Show us why you love our City on Instagram!
Show us why you love Celina on Instagram using the hashtag #iloveCelinaTexas and tagging our page @celina_texas. Many of you have already tagged @celina_texas on Instagram, showcasing the many unique locations Celina has to offer. We love sharing your visits and photos to our community, so keep up the good work!

*Your profile must be public for us to view and share your photos.
Splash & Blast June 27
Water slides, children’s attractions, live music from John Christopher David and Dr Bob and the Fortunate Sons, vendors, and fun. Fireworks at dark.

Shuttles will be available to and from Celina High School and Brookshires beginning at 4pm.
Take our 2020 Community Survey today!
The City of Celina launched the 2020 Community Survey today, in continuation of the biannual tradition of listening to the community on what’s happening in Celina and what is important. The 2018 Community Survey was a foundational piece in the development of the award-winning Downtown Master Plan, the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, the Trails Master Plan, and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. These plans are lighting the way for Celina to take bold and meaningful actions to protect the small-town charm of Celina, while creating attractive and lively amenities, high quality development, and sustainable improvements that the community voiced were important. 
The Comprehensive Plan is in progress, and the City is taking steps every day to ensure that Celina grows in a planned and strategic way, with character and with purpose. The Community Survey assists in identifying the needs of Celina and helps planning efforts for future projects and priorities, including economic development, parks and recreation, infrastructure, city services, and more.
The online survey will be available on the City’s website a t through June 25, 2020. The 2020 Community Survey gathers information on basic demographics of the Celina community, a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats/challenges), levels of satisfaction, and communication preferences.
“We are committed to the continued success of our community,” said Mayor Sean Terry, “and we want to better understand the viewpoints of our growing family of residents and visitors. I would like to thank everyone in advance for contributing and providing their feedback as we continue to plan for the future of this great city.”
To take the 2020 Community Survey, please visit the City website at: !
June 9 City Council Meeting Recap
"Life in Celina" Podcast
Celina, Texas is quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing cities in North Texas. But why? What makes Celina one of the most sought out up-and-coming cities for people of all ages and walks of life? It’s more than just affordable living and location. It’s the community and connectivity that make Celina the unique, beautiful city it is.

The City of Celina and the Celina Economic Development Corporation proudly present the ‘Life in Celina’ Podcast. We will be regularly sharing the stories behind the amazing people, businesses, and groups that make Celina home.
 Subscribe and listen to Life in Celina every second and fourth Monday of the month as we share the stories that connect our community.
2020 Census
Trash & Recycling
Please make sure to have all trash cans on the curb by 7:00 am on your trash day.
Celina Public Library
142 Ohio Street Celina, TX 75009
Phone: (972) 382-8655
A PID is a special purpose, Public Improvement District created by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended (the “PID Act”).
City of Celina's new interactive map
On here, you are able to view the Celina boundaries and the ETJ, school districts, parks, city facilities, subdivisions and many more. Check back often as we are frequently updating the web maps online.

Celina Citibot is a communication tool for residents and city staff. Using text messaging, Celina residents can text search words or questions to quickly get answers to city information regarding business licenses, trash pickup times, permitting info and public meeting announcements, for example. You are also able to crowdsource city issues, including reporting potholes, broken street signs and missed trash pickups through an interactive chatbot that responds immediately to your text message. When the city fixes the reported issue, Citibot follows up via text to let you know your request has been resolved. To get started, just text "Hello" to 972.458.3920.
Upcoming Events
The Celina Friday Night Market will continue to operate on July 10, 2020 with the help of our community. While downtown and the market are places of social gathering and entertainment, at this time we are committed to providing access to our community in the most responsible ways and making the market a come-and-go event. Our layout will look different and social distancing and safety measures will take place. Downtown businesses and restaurants are open.
for more information
Movie Night On the Square: Enjoy a free movie on Downtown Celina's Historic Square on June 13, 2020, at 8:30pm! Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy the uplifting and patriotic movie Miracle (PG). Restaurants and shops will be open before the movie begins, so grab dinner to go and enjoy a night out in Downtown Celina!
Make Music Day: Musicians will be performing throughout Downtown Celina at a variety of businesses in celebration of National Make Music Day and the summer solstice! Make Music Day was created for musicians of all styles, ages, and skills using their cities as stages to spread music and joy to their communities. Some come enjoy a music-filled day in Downtown Celina on June 20th! Official line-up coming soon!
Letter from the Mayor
In almost every corner of North Texas, the City of Celina is seen as the next place where significant leaps in growth and development will occur. And rightly so. Builders, planners, and developers cite Celina as a true ‘hot spot.’ And, while that is certainly exciting, I also want to be absolutely certain that our residents see us as a City that genuinely listens to them.  

