Bainbridge Islanders,
Occasionally our police officers encounter members of the public who speak languages other than English. Recently our officers served on a case where Mandarin was the primary language of the parties involved. In this instance, the department was fortunate enough to have a Kitsap County Sheriff’s Deputy who spoke Mandarin and could help.
Language differences can slow an investigation or even deter individuals from reporting a crime. Providing meaningful access to police services for all community members and visitors requires the ability to communicate in other languages when needed.
According to the US Census Bureau, 22% of the US population speaks a language other than English in their home. Bainbridge regularly welcomes international visitors. Language differences should not be barriers to government services, especially where public safety is concerned.
Through Kitsap 911, our officers have access to interpretation services in more than 200 languages. Officers requesting services are connected by telephone to an appropriate interpreter. Within a short time, the officer and community member can communicate to exchange the information necessary to further an investigation.
I appreciate this valuable service that allows us to help everyone, regardless of language.
Blair King
City Manager
Watch City Update, in the video below, with what's happening in City news this week from City Manager, Blair King.
Free Youth Fares on Participating Public Transit
Anyone 18 and under can ride free on buses, ferries and trains across the Puget Sound with participating agencies including Kitsap Transit, King County Metro, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Everett Transit and Pierce Transit. Youth will be able to ride free on Washington State Ferries starting Oct. 1.
Parents or guardians can ride FREE on Kitsap Transit buses and ferries with their children during the month of September as they help youth learn how to ride.
$80,000 Grant Received for Sea Level Rise Research for Bainbridge
The Washington Department of Commerce awarded the City an $80,000 grant to conduct sea level rise research for Bainbridge Island. The grant will provide funds to use the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS). It is a state-of-the-art tool provided by the US Geological Survey.
The model’s data will initially be used to focus on the effects of sea level rise on city assets, like streets, utilities, and other public infrastructure. The City will then be able to develop some adaptive management plans based on the model’s data.
Island-wide Speed Limit Evaluation Findings
In late 2021, the City, with a contractor, conducted an all-island speed limit evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation was to investigate the potential for developing a comprehensive set of speed limit changes that would lower overall speed limits.
The findings, some of which are shown on the map to the right, are available to view on our website HERE.
Sep. 16. The City Council directed that staff develop a plan for implementation and enforcement and return to the City Council at a future date, when the City Council may adopt the new speed limits by an Ordinance.
September is National Preparedness Month
Are you prepared in the event of a critical disaster?
Learn more about what you can do to be prepared in a critical event or emergency at the free, annual Day of Preparedness:
Saturday, Sep. 24 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at City Hall.
We will also be offering CPR/AED and Stop the Bleed training.
Register for a class:
More information can be found on our Facebook page and HERE.
September is also Puget Sound Starts Here Month
Puget Sound Starts Here Month raises awareness on how each of us can protect and improve local and regional water quality.
Household Chemicals Collection Event Sep. 17
Bring your select, unwanted household and lawn/garden hazardous materials for free disposal to the City’s Operations and Maintenance Facility (7305 NE Hidden Cove Rd, Bainbridge Island) on Saturday, Sep. 17 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Plan Ahead: For more information to plan ahead, visit the event webpage and checkout the flyer to see what will be and what won’t be accepted.
This collection event is for North Kitsap residents in partnership with the City and Kitsap County. No business waste accepted. If you don't see your items on the list, the Household Hazardous Waste facility in Bremerton takes much more.
Thank you for helping keep our land and waters safe and attractive by disposing of waste properly.
Septic Sense Workshop Sep. 24
A properly maintained septic system can save you money and keep bacteria and nutrients out of our waterways, including streams and the Puget Sound.
Learn how to be septic wise:
Attend a free septic sense workshop by WSU Extension
Saturday, Sep. 24 10 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Thank You for Beach Clean Up!
Thank you to all who participated in the 7th annual Bainbridge Island Beach Clean Up last weekend. So much trash was collected making our beaches cleaner and safer for all!
New Resources Available to Residents
New resources are available to help residents take action on climate change, connect with their neighbors, and build a more resilient and sustainable Bainbridge Island!
