Message from the Sustainability Manager

Welcome to 2023! Is it just me, or does 2023 sound like the distant future? The good is we are living through a time when we are actively redefining our future, and it is really exciting! Here are some of the highlights that have me optimistic.

  • In December, the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact held their 14th Climate Leadership Summit and unveiled the third Regional Climate Action Plan (RCAP3.0) which is a guidebook for the region in responding to climate change.
  • The Electric Vehicle transition is in full swing! Federal investments and new commitments from car manufacturers are speeding it up. (See below for more, and what Boca Raton is doing!)
  • Fusion is closer to reality than ever before. While not a solution to climate change in the short term, last year's advancements do paint a sunnier picture for the future of energy. (See below for more thoughts.)
  • More resources than ever are going into energy efficiency and renewable energy, and homeowners and businesses can benefit! Go to to learn more.

Here in the Office of Sustainability, we keep an eye on the progress being made at the Federal, State, and even global level so that we can be doing our part. Exciting things are on the horizon for the City!

I look forward to hearing from you,

Lindsey Roland Nieratka, Sustainability Manager

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Boca Raton

Race to Zero UPDATE

The City finished its participation in the Florida Race to Zero Cohort. One action in the cohort was to update the City's Greenhouse Gas Inventory. The good news? The City's emissions went down by almost 10% between 2018 and 2021! There is opportunity to do so much more.

The City's next steps are to work on establishing High Impact Actions (HIAs) towards meeting our science-based targets for 2030.

Stay tuned for a presentation around science-based targets and HIAs!

2021 greenhouse gas inventory

Is FUSION a silver bullet for

climate change?

The short answer is no, or at least probably not. While last year's announcement is exciting and promising for a future fueled by fusion, it will likely not be ready to be the solution we need to climate change.

Scientists have given us very clear targets and strict deadlines. The world must decarbonize by 50% before 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 if we hope to limit warming to 1.5°C. Warming above that point will have irreversible impacts on ecosystems and human systems alike.

The good news is that we do not need to rely on fusion to meet those targets on time. The world has the scalable and affordable technology it needs in the form of energy efficiency, renewable energies like wind and solar, and electric vehicles. (Actions for reducing US emissions |

This is why the City of Boca Raton, and many other communities, have joined the Race to Zero. We have our targets, we know how to meet them, and we're doing the work!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Electric Vehicles drop in price!

One of the major barriers for EV adoption has been that they cost more up front than their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts. This may be about to change! The Inflation Reduction Act increased Federal incentives to purchase EVs by extending the $7,500 tax credit for new vehicles and adding a new credit for used vehicles.

In addition, major car manufacturers are lowering prices (! Not only that, but the New York Times reported last week that EVs could reach price parity with ICE vehicles as soon as this year! ( Transportation makes up nearly half of Boca Raton's emissions and electric vehicles are a big part of getting the City to Net Zero.

EVs are on the City Agenda!

Electric vehicles need to be charged and building out that infrastructure is necessary to support the adoption of EVs.

Currently the City requires 2% of parking spaces in new developments to have chargers installed, but this is unlikely to meet the projected demand. City Council will vote on Feb. 28 to adopt new rules regarding EV infrastructure in new development. These rules will increase the number of chargers being installed and make it easier to install more in the future as demand increases.

Tune in on Feb. 28 for the meeting on our website

The City Awarded over $1.3M from Resilient Florida Grant Funding

The Resilient Florida Grant program provides funding for flood mitigation projects identified through a vulnerability assessment. The City of Boca Raton was awarded two grants:

  • Stormwater infrastructure improvements in the Old Floresta neighborhood as part of the iSIP project.
  • Living Shorelines in Lake Wyman Park.

Read more from the Miami Herald.

Tree City USA - 43 years & counting!

January 20, 2023 is Florida Arbor Day. This year, the City is celebrating 43 years as a Tree City USA. The Tree City USA program recognized cities that prioritize their tree canopy through citizen boards, tree protection ordinances, and financial investment in planting and maintaining trees.

Boca Raton wouldn’t be able to continue to receive this recognition without the hard work of the City’s Beautification team and the oversight and guidance of the Community Appearance Board.

Prioritizing trees is a smart investment! Trees help manage storm water and reduce the urban heat island. Trees bring safety and economic activity to neighborhoods and even improve property values. And of course, trees are beautiful to look at and provide habitat for urban wildlife.

