City Beat
Your city, your news
February 22, 2022
Welcome to City Beat, a free weekly e-newsletter containing the latest news and information about the City of Bartlesville and related topics. Get yours delivered each week!
Progress Update
Projects Update:
City parks, streets, bridge projects underway
Sooner Pool Expansion Project

A discretionary project included on the 2013 Half-cent Sales Tax extension ballot, the Sooner Pool Expansion Project involves the construction of two 45-foot slides, group shelters and other general improvements to the existing Sooner Pool facilities located in Sooner Park, 420 S.E. Madison Blvd. The $2.8 million project also includes rehabilitating the existing lap pool surface and construction of a new parking lot.

Site work is underway at the pool, including constructing the new parking lot. Work has also started on rehabilitation of the existing pool surface and footings are being constructed for the new slide tower and water slides. Work is also underway to rehabilitate the surface at Frontier Pool, which includes sandblasting the existing surface, applying a new epoxy paint finish and replacing damaged skimmers and some damaged tiles on the stairs and coping, said Director of Engineering Micah Siemers.

"This work was added to the Sooner Pool contract via change order utilizing sales tax funds set aside for the Frontier Pool work," Siemers said. "The completion date for work on the existing pools and new parking lot construction is targeted for mid-May, and the new slides and associated additions are targeted for completion in July."

Funding resources include the voter-approved Half-cent Capital Improvement Project Sales Tax and General Obligation Bond funds for the parking lot repair portion of the project.
Robinwood Soccer Fields

Sixteen lights salvaged from the Price Fields Renovation Project are headed for Robinwood Soccer Fields, 2200 S.E. Frank Phillips Blvd., and the City-owned Skate Park, 2200 S.E. Adams Blvd.

"Design is about to wrap up on the Robinwood Soccer Field Lighting project," Siemers said.

The project, which consists of installing athletic lights salvaged from Price Fields on the south three fields at Robinwood Park, should be advertised for bidding the last week in February.

"Bids will be opened in March and, hopefully, a contract will be awarded in early April with construction this summer," Siemers said.

Four of the lights will be placed at the City Skate Park.

"We are currently working on the design and hope to advertise for bids for construction on that project this month," Siemers said.

Installation is targeted for late spring or early summer.

Photo by Chance Franks

Fifth Street Rehab

The City will receive $228,333 in grant funding through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce's Community Development Block Grant for Fifth Street – Santa Fe to Sunset Improvement Project, which must be matched by City funds.

The project, which is estimated to cost $456,666, consists of rehabilitating Fifth Street and the adjacent sidewalk between Sunset Boulevard and Santa Fe Ave.

Notices were recently published for public comment regarding the release of funds and the environmental impact (none) and are due by Feb. 25.
Delaware, Clear Creek Loop

Asphalt mill and overlays are on tap for Delaware from Fifth Street to Hillcrest and for Clear Creek Loop, which is located near the southwest corner of Tuxedo and Bison.

"Funding will be available for both projects as part of the 2022 issuance of the August 2020 General Obligation Bond," Siemers said. "Those funds should be available sometime this spring. Design will wrap up in March with construction anticipated this summer."

Most street projects on-hold

Selection of preventative maintenance street projects is on hold pending the findings of the updated Pavement Management Analysis Report. The report, which is used to help prioritize funding and scheduling for street projects, is a detailed analysis that measures deterioration levels of the city’s roads. Input from citizens and City Council members, as well as recommendations from the volunteer-driven Street and Traffic Committee, are also considered.

The City Council approved funding an update of the report, which is currently underway.

"Once we have an updated pavement condition model, we will select projects for this year and Fiscal Year 2022-23," Siemers said.
Pathfinder Parkway

The City has contracted with Service & Technology (STC) for an assessment of the Pathfinder Parkway and to provide recommendations for phased repairs to the trail.

"We have received the assessment and have selected projects based upon that assessment to include with current funding available," said Siemers. "Design is underway, and we anticipate the design portion of the project wrapping up in late spring, with construction expected in late summer and early fall."

Siemers said the current design will address drainage issues in a couple of locations along the trail and rehabilitating the pavement along a couple of sections of trail.

The Douglass Park Walkway Repavement Project, approved by voters in the 2018 G.O. Bond election, is also included in the Pathfinder project.

Ongoing repairs have been made to the system with voter approval of funding in the 2013 Half-cent CIP Sales Tax extension election, the 2018 and 2020 G.O. Bond elections and the 2020 Half-cent CIP Sales Tax elections.
Wastewater plant, Caney River Corridor

The City Council in 2020 approved an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality consent order outlining $49 million in improvements to the city's wastewater collection system by 2027.

The improvements, which were already under planning by the City, include an expansion of the existing Chickasaw Wastewater Treatment Plant and planning for improvements to the four pump stations and pipelines that move wastewater from south of town (Rice Creek and Silver Lake) to the treatment plant on the north side of town (Chickasaw and Tuxedo), which is called the Caney River pump corridor.

