Halloween Window Painting Contest
The 54th Annual Halloween Window Painting Contest has come to an end and we want to thank each of the talented artists who participated this year! 58 artists ranging from fourth to twelfth grade began their window paintings on Thursday, October 19th and continued until Saturday, October 21st. A warm thank you goes out to all the merchants who showed their support by providing storefront windows as canvases for the artists to showcase their skills. We must also thank the Los Altos Village Association for their assistance with getting the word out to the community and local businesses. Finally, a big thank you goes out to the following commissioners for taking the time to judge the contest on Sunday, October 22nd. It was a challenging task because there were so many talented works of art to judge: Rebecca Colman, Library Commission; Katie Heley, Parks & Recreation Commission; Cindy Hill, Library Commission; Nesyah Galatin, Youth Commission; and Brianna McKean, Youth Commission.

The winners for each grade are listed online and their prizes and certificates will be handed out at the next Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting. The day and time of this meeting is yet to be determined.

30 th Annual Gingerbread House Exhibit
Registration is now open for all Gingerbread House Exhibitors. Make your edible Gingerbread creation and enjoy the smiles that you will bring by showing the community your work at our 30th Annual Gingerbread Exhibit.  New location this year…Grant Park Community Center, Room 4. Register online at losaltosrecreation.org (Activity #252501-01) or pick-up/print out an application/flyer at the Recreation and Community services office and at various locations. For more information call (650) 947-2790.

Kinder Prep
There is still time to sign-up to volunteer at the Tiny Tots Fall Festival. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, games and clean-up of the Fall Festival on Monday and Tuesday, October 30 and 31. Please contact Brandon Council at [email protected] or call (650) 947-2897 for more information.

For more information about our programs, please visit LosAltosRecreation.org or call (650) 947-2790.