Calling On Concerned Citizens
Interested in being an REC member?
(Republican Executive Committeeman)
If you live in FL, have been
A registered Republican for 1 year:
Complete this form.
(see below)
Select the position you want to fill.
(Precinct or State Committeeman)
Submit it to your local GOP Secretary in your county.
(E-mail to Secretary & Bring the Hard Copy to the meeting)
In Citrus County it's
You can E-mail the completed form and bring the hardcopy to the next meeting which is posted on the local GOP website.
Citrus County REC meets
The 3rd Monday of each month at
6:30 PM
Realtor's Association
714 S. Scarboro Avenue
Lecanto, FL 34461
If your precinct has no representative
(the position is open)
You can get voted onto the committee
(as a precinct committeeman/woman)
You can join as a precinct committee man/woman anytime if there is an opening.
(If no opening, you could still become an alternate)
Even if the meeting is closed to the public you can still attend and be voted in.
The same form is used for
State Committeeman/woman
however the submission date for State Committeeman/Woman is not until
June 10-14, 2024 (qualifying week)
If you submit form to the Supervisor of Elections (SOE), it will put you on ballot.
Find your local GOP at FL.GOP