Improvements to the city's wastewater collection system have been underway since the City received its first consent decree from the Environmental Protection Agency in 1989, requiring a reduction in the city's "bypass events." These events occur when rainwater enters the sewer system through cracks or broken pipes during heavy rainfall, causing the system to exceed capacity and become overloaded.

"Over the past 25 years, more than $38.5 million has been spent making the required improvements to the system, significantly reducing storm water inflow and infiltration as well as improving the capacity of the collection system," said Water Utilities Director Terry Lauritsen. "By the 2010s, the City had reduced its bypass events from 100-150 per rain event to fewer than five."

Additional improvements required by the ODEQ are significant and involve increasing the existing capacity of the sanitary sewer treatment plant as well as planning for improvements to the lines and lift stations along the Caney River pump corridor. The corridor starts just west of the intersection of Rice Creek Road and Silver Lake and includes four pump stations: Rice Creek and Silver Lake, Hillcrest Country Club, Hillcrest Heights and Shawnee just south of the Bartlesville High School.

"The wastewater treatment plant expansion is scheduled to be under construction in late summer 2023 and has an estimated cost of $49 million," said Lauritsen. "Work is anticipated to be complete by late spring 2027.

Once the wastewater treatment plant expansion is underway, staff anticipates the ODEQ will issue a new consent order to mandate the improvement of the Caney River Pump Corridor. The estimated cost for these improvements is $20 million.

"A time frame for these improvements has yet to be determined and will be negotiated with the ODEQ," Lauritsen said.

The City will finance both the wastewater treatment plant expansion and Caney River corridor improvements through a low-interest loan from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. The loan will be repaid with Wastewater Capital Fees, implemented in 2015.
Water Reuse System

The water reuse system involves the construction/installation of infrastructure that will consist of a pump station at the wastewater treatment plant and an underground pipeline transporting the water to the Caney River just south of the County Road West 1500 bridge. This will allow the City to utilize treated wastewater to augment the yield of the Caney River during periods of drought.

“We will pump treated wastewater approximately seven miles upstream of the Caney River Raw Water Intake and allow it to blend with existing river water, then send it to the water treatment plant for further treatment and, from there, to our water customers," Lauritsen said. "This system will ensure area water needs are met at least 30 years into the future, with the potential to extend our water resources another 60-70 years, depending on demand."

The project is expected to cost upwards of $8.2 million, including funds already spent on right of way property, engineering and improvements to the Caney River Pump Station. The City has utilized grants and low-interest loans through the OWRB's State Revolving Fund to pay for the system, which will be repaid with Water Capital Investment Fees.
Construction contracts for the project were awarded in December 2021, and construction is set to begin in April. Work on the pump station and the pipeline will take approximately one year to complete.
This project has been in the works since 2016, including studies, planning, public presentations and interaction with civil groups, the Sanitary Sewer Improvement Oversight Committee and the City Council, as well as regulatory permits, engineering and financing. The City was recently recognized by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and the Environmental Protection Agency for its innovation and problem resolution regarding the water reuse project.
Caney River, Sunset bridges

A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be sent to regional engineering consultants this month for design of bridge rehabilitations at two locations: Tuxedo bridges at the Caney River and Sunset at Butler Creek, Siemers said.

"Funding was approved as part of the August 2020 G.O. Bond Election for rehabilitation of the Tuxedo bridges over the Caney River and Sunset Bridge over Butler Creek," he said. "The Tuxedo bridge is actually two separate bridges, one eastbound and one westbound. The westbound bridge will require a complete rebuild of the deck. The eastbound bridge will get some maintenance attention. The Sunset Bridge over Butler Creek will also require a complete rebuild of the deck."

Final scope of the rehabilitations will be determined as part of the design contract. Funds for design and construction should be available sometime this spring as part of the 2022 issuance of the 2020 G.O. Bond.

"Design will likely wrap up in fall 2022, with construction to begin late 2022 or early 2023," Siemers said, noting the schedule is subject to design considerations once a consultant is selected this spring.
ODOT projects:
Caney River Bridge, Highway 60
The Highway 123 Bridge replacement is an Oklahoma Department of Transportation project, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The project involves removing the current Cherokee Bridge, located over the Caney River on State Highway 123. The new bridge will be constructed east of the current bridge to align the bridge intersection at Hensley and Delaware Avenue.

"ODOT opened bids on the project in November 2021 and have awarded the contract to BECCO Contractors," Siemers said. "Construction is anticipated to begin sometime between May and July."

Siemers said ODOT has not provided a set start date yet, but ODOT staff is reportedly in the process of working with BECCO to finalize the construction schedule.

"City staff are in communication with ODOT about the project and will provide more information as soon as a start date is determined," Siemers said.
ODOT also has a project to reconstruct the overpass at Adams Boulevard, U.S. Highway 60, and Washington Boulevard, U.S. Highway 75.

"They are finalizing design and the project is scheduled for 2023 construction," Siemers said.
You Questions
New construction updates: Wendy's, Bricktown Brewery, McAlister's Deli
By Kelli Williams
City Beat readers, you are in luck today. The Community Development Department recently prepared a progress report on new construction in Bartlesville, which you will find below. This should answer all those questions you have about What's Going in There and Is That Still Happening. And let's give those community development folks a round of applause, shall we?