Learn more about tree benefits at 

Recycling in the news. . . again

Managing waste is a heavy lift and plastic waste is taking a toll on the environment. For personal action on plastic the Office of Sustainability suggests following the 5 R's (in order) - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink. While Recycle is 4th on that list, it is an important step in the waste management process.

Periodically in the news we hear about problems with recycling, plastic recycling in particular. A recent report by Greenpeace got headlines late last year ( However, it is really important to remember that while problems with plastic are global, plastic recycling is local. Here in Palm Beach County recycling is alive and well, thanks in large part to our dual stream system and the diligence of the Solid Waste Authority. Please keep recycling!

What can you do to keep recycling working in Boca Raton? The top action you can take is to reduce contamination. Learn what can and cannot go into the blue and yellow bins from and remember. . . when in doubt, throw it out.

Recycle Coach is here to save the day!

The City of Boca Raton is partnering with Recycle Coach to help our community recycle better. This easy and accessible app provides valuable information right in the palm of your hand. Recycle Coach features:

  • Notifications about sanitation schedule changes
  • Personalized collection schedule for your address
  • What Goes Where sorting guide
  • Image search for items
  • Helpful information and blogs

Learn more and download the app.

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Coastal Connection Community Heroes!

Sustainability Advisory Board Alumni continuing work in the community!

Jessica Gray | President, Boca Save Our Beaches

Jessica grew up in Colorado and Nebraska before moving to Boca Raton in 2004 to attend PBCC and then FAU. Boca Save Our Beaches was formed in 2015 when Jessica got around 20 friends together and managed to clean over 100 pounds of trash in 2 hours. Boca Save our Beaches helps educate the public and provide them tools to make environmentally conscious decisions by providing interactive workbooks for students around marine debris and climate change, working with Boca High to do water testing, and hosting cleanup events. Since 2016 they have worked with nearly 3,000 volunteers and collected over 8,000 pounds of trash!

"This is our home. Think about water quality, air quality, tourism, the food we eat. All of these things are connected. And when we don’t care about our natural areas, our lifelines become effected." - Jessica Gray

Michael Kohner | Membership Chair, Florida Native Plant Society - Palm Beach Chapter

Michael has been a resident of Boca Raton since 1988 and bought his first home here in 1996. Inspired by his time in wild areas of Florida with the Boy Scouts, he began learning about native plants and began converting his yard 10 years ago. To learn more, Michael joined the Florida Native Plant Society, eventually serving in leadership positions. He expanded his reach beyond his yard, volunteering with the Institute for Regional Conservation and speaking to Homeowners Associations.

"I am proud to say that 2022 ended with my yard being presented on the Florida Native Garden Tour of Palm Beach County with over 175 Native species growing and labeled for folks to visit. My projects for 2023 is learning more about propagation of Native Plants and distributing the fruits of my labor of love." - Michael Kohner

Are you, or someone you know, going above and beyond for sustainability in the City of Boca Raton? Submit them for the next edition! Email us at

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Upcoming Events!

Great Backyard Bird Count | Feb 17-20

The Symphonia

  • Terra Nostra | Feb. 27, 7:00pm
  • Wind | March 26, 3pm
  • Fire | April 30, 3pm
  • More info:

Office of Sustainability Speaking Engagements

  • Junior League Community Garden | Feb 25, 10am
  • Boca Raton Garden Club | Mar 7, 1pm

Earth Month Activities - Save the Dates!

  • Tree Give Away with Community Greening at the Coco Market | April 29
  • Spanish Rive Bioblitz with Institute for Regional Conservation | April 29
  • Tree Planting with Community Greening | April 30

April 28 - May 1, 2023

Join us again this year to document the nature that shares the City with us! All you need is an iNaturalist account. Take a photo of plants or animals you see during the challenge and they will be automatically added to the South Florida project!

City Nature Challenge South Florida

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Watch, Read, and Listen with the Office of Sustainability

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Author and botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer draws on her experience as a scientist and as an indigenous woman to explore humanity's reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world.

Disney's Strange World

Join three generations of the Clade family on a visually stunning adventure to explore a strange world that will show them more than they expect to learn about their own world and the sustainability of their energy source.

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Your Quarterly Call to Action:

Find out how you can save on energy efficiency through the IRA.

For meeting the City's Net Zero goals, energy efficiency in existing buildings - including residential homes - will be critical. This is where you can help us by helping yourself! The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) created new incentives for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fuels. Find out what you are eligible for using the Rewiring America calculator ( and check out available tax credits on Consider starting with an energy audit, eligible for a $150 tax credit!

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