


Check this space as we highlight Clergy of Color, Circles members, and other offerings from the community!

If you would like to spotlight yourself or others, or would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne.

Circles Spotlight: Fr. Paul Karume

Fr. Paul's call began in 1992 as a youth lay pastor in Kenya. In 2008, he went to a theological college and received a BA in Divinity. His early ministry focused on single mothers and elders, which included an interdenominational ministry that served over 300 older ladies! He also served his diocesan Office of the Bishop by coordinating music and sports evangelism ministries.

In 2018 he came to the US for a friend's ordination. While here, he heard of the great need in the Kenyan community for Anglican churches and ended up staying to plant churches in CA and soon after in WA. After a few iterations, All Saints Goshen in Tacoma officially opened in April 2021 featuring services in the native Kenyan language and true to Kenyan culture and worship. What started as 6 people grew to 8 and is now 55 on Sundays with 100 members overall including children.

As more folks began coming each week from around the region, Fr. Paul saw the need to plant another Kenyan church in Puyallup: Christ Church. There were more than 200 people on the first Sunday in January and as Carla+ shared previously, it was an incredibly joyous time! As a trained evangelist and innovative church planter, Fr. Paul is also looking at starting another church in Shoreline to serve the Kenyan community up north.

Fr. Paul asks that we continue to support this generative work through prayer and tangibly through the sharing of teaching materials and curriculum (especially for youth), via financial support, and through interactions and connections within our Circles and the wider diocese. Let us pray for the continued blessing of Fr. Paul's ministry to our Kenyan siblings in the region. We are so inspired by and grateful for his leadership, friendship, and vision!

Support Episcopal Relief & Development's Efforts in Syria & Turkey

A devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake recently struck southeast Turkey and northern Syria. We pray for those who have lost loved ones, those who have been injured, and those who have lost their homes and communities in this tragedy.

Episcopal Relief and Development has already begun working with partners in the region to help those who have been affected by this tragedy. You can donate at the link below

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Native Arts and Cultures Foundation

We received this resource as something to pass on. The organization is based in Portland and promotes community transformation through Native arts and cultural programs. The foundation also has two programs currently accepting applications for support of such projects. Check it out!

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Latino Civic Alliance

This is a resource that Paul+ Moore shared. Their organization's mission is to promote advocacy and civic engagement in Washington State by encouraging social responsibility and public service through collaboration with community partners.

They're doing important work throughout the state. Stay tuned for more opportunities to engage, especially in support of youth.

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Creation Care Advisory Group Seeks Members

To faithfully represent the diverse networks, perspectives, and unique climate impacts experienced throughout our diocese, we are seeking additional committee members. Youth/young adults, Circles of Color members, and folks beyond the 1-5 Corridor/Seattle Metro area are encouraged to get in touch with Adrienne if interested or if you have any questions.

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Adrienne on the Road

It's been so wonderful to be in person to visit with folks from our Circles and diocesan staff. I'm trying my best to live into Carla's incredible reach across the diocese (and selfie skills) and have really enjoyed my time with everyone. After some events this weekend with our African priests and their spouses, as well as the AAPI event at Holy Apostles, I will head to Vancouver, WA on Tuesday to visit some folks on the south end of our diocese.

Thank you for all your hospitality, time for conversation, and sharing of your heart and ministry. If I don't see you before I leave next Thursday, let's connect next time or on Zoom!

I started my visits with Holy Family of Jesus Cambodian Church in Tacoma on Sunday. They had a special Valentine's Day service that was all about God's love. It included performances from their choir (including a special song from the kids!) as well as favorite Scriptures read by the kids too.

It turned out I came on the right Sunday (second Sunday) for their potluck after the service also! Thank you to Fr. Rong, Tula, and all of the hospitable folks at HFJ for welcoming me on this special Sunday!

On Monday, I spent time with Valerie Reinke and Sylvia Sepulveda on Bainbridge Island. The Bainbridge Island Museum of Art is free to the public and features lots of local artists! Thanks to Valerie for showing me around the island and for some time outside walking on the beach.

It was so fun to spend time with Sylvia and her whales! We had a great time visiting. Please keep her in your prayers as she embarks on a month-long sabbatical around Asheville, NC for an upcoming Dream Work program and some creative time away.

On Tuesday I had a lovely breakfast with Polly Shigaki. We spent time catching up and talking about everything including her sermon for St. Peter's upcoming Day of Remembrance for Executive Order 9066 which resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. I want to be like Deacon Polly when I grow up!