              We’ve just launched the 2020 Community Survey, asking residents to give us their impressions of Celina. After all, there is no one in a better position to tell us what we’re doing well, and where we might have room to improve. More than that, though, the responses to the survey give us the guidance we need to steer the City in the right direction.

              In 2018, we started a biannual process, on even numbered years, to ask for your opinions. These surveys help with the development of our City’s various plans like the Downtown Master Plan, the Strategic Plan, the Trails Master Plan, and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. We can only be confident that these plans reflect your preferences if you participate in the surveys. Good, solid plans are only as good as the effectiveness of the Community Survey. I encourage you to visit between now and June 25 and take the survey. Your participation will ensure that our plans will include your thoughtful input. We sincerely thank you for your participation.

              What’s wet, lots of fun, and ends with a bang? The City’s annual Splash and Blast. The free event is set for Old Celina Park on Saturday, June 27 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Water slides, children’s activities, the Gator Country show, live music with Dr. Bob and the Fortunate Sons, food booths, and games all set the mood for the spectacular fireworks display that evening. Check the City’s Facebook page for updates on this event. Contact Megan McGraw at for sponsorship or vendor opportunities.
Social distancing, hand-sanitizing stations, cleaning of equipment will be meticulously observed. Please feel free to bring your own face coverings. I hope you’re planning to help us celebrate an early Independence Day.
The Celina Main Street Program has planned a few opportunities to head downtown and support local businesses. On June 13 at 8:30 there will be a free showing of the movie Miracle (PG) on the lawn. Grab some dinner at a downtown restaurant and bring your lawn chair for dinner and a movie! Also, enjoy live music throughout downtown at various businesses on June 20 for Make Music Day. Line-up coming soon!
              The City has established a Small Business Assistance (SBA) program to complement the Collin County CARES Act, which can provide some financial assistance to affected businesses.
               The City’s SBA program can provide up to $25,000 to affected businesses that qualify. There are specific eligibility criteria that must be met by applying businesses. Visit for more information. The program’s application deadline is June 14.  
              To review the Collin County CARES Act program, visit .

              Thanks to everyone who came out for the Celina Public Library Grand Opening and Ribbon-cutting on June 5. The excitement surrounding the remodeling’s unveiling was evident in the faces of the attendees, especially the children. New shelving, a flying books display, expanded seating, new furniture, and an additional 1,000 books were all highly anticipated, and they did not disappoint. Crafts for kids, a balloon artist, tours and demonstrations were all part of the evening. We are all very proud of our library and the services it provides. If you don’t have a library card, visit with the library staff and get one.
New to Celina? Get familiar with Citibot. Text Hello to 972-458-3920 and get connected to City Hall. Use Citibot to report a pothole, missed trash pick-up, or send a message City staff.
Remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and we’ll see you soon! 
2019 Consumer Confidence Report
Your 2019 annual water quality report is now available!

Dear Resident:

In 2019, City of Celina detected 16 contaminants in the drinking water. However, these contaminants were at allowable levels and no health based violations were reported. Please go to to view your 2019 annual water quality report and learn more about your drinking water. This report contains important information about the source and quality of your drinking water. For a translation of the water quality report or to speak with someone about the report please call (972) 382-9886. If you would like a paper copy of the 2019 Annual Water Quality Report mailed to your home, please call (972) 382-9886.

For more information about how City of Celina maintains the safety of your drinking water or to view previous year’s reports call (972) 382-9886 .

City of Celina Water Department
Spanish Translation:

El más reciente reporte annual de calidad de su agua potable ya está disponible!

Durante el año 2019 la compañía de agua City of Celina detectó 16 contaminantes
regulados en el agua potable. Los contaminates detectados están dentro de los niveles
permitidos por la EPA y por lo tanto no se reporto ninguna violación.
Para acceder el más reciente reporte anual de calidad de agua y para más información
acerca de su agua potable puede visitor . El reporte anual contiene valiosa información acerca de las fuentes de abasto y calidad de su agua potable. Para obtener una traducción del reporte de calidad de agua o para preguntas acerca del reporte por favor comuníquese al (972) 382-9886.
Si desea obtener por correo una copia de su más reciente reporte de calidad de agua
puede solicitar la misma comunicándose al (972) 382-9886. 
CITY ORDINANCE 2020-07-Stormwater Discharge
Have you ever seen the acronym BMPs and wondered what is stands for and means? BMP is the acronym for Best Management Practices and in regards to stormwater they are the control measures taken to mitigate changes to both quantity and quality of excess rainwater/ melted snow caused through changes to land use. Stormwater BMPs include scheduling activities, prohibiting a practice or maintaining a procedure to reduce or prevent the discharge of pollutants into a stormwater system. Treating stormwater before discharge, controlling runoff, spills or leaks can also be considered BMPs
City Hall
142 North Ohio Street
Celina, TX 75009


Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.