Ethnic Ministries

Circles of Color


Diocese of Olympia


February 4, 2023

A Word from the Canon

On the 22nd and the 29th I preached and presided at Christ Church, Puyallup. I thank Father Mike Mayor for the invitation to be there and to serve while he was away. It was a delight to serve with a pair of deacons, the Rev. Linda Potter and the Rev. Becky Scott, both longtime friends and supporters of multicultural ministries.

The week in between the visits to Christ Church was spent mostly in Charlotte, NC. I was there for a meeting to two planning teams for a pair of upcoming events. The team I worked with is planning “Marked As Christ’s Own Forever: Living Resurrected Lives." This is a leadership retreat for trans and non-binary clergy of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada. The first of its kind, we hope this gathering will draw 20-30 clergy. This leadership retreat will focus on community building, networking, and respite. Embracing the gifts we bring to the Church; we hope to generate collaborative teams whose work will not only springboard the next such gathering but also contribute to the transformation of the Church. The other planning team is working on a retreat for Asian women. Both retreats are being planned for later this year.

This week featured the monthly meeting of the Full Circle and the Clergy of Color Circle. The Clergy of Color Circle is now meeting in the evenings so that clergy who are not available during the day can be present. I was delighted to see some of those clergy at this meeting. The Clergy of Color Circle now meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 5pm.

On Thursday evening I was at St Dunstan for their Candlemas service, which featured a strong social justice theme. In addition to the service there were tables with materials from several community groups whose work connects with social justice: NAMI, Shoreline Community College, Moms Demand Action, and Black Coffee Northwest. 

I’m thankful to the Rev. David Marshall for the invitation to preach and to Victoria Johnson for the thoughtful work in creating and supporting the event.

In love and service,



Prayer for Black History Month

We echo the prayer Carla+ offered at Full Circle:

May God bless the memory of Tyre Nichols. We pray for his family during this time of unspeakable loss and grief. His life mattered. Tragically we have been here time & time again. Lord, grant us the strength and courage to never accept injustice & cruelty as the price for public safety. And give us grace to truly strive for justice and peace and to honestly respect the dignity of every human being.


Creator, we lift up and thank you for our Black siblings who have shaped history. We pray that the learning happening this month in schools, homes and workplaces will be meaningful and deep-rooted. We pray for open hearts and minds, And spirits willing to learn and be transformed by you. May this month be a time of curiosity and sharing, conversations and celebrations, challenge and encouragement. Loving God, help us to dig deeper, look closer, and think bigger. In Jesus’ name,


Black History Month: Praising God Through the Arts

Sundays in February @ 10 am | Saint Margaret's, Bellevue

Please mark your calendar and join St. Margaret's! Rev. Beverly A. Moore-Tasy highlights the Nansi Carroll event. Nansi will share from her experience as a Black Roman Catholic and singer.

  • Sunday, February 5: Around The World Feast following the service.
  • Sunday, February 12: Nansi Carroll and the SPU Concert Choir
  • Sunday, February 19: Celebrating the work of Black artists
  • Sunday, February 26: Stephen Newby and the Sound of the Northwest Choir
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Rev. Pauli Murray (July 1 feast day) from the Pauli Murray Center

Black Saints Resource for Black History Month

We are delighted to share that there is an effort underway by Sherina James, Rev. Samuel Torvend, and Christ Church, Tacoma to put together a booklet highlighting Black saints in the liturgical calendar! As they finish editing, it will likely be available mid-February.

As the Circles have voiced a need for a BIPOC saints calendar, we will be working to expand this offering started by Christ Church to include other saints of color as well. Please send us any relevant materials as we begin gathering biographies, photos/art, and liturgies to celebrate these faithful ancestors!

Presiding Bishop Curry invites gifts to Absalom Jones Fund for Episcopal HBCUs

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites people of all backgrounds and faiths to give generously to the Absalom Jones Fund in support of the work of two historically Black institutions of higher education in cultivating and preparing diverse leaders: Voorhees College and Saint Augustine's University.

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Edie Weller and family

Our community lifts prayer for the Rev. Edie Weller, whose husband John Weller passed last month. We mourn with the Weller family, hold them in our prayers, and stand with them in their grief. We pray especially for Edie, Bryan, and Liz, the rest of their family, as well as all who knew and loved John. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Edie shares her gratitude and love for Circles' support. John's service will be held at 2 pm on Saturday, March 18th, at Saint Mark's Cathedral. Reception to follow in Bloedel Hall downstairs.

