#CityHallSelfie Day is on August 15th, and it is a worldwide celebration of local government service and showcases pride in local government institutions. Local government employees, elected officials, media, and community members are invited to participate on #CityHallSelfie Day.
How can you participate?
Take a picture of yourself, with a group, or with community member in front of your local government building
Post the picture on social media with the hashtag #CityHallSelfie
#CityHallSelfie Day is managed by ELGL, the Engaging Local Government Leaders network. ELGL is a professional association of 4,800 people who work for and with local government. We want you to tag both ELGL and OML. Tag @OklahomaMunicipalLeage and @ELGLNetwork on Facebook, @OklaMuniLeague and @ELGL50 on Twitter and @oklahoma_municipal_league and @ELGL50 on Instagram.
Hop in front of city hall, town hall, library, police station, or any other local government building that you are proud of and want to showcase and post the photo on social media using the hashtag #CityHallSelfie Day! Can you get one of the Public Works employees to grab a selfie from the bucket truck in front of City Hall? How about getting the K9 members of the Police Department in on the action? We’d love for you to have some fun with this, and promote local government at the same time.
There are prizes on the National Level from ELGL, and we want to award prizes as well. We will take all of the posts and enter them into a drawing that will be held at OML Annual Conference. We will draw three winners from the entries. The prizes for the three municipalities will be:
Third Prize: Hard Copy of the OML Handbook
Second Prize: Hard Copy of the OML Handbook and the OML Directory
First Prize: Hard Copy of the OML Handbook, the OML Directory and a Certificate for one free Education Program
#CityHallSelfie Day is managed by ELGL, the Engaging Local Government Leaders network. ELGL is a professional association of 4,800 people who work for and with local government.