Folsom River District Master Plan Update

You are receiving this correspondence because you have requested updates and information regarding the City of Folsom's River District Master Plan process. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to your participation in the planning effort.

Next Tuesday, June 13th, the City Council will consider two items on its agenda. The meeting is held in the council chambers at 50 Natoma Street at 6:30 pm. The first item is a resolution to authorize the city manager to execute a contract with the RRM Design Group of San Luis Obispo, CA, for completion of the master plan and environmental clearance. Since the first discussion by the City Council in January of this year, staff has conducted the consultant selection process, inviting over 20 firms to submit qualifications, scope of work, and fees. RRM Design Group is being recommended based on their significant prior experience on similar projects and their specific scope of work for Folsom.

The second item on the council's agenda is the formation of the citizens advisory committee (CAC). Staff has recommended the City Council select from a number of stakeholder organizations representing various categories of interest within and related to the River District area. Also, each councilmember will select an at-large resident representative to join the CAC. As part of the multi-faceted public engagement process, the CAC will meet approximately eight times over the next year, providing important insight, feedback, and recommendations on the planning effort.

Both staff reports are available by following the link to the City Council's agenda.

Thank you again for your interest in Folsom's River District Master Plan. 

Robert Goss

Special Project Director

Community Development Department

City of Folsom | 50 Natoma Street |

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