Wendy's — The Most Asked Question of the Month Award goes to What the Heck is Going on with Wendy's? The company recently demolished the current Bartlesville facility, which reportedly was the oldest one standing. The good news is Wendy's will rebuild a new restaurant in the old one's place. Valuation of the project is $750,000 and completion is estimated to be mid- to late-July.

McAlister's — Plans for a new McAlister's Deli are currently in the review stage. The restaurant will demolish the former Braum's building located at 2539 S.E. Washington Blvd. and rebuild a new restaurant in its place. The project valuation is $1.5 million. A start date for construction has not been set.
H Tea O — H Tea O will be located on the northeast corner of Price Road and Washington Boulevard. Valuation of the project is $946,000. Permits have been issued for the project and work was set to start Monday. The company hopes to have the facility complete within six months.
Schlotzky's — Schlotzky's is constructing a restaurant at 3813 E. Frank Phillips Blvd. (between the bank and the coffee place). Valuation is $334,042. The company hopes to be open by the end of this month.
Bricktown Brewery — With a valuation $2,145,000, Bricktown Brewery is under construction at the former Kmart site on U.S. Highway 75. The company hopes to be open by April 30. And because I know someone is going to say "but what about Jimmy's Egg?," there is no word (still) from Jimmy's Egg about locating in Bartlesville. (Background on that is here.)
Scooter's Coffee — Scooter's Coffee is currently under construction in the Eastland Shopping Center parking lot. Valuation is set at $350,000. The coffee shop could be open for business in as few as 30 days.
Shoe Dept. Encore — Shoe Dept. Encore will take over the space on the north end of the Shops of Turkey Creek Shopping Center, also known as the former K-mart site. According to the Community Development Department, the store is complete and should be opening soon.
Grand Lake Mental Health — Grand Lake Mental is expanding its parking area and constructing a 13,670-square-foot addition onto its existing building, located at 700 S. Penn Ave. Contractors are currently pouring footings for the $2.3 million project.
VA Administration— The new Veteran Affairs facility is a $2.8 million project to be located in the former Hastings Bookstore facility at 3005 S.E. Frank Phillips Blvd. The project is currently in the plan review process.

DR Horton Homes — DR Horton Homes has obtained City permits for 73 new single family dwellings since July 2021 for a total valuation of $19,340,887. Nine Certificate of Occupancy certifications have been issued to date.
Help Wanted
Events & Announcements
BPD Chief Tracy Roles launches radio show
Police Chief Tracy Roles has taken on a new role in the community: radio star.

Roles will host "Bartlesville Chief Chat," a monthly radio program aimed at helping to inform citizens about the police department, police practices and other areas of local law enforcement.

The program airs on KWON AM 1400, FM 93.3, and FM 95.1, and can also be viewed on the Bartlesville Radio Facebook page. The next show is set to air March 16 on KWON.

Roles says he drew inspiration for the show from a fellow police chief in Colorado.

"He wanted to expand the footprint of the police department in northern Colorado, so he facilitated the Chief Chat idea in order to get more about the police department into the minds and ears of their citizens by partnering with their local radio station," Roles said. "Knowing how successful the program was there, I thought it might be a good fit for us as well."

Roles says he reached out to Bartlesville Radio Reporter Garrett Giles, who was receptive to the idea.

"Garrett has been great to work with," Roles said. "He cares about Bartlesville and works hard to use his platform to make the community better for all of us. Hopefully, this program will be helpful in that way as well."

The 15-minute shows are designed around answering questions from Bartlesville residents about local law enforcement, which anyone can submit:

  • Call the radio station at 918.336.1001 before the show
  • Email Roles directly at
  • Email Giles at

"Anyone who has a question is encouraged to call or write us," Roles said.

Information courtesy of Garrett Giles, Bartlesville Radio.
BPL offers escape room fun

Do you like a good puzzle? How about thinking outside the box? Do you think you have good investigative skills? Can you spot misinformation when you see it? The Bartlesville Public Library invites you to try your investigative skills out on an online escape room. This fun and inquisitive escape room is for ages 14 and up. Call 918.338.4169 to register for one of the dates listed. Get the family involved or make it a fun date! 
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities.jpg
Board, Committee & Commission Openings

The City of Bartlesville has numerous boards, committees and commissions that are driven by citizen volunteers. All citizens are encouraged and welcome to apply.

Board applications are available online and in the city manager’s office, located on the second floor of City Hall, 401 S. Johnstone Ave. Applications are kept on file for two years. To view a complete list, see Boards, Committees & Commissions.

The City currently has openings on the following committees/boards:

  • Two openings on the White Rose Cemetery Board
  • One opening on the Park Board
  • Two openings on the Sewer System Improvements Oversight Committee

For more information, visit the City's website,
Do you have questions you would like to see answered or addressed in City Beat? Let us know! Email, attn. City Beat.
Kelli Williams, Editor
401 S. Johnstone Ave.
Bartlesville, OK 74003