The Climate Smart Teams program makes it easy to learn simple ways you and your neighbors can help fight climate change and prepare for emergencies. Program materials include guided group discussion questions focusing on nine climate change topics, short videos and a celebration to recognize the impact of team members who complete actions in the Bainbridge Island Climate Smart Challenge.
Bainbridge Island Police Department
Wildlife Safety and Reporting Update
Last week we highlighted the importance of wildlife safety in our communities. We gave one tip about fencing or landscaping potential hiding areas for minimizing human/wildlife conflicts that needs to be better explained.
There are City guidelines on fencing and sometimes permits are required. Some of these guidelines ensure that we don't hinder wildlife movement in critical areas.
Who to contact in a wildlife situation?
Emergency: 911 - Encounters with dangerous wildlife should be reported to 911.
Additional information on living with wildlife and what to do during an encounter can be found by visiting the WDFW webpage. More information on reporting can be found HERE.
Public Participation Meeting for Winslow Mall Project Sep. 22
There will be a public participation meeting for the Winslow Mall project proposal at the September 22, 2022 Planning Commission meeting starting at 6pm.
The Winslow Mall project proposes the restoration and remodel of a 2-story commercial building. The proposed scope of work includes restoring the original wooden columns and beams and re-staining, repainting the ceiling, resurfacing the floors, and new cladding on the walls. Proposed new design elements include a green wall at the main entry, new signage, refurbished railing, new brick walls, new storefront wall systems, and a new central circular staircase. The project proposes approximately 1,200 square feet of additional retail space.
The project is located at 278 Winslow Way E. (parcel # 262502-3-174-2009). The pre-application submittal for the project can be accessed via the City’s online permit portal here: City file number PLN52297 PRE.
(Conceptual project renderings from Coates Design)
We're Hiring! Public Works Manager
The Public Works Manager oversees the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) division of Public Works and holds a key position in the department's leadership team. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to continue and expand the City’s practice of delivering quality maintenance services to the community, while providing exemplary leadership and mentorship to the 27 employees in the O&M division.
Seeking to Fund Local Human Service Programs
The City of Bainbridge Island is seeking proposals to provide funding for local nonprofit organizations to help support human service programs in the community during the 2023-2024 funding cycle. A total of $660,000 will be available for distribution through the two-year funding cycle for the selected projects.
Applicant and project requirements are included in the Request for Proposals available on the City's website. Applications due Sep. 29 by 4 p.m.
City to Fund Visitor Projects and Activities for 2023
The City is seeking proposals for visitor serving projects and activities for 2023. The awarded proposals will be funded by the City’s Lodging Tax revenues.
There is approximately $350,000 available. Eligible proposals are limited to visitor marketing projects, operations, special events or festivals, or eligible capital facilities. Applicants may seek a minimum award of $2,000 and a maximum award of $175,000.
Proposals will be provided to the City’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) for review and comment. The advisory committee will provide its recommendations to the City Council for the final funding decision.
Applications due Sep. 29 by 4 p.m. Email applications and questions to
Take the Housing Action Plan Survey
The Housing Action Plan is intended to help develop an understanding of our housing needs, how much and for whom, and the means and methods to address these identified housing needs. The City is asking for your input in a survey about housing.
You can take the survey online, HERE, through the end of September.
The next scheduled City Council Regular Business Meeting will be on Sep. 27. Key topics include:
- Presentation of 2023-2024 Proposed Budget and 2023-2028 CIP
Ways to Watch
- In-person at the City Hall City Council Chambers
City website livestream (visit the Agendas & Minutes page, then click on "In Progress" when the meeting starts)
- BKAT (Channel 12 on Comcast & Channel 3 on WAVE
The public is invited to contact members of the City Council to express concerns, questions and praise. Some council members are holding virtual office hours and others are available to meet upon request.
Please visit the City Council page for more information on individual City Council members.
Saturday, Sep. 17 Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Event
Thursday, Sep. 22 Public Participation Meeting on Winslow Mall
Saturday, Sep. 24 Day of Preparedness
Tuesday, Sep. 27 Council Regular Business Meeting