City of Golden Newsletter
December 15, 2015

In This Issue
City of Golden
Golden City Hall
911 10th Street
Golden, CO 80401

Community Calendar
Upcoming Events
From City Council meetings to bike races to community choir concerts, there's always something happening in Golden.

Don't miss out! Keep track of what's happening and when on the Community Calendar.

Submit an Event!
Help us keep our Community Calendar up-to-date. If you are sponsoring a not-for-profit event that takes place in Golden and welcomes everyone, we want to know about it. Fill out our event submission form and if it fits our editorial standard, we'll add it to the calendar.

Clear Creek Snow by Chuck McQuade It's a marshmallow world out there, folks! Cold, wet marshmallows...but beautiful! 

The day has seen a few closures around town, including Jefferson County Public Schools, so we expect there are a lot of happy kids out there. The Community Center would like to tell you that it's open, warm and welcoming today if you care to venture out, but preschool and dance classes were both canceled. While closures are keeping most of us off the roads, o ur snowplow drivers have been out and working all day to keep roads clear. Just be careful if you do need to drive somewhere! 

While today is a great day to let the car collect snow in the driveway while you stay warm inside, it won't last forever. Read on to find out about what's happening in Golden this week. And enjoy the winter wonderland while it lasts!

Your friends at the City of Golden
Project Updates
US 6 & 19th Street Interchange project

Crews are working on getting final clearances from CDOT on this project. The current schedule is to bring construction contract and final pricing to Council for approval on Jan 7, contingent upon authorization of FHWA funds. Current pricing is within budget for the project last shared with the public May of 2015.
2015 Utility Replacement

Waterline work continues on 10th St. this week. 

Sewer main replacement at the south end of Jones Road is scheduled to begin December 21
West Fork Kenney Run Drainage Improvements

Crews are continuing construction of the boulder walls between 23rd and 24th as well as construction of the drop structure upstream of 24th. The culvert at 23rd St. will be finalized shortly.
Corporate Circle School Traffic

Concrete was replaced at the SE corner on Saturday. The traffic plan that was previously circulated will be implemented soon.
Upcoming Events
Canceled: Local Liquor Licensing Authority

The Local Liquor Licensing Authority originally scheduled for December 16 has been canceled.

The next meeting will be on January 27 at 2:30 p.m.

For more information on upcoming board meetings, please visit our  Agendas, Minutes, Web Casts and Schedule page .
Planning Commission Study Session

The Planning Commission will meet in a study session on December 16 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. 

Planning Commission will discuss their goals for the upcoming year in preparation for a memo due to City Council on February 15, 2016.

To view the full agenda, as well as information on other upcoming board meetings, please visit our  Agendas, Minutes, Web Casts and Schedule page .
Olde Golden Holiday Parade

Watch Santa zoom around in his sidecar motorcycle, heckle the Grinch as he drives by in his corvette, or cheer on elves as they race on unicycles during the weekly parade that travels down Washington Avenue.

This is the last one of the season so don't miss it! The Olde Golden Christmas Parades begin at 11 a.m. along Washington Avenue in downtown Golden on 19. Stick around afterward for the festivities and fun of the Olde Golden Christmas Celebration!
CSM Winter Camp: Who's There?

Wildlife is out there, even if we don't see them. Become a wildlife detective at this CSM Winter Camp which takes place during the Jeffco school break, and discover the many secrets to hidden wildlife.

During Fabulous Functions of Feet you'll try climbing with suction cup feet and walk with hooves. The next day you'll go from feet to the tracks they leave behind. Go searching for tracks, watch critters make tracks of their own, and make tracks to take home. If you don't know what scat will! Can you tell who's on your phone by the sound of their voice? Can you tell who's behind a door by the way they smell? Try it in camp!!

Around Town
GCC Swim Registration Now Open

Registration for spring swimming classes at the Golden Community Center is now open! On Monday, registration opened to Golden residents, and today registration opened up to everyone else.

To register online, visit the   Golden Recreation website and click on Aquatics Programs. You may also drop by the Golden Community Center to register in person.

The first class is Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6 p.m. in the City of Golden Training Room at the Golden Fire Department at 911 10 th Street, Golden.

For additional information, call the Golden Police Department at 303-384-8045.
Help Share the History of Heritage Square!

Heritage Square located southwest of Golden, originally built as Magic Mountain theme park, will be undergoing redevelopment next year. The owner is planning a new use for the area, but has agreed to allow the removal and relocation of the storefronts. This is dependent upon finding someone to finance the move of the storefronts-a cost estimated at $50,000 per building. Interested parties need to be aware that this estimate is only for removal and does not include applicable permits and inspections, transportation, re-erection or any necessary equipment costs associated with this relocation -nor does it include finding a suitable new location. Commitments and agreements need to be in place by end of January 2016 with removal completed by February 29, 2016. Redevelopment is planned for early 2016.

Additional interest in the Victorian Events Center has also been expressed. The same criteria would apply to this structure - commitments and agreements need to be in place by the end of January 2016 with removal completed by February 29, 2016. Prospects need to be made aware of the multiple structures within this building.

Any interested parties should email
Golden Well-Being Index Study

The City of Golden participated in the Gallup-Healthways Well-being Survey in May and June of 2015 and had over 500 responses. Well-being was defined as a life well lived, all the things that are important to us, what we think about and how we experience our lives. Well-being is comprised of five elements including: Purpose, liking what you do each day and being motivated to accomplish your goals; Social, having supportive relationships and love in your life; Financial, managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security; Community, liking where you live, feeling safe, and having pride in your community; Physical, having good health and enough energy to get things done daily.

Join us for a presentation of the findings from Golden's Well-Being Index Study on Saturday, January 30, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 911 10 th Street. The presentation will feature reports from Gallup Healthways, the Colorado School of Public Health and the Tobacco Free Jeffco Alliance. Share your thoughts with other community members and ideas for future healthy initiatives.

Well-Being Chart

Golden Safety Academy

Have you ever wondered if your home is secure enough? Are you interested in learning techniques for protecting your family, property, and self? Would learning skills and techniques in crime prevention make you feel safer in your home and community? If you answered yes, then the new Golden Police Department Safety Academy is a great place to start.

The Golden Police Department is currently accepting applications for the new free Safety Academy. To register, please visit the  Golden Safety Academy page.

The mission of the Golden Safety Academy is to partner with the community of Golden by educating and empowering citizens about personal safety and crime prevention.
The academy will be composed of 12 classes. The classes will be held once a month from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the second Monday of every month.

Class topics will include crime prevention through environmental landscape design, security lighting, preventing bicycle theft, identity theft, personal safety, fraud, and much, much more.

Seating is limited and a maximum of two individuals from each household will be allowed. Applicants must be Golden residents. Students aged 16 or older may participate with an accompanying adult.

The first class is Monday, January 11, 2016 at 6 p.m. in the City of Golden Training Room at the Golden Fire Department at 911 10 th Street, Golden.

For additional information, call the Golden Police Department at 303-384-8045.