City of Crisfield
City Hall
319 W. Main Street
Crisfield, Maryland 21817
P.O. Box 270
Fax 410-968-2167
Barry Dize, Mayor
City Council:
LaVerne Johnson,
Council V.P.
Barbara J. Ward
Nelson Sheppard
James Ford
Mike Atkins
MARCH 17,2020
The Hogan Administration and Maryland Department of Commerce team are working quickly to address the needs of our local businesses that are experiencing impacts due to the COVID-19 crisis. Maryland will apply for the U.S. SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. Application requires the Governor to request an SBA Economic Injury Declaration by certifying at least five (5) businesses in the disaster area suffered substantial economic injury as a result of the incident. This formal application must include documentation of individual losses.
You can read the press release here:
We are asking for your support to rapidly identify local small businesses that have been significantly impacted as a direct result of the coronavirus. To assist you in understanding the requirements
,please click here for the U.S. SBA EIDL packet.
The only page that needs to be filled out is page 3
(pages 4 & 5 help provide instructions). Do not worry about pages 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, as they will be completed by the State of Maryland.
Please send completed page 3 to Lee Ann Linton at Somerset County Economic Development at
Thank you for your assistance and support. Stay safe during these challenging times.