Fred and Kris Jessett

The Jessetts would like to offer a thank you for all the kind words and prayers of the members of the Circles of Color. Fred says, "It really helps to know that others share our grief." If you'd like to send a card of sympathy, the Jessetts' address is 5309 South Myrtle Ln. Spokane, WA 99223.

Our community continues to lift prayer for the Jessetts, their daughter Victoria who passed in December, and her children. We pray for comfort and God's presence to be apparent to them as they journey with grief. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Vinh Do and family

Our community lifts prayer for Vinh's mother who is in the ICU with pneumonia. We pray for her healing and strength to be restored, and for wisdom and compassion to guide her medical providers. We pray also for Vinh and the rest of their family as they navigate this difficult time. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Timi Vann and family

Our community lifts prayer for Timi Vann who underwent an intensive procedure Wednesday. She is out of the ICU and will be in the hospital for a few more days. We pray for good news from her pathology report next week. We continue to pray for comfort, healing, and recuperation for Timi and that she, her girls, and husband Brian would be held in love by their community and the continued care of Timi's medical team. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you'd like to send a card, the Vanns' address is 5056 36th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105. You can find more updates and ways to support the Vanns via their Meal Train.

Carlos and Julianna Caguiat

Our community lifts prayer for Carlos and Julianna as they continue to deal with various health concerns. We pray especially for Julianna and those who care for her, that answers would become clear as to why she has had trouble walking and that she would experience ease in walking again. We pray also for Carlos and his medical team as they continue treating his condition. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

If you have additional prayer requests, please send them to Adrienne.


Circles Spotlight: Stay Tuned!

At our last Full Circles meeting, the Black/African American Circle elevated a desire to share more from around our Circles in the weekly newsletter. Check this space as we highlight Clergy of Color, Circles members, and other offerings from the community!

If you would like to spotlight yourself or others, or would like to highlight resources, books, events, liturgies, or anything else, please send them to Adrienne.

St. Stephen's Annual Meeting

Sharalyne King shares this about her parish's Annual Meeting:

The 2023 Annual Meeting brought much joy to St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Longview, WA. Being an ending vestry member of my church, I had the pleasure to host a table at our meeting under the parish theme: Cultivate. I wanted to make the table a quiet reflection on how cultivation starts and provide an opportunity to practice this with my assigned members. We cultivated our brownie parfait dessert with crushed Oreos for potting soil, pudding for fertilizer, and mint herb for seedlings. Everything tastes great with whipped cream. Please keep us in prayer as we cultivate our parish ministries and reconnect with one another.

Circles in San Diego

Bishop +Sandy Hampton graciously hosted Adrienne for lunch last week at his retirement community and much conversation, laughs, and connections were had. As Alfredo+ (Pasadena) and Irene+ (Okinawa) have shared in Full Circle, it is a blessing that our Circles community extends far beyond Western WA!

Creation Care Advisory Group Seeks Members

The committee is currently formulating and discerning how to best connect the dots between parishes to collaborate and share Creation Care and climate justice resources, events, actions, and liturgies.

To faithfully represent the diverse networks, perspectives, and unique climate impacts experienced throughout our diocese, we are seeking additional committee members. Youth/young adults, Circles of Color members, and folks beyond the 1-5 Corridor/Seattle Metro area are encouraged to get in touch with Adrienne if interested or if you have any questions.

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Liberating faith-owned land: Capitol Hill house transferred from Seattle Mennonite Church to QTBIPOC community collective

Written in November 2022, this is a really interesting and expansive piece highlighting the communal process of land transfer from the Mennonite Church to what's become the Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network’s House of Constance. The space will provide safe, dignified housing for 8-10 Black trans women and femmes and a community hub for Black queer and trans folks to build community and thrive together. This partnership was shepherded by the Church Council of Greater Seattle's Faith Land Initiative.

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February 5

Christ Church, Blaine

February 12

St. Anthony's, Silverdale

February 19

St. James, Kent

February 26

Holy Cross, Redmond


Want to share events from your parish or community?

Email details to Adrienne by Friday.

Recordings Posted

The Episcopal Church Office of Indigenous Ministries hosted Winter Talk 2023 both in-person and online, January 21-23, 2023, at the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin. Click the link to view recorded sessions, including one with our own Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton!

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Feast Day of Absalom Jones Service

February 11 @ 11 am | St. Paul's, Oakland via Facebook

The Rt. Rev. Marc H. Andrus will be the Celebrant and the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, Bishop of the Diocese of Missouri will be the preacher. 


This event is cosponsored by the Afro Anglican Commission of the Diocese and the Northern California/Vivian Traylor Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians.

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Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program: 2023

Sundays, February 5 - April 16 @ 6:30 - 8:00 pm | Online

The Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program is back for a second year!