On Wednesday, I had a wonderful lunch with Baudelina Paz in Mt. Vernon! She shared some of her journey and experience the exciting things happening I am continually amazed by Baudelina's gifts and vision for serving Resurreccion and the wider community.

Met up with Deborah Moore in Everrett to talk about UBE, Black African American Circle, and of course Deborah's sweet treats business. Moore to come on that next week! Thank you to Deborah for all the ways she's helped Carla+ and I with UBE and for her consistent leadership of the BAA Circle. We are so grateful and blessed!

February 19

St. James, Kent

February 26

Holy Cross, Redmond

Rev. Carla is taking a Lenten break from her preaching schedule and will be back on the road for Easter season.


Want to share events from your parish or community?

Email details to Adrienne by Friday.

Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program: 2023

Sundays, February 5 - April 16 @ 6:30 - 8:00 pm | Online

The Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program is back for a second year!

All youth, ages 13 to 18 (seniors in high school), are invited to come along on this Confirmation journey as we explore, learn, grapple, and discover what we believe and why. This is a 10-week series.

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AAPI Gathering with Holy Apostles


February 19 @ 12:00 pm | Holy Apostles, Bellevue

The AAPI Circle invites all to join in worship and fellowship at Holy Apostles! In addition to a baptism, we will be celebrating 3 Chinese martyrs whose feast day is February 19th. We will spend time together over lunch afterwards. Please RSVP below so we can get a headcount for food!


PNW UBE February Meeting

February 21 @ 7:00 pm | Zoom

Join us for the Union of Black Episcopalians PNW Chapter's first meeting of 2023. All Episcopalians from Oregon and Washington are welcome to attend!

Zoom link

AAPI Leaders Retreat

April 26-29 | Austin, TX

Retreat organizers are especially interested in connecting the younger generation of Asian American leaders, seminarians and newly ordained Asian American clergy to the growing AAPI network. Please share with any of these folks!

Retreat cost is $100 and includes a double occupancy room (single rooms available as well), meals, and up to $350 travel reimbursement. Our office can also supplement for AAPI Circle members who would like to attend. Let us know if you plan to go and act fast, space is limited!

Register Here


Next Full Circle Meeting


March 1, 2023

3:00 pm

Circles Contacts

Full Circle

Contact Carla Robinson

Clergy Circle

Contact Carla Robinson

Black/African American Circle

Contact Deborah Moore

AAPI Circle

Contact Adrienne Elliott

Latino/Hispanic Circulo

Contact Rev. Jesús Reyes

Indigenous Circle

Contact Rachel Taber-Hamilton

Allies Circle

Contact TBD

Alzheimer's Support Group

If Alzheimer's has touched your life in some way, you're not alone. A group of Circles members meets Saturday mornings to share in community together.

Contact Jerry Shigaki for more info.

Resources within the Episcopal Church

Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing

African Descent Ministries

Asiamerica Ministries

Diocese of Olympia

Episcopal News Service

Indigenous Ministries

Latino/Hispanic Ministries

Racial Reconciliation

Social Justice & Advocacy Engagement

Union of Black Episcopalians: UBE

Volunteer Search Committee for Episcopal Church LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries Staff Officer

The Episcopal Church, the Department of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care

The Episcopal Church Office of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care invites volunteers for the search committee for a new staff officer for LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries, as mandated by the 80th General Convention. If interested, learn more about the process and how to apply below.

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Groundbreaking Episcopal priest Pauli Murray will be featured on US quarters

The Rev. Pauli Murray, the first African American woman to be ordained a priest and a pioneer in the struggles for racial and gender equality, will be featured on U.S. quarters in 2024, the U.S. Mint announced on Feb. 1.

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Racial Reconciliation & Becoming Beloved Community Newsletter - February 2023

Read on for a reflection from Catherine Meeks, more info about Rev. Miguel Bustos named as the the Episcopal Church manager for Racial Reconciliation and Justice, Lenten offerings, upcoming events, and more!

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Lent Madness

For the competitive Circle members amongst us (let's leave baseball out of this!), check out this fun Lenten practice! It is included as a resource offered by The Episcopal Church for Lent through Forward Movement.

This year's bracket features a few BIPOC saints, including Chief Seattle! Get your scorecard in order, vote for your favorite saints, and learn more about these faithful ones. Lots of info on the site!

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Other Resources

Community Resources from Church Council of Greater Seattle

English/Spanish resources for King County and beyond


The Rev. Carla Robinson

Canon for Multicultural Ministries

and Community Transformation



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