Due to a technological issue, some people may have received this edition of the City Beat in which the links were not functioning properly.  We have corrected the issue and are re-sending this edition.

Good afternoon, San Gabriel!
Did you enjoy our Lunar New Year Festival last weekend?  Thousands of visitors did, and the event garnered press coverage throughout the region.  It was a great day of fun for all ages. Now, if you think that's all we've got going on, we have news for you. 

But first, we say goodbye to one of our team.   This week Lauren Gold, the City's first full-time Public Information Officer, leaves us to pursue exciting new adventures. During her two years with San Gabriel, Lauren has expanded our presence in conventional and social media, redesigned our weekly newsletter, and greatly enhanced our ability to converse with all of you. Thanks for everything, Lauren.  We will miss you!

Here's what else is going on in San Gabriel this week.  
Steve Preston, City Manager
City launches business-friendly website
Introducing a new way of doing business in San Gabriel
The Community Development Department and the Economic Development Division are excited to announce the launch of a brand new website!  

The website, www.sangabrieled.com, is dedicated entirely to economic development and aims to improve the city's business friendly practices. The site includes a host of resources and features to help the city attract new business, assist developers and business owners, and boost the overall city image.

Sangabrieled.com is a one-stop shop where developers, business owners, renters and realtors can find all the information they need in one place that is easy to navigate and intuitive to the businessperson.

  Learn More
  News from City Hall
Join us to help 'Dream your Park'
Next week, community members will have a unique opportunity to share their input on the future of the city's parks and recreation programs at several public meetings.

These meetings are part of the process to develop the city's first Parks and Open Space Master Plan, which began last year. 

The city will hold six focus group meetings on Feb. 6-8 and a community forum meeting on Feb. 8 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the CHEC Building, 261 S Junipero Serra Drive.

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Officer and explorer help homeless man 
Last week, San Gabriel Police Explorer Omar Villegas helped give a homeless man needed comfort during a cold winter night, in an act of kindness that will be recognized by the City Council at a future meeting.

The officer and explorer gave a homeless man a pair of shoes.
Celebrate Valentine's Day at the Playhouse
Locals can celebrate Valentine's Day at the free Wine, Dine & Dance event on Thursday, Feb. 9 between 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Mission Playhouse Plaza, 320 S Mission Drive.

The free event will include dance lessons, wine tasting, appetizers and music.

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Get involved: Join a City Commission
The city is now accepting applications for city commissions.

There are vacancies on all four Commissions, Civil Service Commission, Community Services Commission, Design Review Commission and Planning Commission.

Applications are available  online or pick one up at San Gabriel City Hall today. The application deadline is Friday, April 7, 2017.
Comprehensive financial report online now
The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, is now available online. 

Included is a report from the City's auditor, White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP, Certified Public Accountants with their opinion that the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City.

  Mission Playhouse
'Silent Sunday' series continues Feb. 5
Spring Festival and Sri Lanka Celebration also this weekend
On Friday, Feb. 3 at 7:00 p.m., US Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce will present "Chinese Arts Troupe's Spring Festival Tour." Then on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 6:30 p.m., experience the rich, colorful and vibrant culture of Sri Lanka at Serendib Foundation's free "Sri Lanka 69th Anniversary Celebration."

View three classic Laurel & Hardy silent short films from the 1920s: "Double Whoopee," "You're Darn Tootin," and "Liberty" on Sunday, Feb. 5 at 2:30 p.m., as part of the Playhouse's Silent Sundays series. Lance Luce will provide live accompaniment on the Playhouse's 1924 Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ.

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Playhouse & library partnership a success
On Saturday, Jan. 21, a group of students participated in a free youth theater workshop at the Playhouse, "A Play in A Day." 

The event was the first Playhouse partnership with the San Gabriel Library. Students got to work on their acting skills and create an ensemble performance with LA Theatre Company, Rogue Artists Ensemble on the Playhouse stage. Parents and students gave positive feedback of the event and are looking forward to similar workshops in the future.

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The San Gabriel Mission Playhouse is owned and operated by the City of San Gabriel. Unless otherwise stated, all events are presented by independent producers and are subject to change or cancellation without notice. The Mission Playhouse is not responsible for the content of such events, artistic or otherwise. The views expressed by these independent producers do not necessarily reflect those of the Mission Playhouse or the City of San Gabriel. 
  ACE construction updates
ACE photo of the week
Questions? Call the project help line at 888.ACE.1426
Work continues as crews install tracks in the San Gabriel trench. Photo: ACE/Jacobs

  On the agenda
Upcoming City Council meetings
  • Tues., Feb. 7 - 5:30 p.m., Goal Setting Workshop - Implementing City's Strategic Plan, City Hall, Conference Room A

  • Tues., Feb. 7 - 7:30 p.m., City Council Meeting, City Hall, Council Chambers
  • Tues., Feb. 21 - 7:30 p.m., City Council Meeting, City Hall, Council Chambers
  • Tues., Mar. 7 - 7:30 p.m., CANCELED for General Municipal Election
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Upcoming commission meetings
All meetings are held at City Hall in the Council Chambers.
  • Mon., Feb. 6 - 7:00 p.m., Community Services Commission
  • Mon., Feb. 13 - 6:30 p.m., Planning Commission
  • Mon., Feb. 27 - 7:30 p.m., Design Review Commission
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  Upcoming Community Events
Here is a list of events coming up in the San Gabriel community:
  • Thursday, Feb. 2, 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., San Gabriel Library, "Computer Basics," San Gabriel Library, 500 S Del Mar Ave.
More Events
  We're hiring!
The city is recruiting for the following positions:
  • Management Assistant - (Public Information Officer) - Closes Feb. 17
  • Administrative Assistant I  - Open until filled
  • Auto Mechanic - Closes Feb. 3
  • Mission Playhouse Stage Crew - Continuous
  • Mission Playhouse Usher - Continuous
  • Police Officer (Entry Level Recruit) - Continuous
  • Police Officer (Lateral/Academy Graduate) - Continuous
  • Police Cadet - Continuous
  • Police Dispatcher Clerk - Continuous
  • Police Assistant - Continuous
  • Firefighter/Paramedic - Continuous
  • Recreation Leader - Continuous
  • Lifeguard/Swim Instructor - Continuous
Apply Now
City Beat is a weekly digital publication of the City of San Gabriel, published by the Administration Department. For questions or concerns, email Steve Preston, city manager at spreston@sgch.org; or Melanie Benson, executive assistant, at mbenson@sgch.org.  You can also call us at 626.308.2803.

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City of San Gabriel