All youth, ages 13 to 18 (seniors in high school), are invited to come along on this Confirmation journey as we explore, learn, grapple, and discover what we believe and why. This is a 10-week series.

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Queer Theology Workshop with Hugo Alas

February 18 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am | Zoom

Saint Mark's is hosting a Queer Theology event in collaboration with the Santa Marta Center for LGBTQI+ Youth in El Salvador. In this workshop, we will understand what queer theology is, analyze the relationship between theology, sexuality, gender and sexual orientation, and critique the assumptions institutional religions have about gender and sexuality. Register below.

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2023 Day of Remembrance

February 18 @ 11:00 am | Puyallup and Tacoma

The 2023 Day of Remembrance will be a two location event. The program begins at 11:00 am inside the Agri-Plex Building, Washington State Fairgrounds, Puyallup which was one of the temporary detention sites during WWII following President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's signing of Executive Order 9066.

The program will travel south for the Ceremony of Solidarity at 1:00 pm in front of the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma. This is a detention center for migrants held by ICE. Special guests include Tamiko Nimura, Kiku Hughes, and Anna Mariko Seymour.

The event is co-organized by the Minidoka Pilgrimage Planning Committee, Puyallup Valley JACL, Seattle JACL, Tsuru for Solidarity, and La Resistencia.

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AAPI Gathering with Holy Apostles


February 19 @ 12 pm | Holy Apostles, Bellevue

The AAPI Circle invites all to join in worship and fellowship at Holy Apostles! In addition to a baptism, we will be celebrating 3 Chinese martyrs whose feast day is February 19th. We will spend time together over lunch afterwards. Please RSVP below so we can get a headcount for food!


AAPI Leaders Retreat

April 26-29 | Austin, TX

Retreat organizers are especially interested in connecting the younger generation of Asian American leaders, seminarians and newly ordained Asian American clergy to the growing AAPI network. Please share with any of these folks!

Retreat cost is $100 and includes a double occupancy room (single rooms available as well), meals, and up to $350 travel reimbursement. Our office can also supplement for AAPI Circle members who would like to attend. Let us know if you plan to go and act fast, space is limited!

Register Here


Next Full Circle Meeting


March 1, 2023

3:00 pm

Circles Contacts

Full Circle

Contact Carla Robinson

Clergy Circle

Contact Carla Robinson

Black/African American Circle

Contact Deborah Moore

AAPI Circle

Contact Adrienne Elliott

Latino/Hispanic Circulo

Contact Rev. Jesús Reyes

Indigenous Circle

Contact Rachel Taber-Hamilton

Allies Circle

Contact TBD

Alzheimer's Support Group

If Alzheimer's has touched your life in some way, you're not alone. A group of Circles members meets Saturday mornings to share in community together.

Contact Jerry Shigaki for more info.

Resources within the Episcopal Church

Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing

African Descent Ministries

Asiamerica Ministries

Diocese of Olympia

Episcopal News Service

Indigenous Ministries

Latino/Hispanic Ministries

Racial Reconciliation

Social Justice & Advocacy Engagement

Union of Black Episcopalians: UBE

Volunteer Search Committee for Episcopal Church LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries Staff Officer

The Episcopal Church, the Department of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care

The Episcopal Church Office of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care invites volunteers for the search committee for a new staff officer for LGBTQI+ and Women's Ministries, as mandated by the 80th General Convention. If interested, learn more about the process and how to apply below.

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Groundbreaking Episcopal priest Pauli Murray will be featured on US quarters

The Rev. Pauli Murray, the first African American woman to be ordained a priest and a pioneer in the struggles for racial and gender equality, will be featured on U.S. quarters in 2024, the U.S. Mint announced on Feb. 1.

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For Tyre - Special Becoming Beloved Community Newsletter - January 2023

From Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, who is Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation Care.

I have not watched the film of five Black Memphis police officers beating 29-year-old Tyre Nichols to a pulp. I have not seen the EMTs who did so little while a beloved child made in God's image lay dying at their feet. I have not looked, yet it is all I can see.

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Lent Madness

For the competitive Circle members amongst us (let's leave baseball out of this!), check out this fun Lenten practice! It is included as a resource offered by The Episcopal Church for Lent through Forward Movement.

This year's bracket features a few BIPOC saints, including Chief Seattle! Get your scorecard in order, vote for your favorite saints, and learn more about these faithful ones. Lots of info on the site!

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Other Resources

Community Resources from Church Council of Greater Seattle

English/Spanish resources for King County and beyond


The Rev. Carla Robinson

Canon for Multicultural Ministries

and Community Transformation



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