Local government can be boring. Indeed, often when agencies do best, the community never even notices. I don’t really know too many public agency staff who want “excitement” in their agencies. Similarly, I don’t want excitement with the plumbing in my house. I just want it to work.
The problem with boring is that in our glitzy, pop culture-driven society, boring gets ignored. Worse yet, boredom creates disengagement, disinterest, and sometimes, distrust. One way to counter boring is with great visual design.
Recently we doubled down our design commitment with the addition of Kevin Bostwick as Art Director for Tripepi Smith. Kevin brings over 25 years of design experience for major brands like Marriott, Chevron and Johnson and Johnson. He also has a particular passion for infographic design, with the goal of turning data into visual storytelling. Tripepi Smith is combining Madison Avenue design with local government expertise. It is powerful stuff.
Public agencies and the communities they serve deserve great design. It aids in both transparency and engagement. It elevates the impact of content. It helps make stories memorable. Our team is here to give you that option.
I wish you all a happy holiday season and a quiet period before we have the opportunity to start 2020 off with a bang and make it the best year ever.