Chino Youth Boxing Foundation's Toy Giveaway Enriched by Generous Helpful Honda Donation 

In a remarkable display of community collaboration, the Chino Youth Boxing Foundation, in partnership with the City of Chino Community Services, Parks & Recreation Department, successfully orchestrated its annual Boxing Potluck and Toy Giveaway on December 14th. This year's event was notably enriched by a donation from the Southern California Helpful Honda Dealers, ensuring a festive and unforgettable evening for the youth of Chino and their families. 

The Chino Youth Boxing Foundation, known for its commitment to fostering a sense of community and support among young athletes, hosted this festive gathering. It was an evening filled with shared meals, laughter, and the joy of giving, reinforcing the strong community ties within Chino. 

A major highlight was the generous $2,000 donation from the Helpful Honda Dealers. This significant contribution, comprising approximately $820 in gift cards and a $1,180 check, facilitated the purchase of toys and gifts, amplifying the joy and excitement of the young participants. 

Assembly Member Freddie Rodriguez also contributed to the event's success, donating several boxes of toys, further showcasing the community's dedication to nurturing its young citizens. 

The City of Chino, along with the Community Services, Parks & Recreation Department, and the Chino Youth Boxing Foundation expresses its heartfelt gratitude to the Helpful Honda Dealers, Assembly Member Rodriguez, and all the contributors who played a part in making the event a resounding success. Such community-driven events are a clear reflection of Chino's dedication to creating a supportive and thriving environment for its youth. 

PRESS CONTACT: Vivian Castro

PHONE NUMBER: (909) 334-3307