City of Cumming
June 2020
Cumming Recreation Department Update: No Camps, Some Programs Resume June 15
The Cumming Recreation & Parks Department has cancelled much of its traditional summer programming for the month of June. Programs impacted include: Day Camps, Camp Cool Kids and Teens; as well as Art Camps, Dance Camps, Gymnastics Camps and Athletic Camps.

The Cumming Recreation Department is tentatively scheduled to resume programming for Team and Upper-Level Gymnastics, Company Dance, and Adult Art classes beginning June 15. A reduced scheduling of these programs (following Governor Kemp’s guidelines of participation, social distancing, temperature checks, and the disinfection of areas utilized for classes) is currently in development and will be announced as soon as possible. In addition, some aspects of the Cumming Recreation Department’s Fitness Program will resume June 15. 

Some additional programming may be made available in July. Follow the Department's Facebook page and website for updates.
Aquatic Center Now Open, Outdoor Pool Reopening Tentatively Set for June 15
The Cumming Aquatic Center has reopened its two indoor pools, and the outdoor leisure pool and water park is tentatively scheduled to reopen on June 15.

As of June 1, the Competition Pool hours of operation have returned to normal, with a couple of exceptions. Year-round swim teams are also allowed to return as June 1, and in order to properly social distance per USA Swimming guidelines, the teams will need significantly more lanes than usual. Due to this, there are short periods of time most days when the Competition Pool will be closed to the public in order accommodate the teams. Click here to view the updated Lane Availability Schedule. Staff will only allow two swimmers or one family of up to four per lane.

As of June 1, Instructional Pool hours of operation were extended and Open Swim times were added. The bather load has also increased to 30 guests at a time. The Instructional Pool hours of operation are:
ADULT SWIM (18 years & older)
Monday – Friday 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The reopening of the outdoor leisure pool and water park area will involve creation of several new rules in order to comply with guidelines from Gov. Brian Kemp's Office and the Centers for Disease Control. Staff are currently developing these new guidelines and procedures, which will be posted on the CAC's website and Facebook page as soon as they are ready. Be sure to follow these pages for the most up-to-date information.
City of Cumming July 4th Activities to be Held with Some Modifications
The 63rd Annual Thomas-Mashburn Steam Engine Parade and the City of Cumming's annual fireworks display will be held on Saturday, July 4, with some modifications to allow for social distancing.

The parade will begin at 10 a.m. with the route extended to begin at the Forsyth County Tax Commissioner's Office (1092 Tribble Gap Road). The parade will move from the Tax Commissioner's Office, down Tribble Gap/Castleberry Road to the Cumming Fairgrounds (235 Castleberry Road). Parking will be available at Cumming Elementary, Otwell Middle and Forsyth Central High schools, in addition to the usual parking facilities in downtown Cumming (the Castleberry and Mason/School Street parking decks and lots at Cumming City Hall and the Forsyth County Administration Building). Groups wishing to participate in the parade should contact organizer Cindy Hansard via email or by calling (770) 887-0516.

The fireworks display will be held at the Cumming Fairgrounds beginning at approximately 9:30 p.m. with gates opening at approximately 4 p.m. Some vendors may be on site, depending on availability, but many of the previously planned activities, such as live music, pie- and hot dog-eating and dance contest, will not be held. There will be no parking or admission fees at the Fairgrounds.

Guests attending the July 4th activities are asked to please practice social distancing and take any other precautions they feel are warranted, such as wearing face masks or coverings. For more information, click here.
Council Approves City Center Parking Deck, Change Orders
During the May meetings of Mayor & Council, a couple of items relating to development of the Cumming City Center were approved.

Council voted to accept the proposal from Metromont for construction of the Center's parking deck. Council also approved two change orders involving the utilization of soil and rock currently on the site. The soil change order allows for excess soil in some areas to be relocated to other areas in need of soil, rather than hauling the soil away and later purchasing more. The rock change order allows for excess rock to be crushed on-site rather than being hauled away and other crushed rock being purchased later. The two change orders are estimated to create significant savings for the project.

Also during the May Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Approved the purchase of software which will allow Cumming Police officers to more easily secure search and/or arrest warrants from Forsyth County Magistrate Court judges.

  • Adopted a resolution to submit the Impact Fee Capital Improvement Element to Georgia Mountains Regional Commission and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.

  • Approved a Storm Water Facility Maintenance & Repair Agreement with Forsyth County relating to the new Forsyth County Juvenile Justice Center.

  • Approved updated Franchise Fee Agreements with Atlanta Gas Light, Comcast, and Norcross Power.

  • Approved an update to the Cumming Utilities' Right-of-Way Ordinance.

Cumming Farmers Market Opens June 3
Local farmers, bakers, and artisans are ready to greet the public again as the Cumming Farmers Market reopens at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3. Held every Wednesday and Saturday morning at the Cumming Fairgrounds Parking Lot 3 through the end of September, the market features a wide range of produce, baked goods, jams, jellies, honey and other goods, all grown or produced by local residents. Organizers of the market ask customers to please practice social distancing. Hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. (or until vendors sell out).
Vote Now in Arts Center Calendar Contest
Voting is now open for the 2021 Cumming Arts Center Calendar Contest. All entries are photographs of original works of art created by local artists who are members of the Cumming Arts Center/Sawnee Association of the Arts. Voting is open to Cumming Arts Center members and the general public through midnight on June 22. All voting must be done by using the online ballot at . The twelve entries achieving the highest vote counts will be included in the calendar. Calendars will be available later in the year for purchase at the Cumming Arts Center and at all sponsored events.
City Council Work Session - June 2 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - June 16 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - June 16 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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