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COVID19 cases continue on their downward trend. Thank you for continuing precautions as we work together to diminish COVID.
Alleviating Homelessness is Top Priority
The City shares your urgent concerns about the homeless population and its impacts in Oceanside. Steps are being taken that will lead to better outcomes for unhoused individuals, and less impact in our community. These include working to establish a shelter, an interim motel voucher system, Bridge Housing, Family Reunification Program and more. By stabilizing people through shelter, moving them into permanent housing, and implementing assistance programs to keep people housed, we can reduce homelessness and the associated issues that impact us all. Read about efforts and how Measure X is helping: City Actions and Plans
Harbor Dredging / Sand Placement to Begin
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will soon begin its annual Harbor dredge. Equipment mobilization will occur on April 5 and Harbor Parking Lot 12 will be closed for use during the project. Sand removed from the Harbor mouth will be deposited on City beaches. The work is anticipated to be complete by Memorial Day weekend. The USACE's contractor expanded its safety plan to include delineated equipment travel areas accompanied by safety ATVs. Please use caution while this project is underway.
Pure Water Oceanside: Construction and Associated Road Work Update
The Pure Water Oceanside project will purify recycled water to create a new local source of high-quality drinking water that is clean, safe, and drought-proof. The project will produce enough water to provide more than 30% of the city’s water supply. Get an update on pipeline construction, well construction, and associated road work in the Pure Water Oceanside Update
City Council meetings are occurring in a virtual manner during COVID-19 regulations. Participate online via Zoom, or via email or phone. The next regular meeting dates are April 7 and April 21 at 5:00 p.m. Full 2021 Calendar. City Council meetings are shown live on KOCT and replayed throughout the week. Check the agenda and minutes to read about the issues the City Council is addressing. Subscribe to receive meeting agendas and minutes via email here. Learn how to live stream and comment on agenda items during COVID-19 regulations here.
Measure X Projects Update
Measure X is the 1/2 cent sales tax measure passed in 2018 by Oceanside voters. The revenue from the 1/2 cent goes specifically to public safety, road repairs, improved infrastructure, and addressing homelessness in Oceanside. Get the latest update on various projects funded by Measure X revenue, including Mission Avenue road and sidewalk repairs, homeless shelter plans, new Fire Station and more: Measure X Project Updates
Economic Development News
The City’s Economic Development Division remains committed to helping businesses stay and grow here in Oceanside. Read about the latest mixed-use project starting, construction updates, new business openings, who’s coming to Oceanside, and more in the Economic Development Newsletter
Street Sweeping Parking Enforcement to Resume June 21
The City will resume enforcement for street sweeping parking violations beginning June 21, 2021. Street sweeping parking enforcement was paused over one year ago to accommodate residents due to the pandemic. Now that Stay at Home Orders are lifted, enforcement will resume on designated street sweeping maintenance days to ensure street gutters can be cleaned, reduce pollution entering the storm drains, and keep our City clean. Please refer to the street signs on your block for the days and times of parking restrictions, and move your vehicles accordingly. We’ll leave flyers on unmoved vehicles as a courtesy during late May and early June, so please don’t mistake these notices as parking tickets. To avoid a ticket on future street sweeping days, make sure to move your car according to posted restrictions, beginning June 21, 2021.
Draft Framework for South Morro Hills Community Plan
A City Council workshop is scheduled for April 28, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. to provide comment on the Draft Policy Framework for the preparation of the South Morro Hills Community Plan.
A Community Plan is a portion of the General Plan that focuses on important issues of a specific area within the City and establishes detailed policies to guide future land use and development. The South Morro Hills Community Plan will contain policies and planning guidance specific to Oceanside’s only remaining agricultural area, and will focus on supporting the continued viability of farming with supplemental income through expanded agritourism opportunities and clustered residential development. More information and draft framework
Beachfront Improvements Project Update
The Beachfront Improvements Project is taking shape! The project improves restroom facilities, renovates the historic bathhouse into a Police Substation, provides maintenance operations facilities, widens and improves the beach access stairway from Pacific Street, and includes public-serving facilities. The north portion of the plaza was paved and palm trees were planted. A new fire hydrant adjacent to The Strand was installed. An SDG&E transformer was relocated. Construction continues on the new sewer lift station, water and sewer connections. Stay tuned for the exciting new look thanks to Measure X funding and a generous federal grant.
Aquatics Employment Opportunities
The City is hiring both full and part-time Aquatics staff:
April is Earth Month in Oceanside!
Mayor Sanchez is challenging you to take action for the planet and help the City win the 2021 National Mayor’s Challenge for Sustainability. This national competition encourages Mayors across the country to promote sustainable action among their residents. Last year, Oceanside came in second in the nation and this year, we're ready to show America we're #1. Here's how you can participate:
Martin Luther King Scholarship Program
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Program was established in 1989 to encourage and enable graduating high school seniors in Oceanside to attend college. Fundraising for the program began in 1991 and the first scholarships were awarded in 1993. The funds are directed primarily to students who exemplify the ideals and teachings of Dr. King and other civil and human rights leaders. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, ability to meet and overcome challenges, and perceived ability to succeed in college or university. Recipients must be residents of Oceanside or attend high school in Oceanside. Apply by May 3, 2021! Details
Oceanside Public Library News
Oceanside Parks & Recreation News
Learn about upcoming Lifeguard Training, programs for kids from tiny tot to teens, great classes and activities like musical theatre, cheerleading, ballet, martial arts, baton, soccer, skateboarding, t-ball, crafts & more. There are spring break camps as well. Check out the Spring Activity Guide for details: Spring Activity Guide
Get the free 'My Oceanside' City App
The City of Oceanside has over 175,000 residents, many of whom travel throughout the City each day. Your efforts to report graffiti, potholes, abandoned carts, and code violations are important ways we can keep Oceanside clean, safe, and efficient. Download the free "My Oceanside" City App to instantly report issues you see around town. It's free at the Apple or Andriod stores by simply searching for "My Oceanside." The App automatically notes location of each issue, and you can add a photo to help staff find the problem. Your report gets seamlessly routed to the correct department to handle. Click, done!
New Carpool Lanes Coming to I-5
"Build North Coast Corridor" or "Build NCC" projects are underway. Build NCC is a collaborative effort between SANDAG, Caltrans, and the US Department of Transportation. A portion of the project will construct new carpool lanes on Interstate 5 between Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad and State Route 78 in Oceanside starting this spring. Crews will start by clearing vegetation and trees within State Right of Way limits in coordination with arborists, placing concrete barriers, installing underground drainage and electrical utilities, and will begin carpool lane construction in fall 2021. More info
The long-awaited reopening of the stellar Oceanside Museum of Art is today! Set a date to stop by and view the incredible line up of interesting exhibitions: Oceanside Museum of Art
The California Surf Museum is also open! The museum has a permanent collection which chronicles the history of surfboards and wave-riding, and also offers many revolving exhibits each year. California Surf Museum
BELOW: Thank you to Brady's K9 Fund and Kathy and Larry Saint Pierre for the very generous donation of three K9 protective vests to protect Oceanside Police dogs! OPD K-9 Jenko is pictured below in the new equipment.
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