The Government of Canada- Jobs and Growth Fund provides funding to businesses and organizations to help create jobs, and position Canada’s economy for an inclusive recovery and long-term growth

The Youth internship Incentive Program supports employers with work integrated learning internships in trades, technologies, and in-demand occupations

Government of Canada/PrairiesCan Funding Programs Funding for businesses and not-for-profit organizations with projects that advance economic growth and diversity in the Prairie provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba 

Emerging Opportunities Program - The Emerging Opportunities Grant Program supports growth and development of Alberta’s value-added agriculture sector. The program supports projects that focus on innovation and result in significant company growth and sector impact. Projects can include new technologies, best new practices, significant capacity expansions and new builds. Interested applicants can contact the program area directly to discuss if the project meets the objectives of the program. 

Trucking HR Canada - As a national, non-profit organization, Trucking HR Canada advances modern HR solutions for the trucking and logistics workforce. Currently they have 5 programs including;

Made in Alberta. Celebrate what it means to be Made in Alberta! Alberta producers and processors can use the new label on their locally-made products. The label helps shoppers quickly identify food products made in our province when choosing an item at their local farmers’ market or grocery store.

Find wage subsidies to hire post-secondary students at the Student Work Placement Program website.

The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is for eligible employers to get government funding to help employees and unemployed Albertans access training opportunities.

The Digital Economy Program (DEP) is a free introduction to digital support for your small business.

The Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) supports small and medium-sized enterprises to boost their e-commerce presence and to digitize how they run their businesses (next step after the DEP).

Cyber Secure Canada is the nation's cybersecurity certification program for small and medium-sized organizations.

The Alberta Business Grants website is a searchable database of grants.

Business Benefits Finder allows you to view or search Federal Government services to find the right programs and services, whether you’re starting out or scaling up.