June 22, 2023


Dear Hemet Community,

We are delighted to share with you the exciting outcomes of the recent strategic planning session held at the Hemet Public Library on June 2, 2023. This session marked a significant milestone as we charted the path for the City's 2023-24 fiscal year, ensuring our community's continued growth and prosperity.

During the planning session, our dedicated City Council meticulously assessed the importance of each objective, distinguishing between high and low priorities. Their insightful deliberations provided valuable guidance and enabled us to establish a clear set of goals for the upcoming year. We are grateful for their commitment to Hemet's progress and their ongoing dedication to serving our community.

One of the key highlights of the planning session was the introduction of the draft "Safe and Clean Streets Initiative", which places paramount importance on the safety and cleanliness of our city's streets. We firmly believe that safe and well-maintained streets are the foundation of a thriving community, and we are eager to collaborate with local organizations and residents to achieve this objective.

To make our vision a reality, we will be providing opportunities for the community to get involved through various efforts, including the "Adopt-a-Street" program and community clean-up days. The "Adopt-a-Street" program encourages community involvement by inviting residents and organizations to take responsibility for the cleanliness of specific areas within Hemet. This collective effort will foster a sense of ownership and pride in our neighborhood streets, ultimately enhancing the overall livability of our city.

Additionally, we are prioritizing the promoting of our "SeeClickFix" reporting platform, an innovative tool that empowers our residents to actively contribute to the improvement of our community. With this app and through the website, you can conveniently report various issues such as potholes, debris, or other concerns by simply taking a photo and notifying our city team in real-time. By working together and utilizing this user-friendly technology, we can address these matters promptly and efficiently, ensuring that Hemet remains a safe and clean place for everyone.

The strategic planning session has set a strong foundation for Hemet's future, and we are thrilled to embark on this journey together. We firmly believe that through collaboration, dedication, and innovative approaches, we will achieve the goals we have set for our community.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together, Hemet! The best is yet to come.


Mark Prestwich

City Manager

Hemet News

Council Appoints New District 1 Council Member

During a regular City Council meeting on June 13, 2023, the Council interviewed seven qualified individuals who expressed interest in the position. Following the interviews, the City Council engaged in deliberations and ultimately selected Carole Kendrick as the most suitable candidate to represent District One.

Carole Kendrick brings to the City Council a diverse range of skills and a deep commitment to community engagement. With a proven track record of fostering collaboration and seeking innovative solutions, Kendrick is poised to play a pivotal role in advancing the interests of Hemet.

Gibbel Park Skate Park Progress

The Gibbel Park Skate Park project is underway and is expected to be completed in the fall of 2023. This undertaking was accelerated at the behest of the City Council which will undoubtably be a wonderful recreational activity amenity that will draw crowds from near and far.

Click here to view the press release.

Hemet Public Library Gets Temporary Chiller and Returns to Normal Business Hours

During a regular City Council meeting on May 23, 2023, the Council discussed options for returning the Hemet Public Library to normal working hours due to the failure of the Library's current air conditioning system. Such options included: Renting a chiller to restore normal facility operations; Operate the library with limited hours and accommodate staff at other facilities during hours that are infeasible to operate without air conditioning; Utilize an alternative facility for limited library operations until a replacement chiller can be installed.

Council directed staff to rent a chiller and restore normal facility operations, and the chiller was ordered and installed. Staff is thrilled to be back serving the community at their normal operating hours.

The Library is open Wednesday - Saturday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm. With extended Open Access+ hours: Wednesday – Saturday 7:00 am- 9:00 am

Mary Henley Park's Outdoor Fitness Court Gets Shade Just in Time for Summer

The City's outdoor fitness court is now shaded thanks to American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, and just in time for the summer heat!

If you haven't had a chance to check it out, it is a must see! AND totally free!

If you or someone you know is interested in providing led classes as a Fitness Ambassador for the City of Hemet, please call (951) 765-2301 for details on how to get started.

Hemet Police Department Conducts Traffic Sweep on Florida Avenue

On Wednesday, June 14, the Hemet Police Department Traffic Bureau teamed up with the Menifee Police Department's Traffic Unit to conduct a traffic sweep on Florida Avenue in the city of Hemet. Officers paid close attention to moving violations that could put pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists at risk.

"Motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians may be difficult to spot, so be extra careful when traveling around town,” said Traffic Sgt. Gabriel Gomez. Sgt. Gomez says, "The City of Hemet's main corridor, Florida Avenue/State Route 74, has a lot of hustle and bustle, and it is important that we pay close attention to everyone using the public roadways".  

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Homelessness Collaboration

On May 31, the Hemet Police Department gathered our partners at City Net Homeless Services, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Valley Restart Shelter, Riverside University Health System - Public Health (Mental Health & Substance Abuse), Riverside County Department of Public Social Services, and Adult Protective Services to provide resources to individuals experiencing homelessness in the city of Hemet.


The Hemet Police Department’s Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) found that a low percentage of people in need are responsible for a large volume of police resources. MDT contacted 24 homeless individuals and provided ten housing the very same day. Additionally, those housed received resources and benefits with the goal of finding long-term housing, mental health, and substance abuse solutions.

Graduation Ceremonies

Hemet Police Department Staff

On June 15, 2023, we congratulated Officer Antonio Cervantes, Officer Bryan Godward, and Officer Isaac Vivanco on graduating from the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Training Academy.


Officer Cervantes received an award for Outstanding Proficiency and Firearms Training, where he scored 100% on his Range Training. Graduates selected Officer Godward to be Class President, where he had the privilege of giving the Student Address.


Graduating as Class 231, our newest graduates received the newest intensive training, which exceeds the standards required by the State of California. The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Basic Academy is considered one of the top basic academies in the state and delivers various subjects taught, such as crime scene investigation, tactical communication, firearms, and defensive tactics.

Hemet Unified School District Senior Class

HUGE congratulations to the Hemet School District Senior Class of 2023 for graduating!

The City of Hemet wishes you a prosperous future as you embark on your next journey!


City Celebrates New Adopt-a-Street Members

The City celebrated our two newest Adopt-a-Street Adoptees: Hemet Valley Recovery Center Alumni and Girl Scout Troop 95 with public ribbon cutting ceremonies. 

We are thrilled to accept new participants in this program and need your help to spread the word to meet our goal to double our participation numbers in the new fiscal year.

For information on how to apply click here.

HUGE thank you to all of our current adoptees:

All Good Things Ministry

The Cox Family

Empire Mobility

Girl Scout Troop 95

Hemet United Methodist Church

Hemet Valley Recovery Center Alumni

My City Youth

Rotary Club of Hemet

Hemet Fire Holds a Safety Event at

the Lakes at Hemet West

Fire staff hosted a safety event at the Lakes at Hemet West Community. This event featured many public safety 'helping hands' who were able to assist this senior community with switching out their fire alarm batteries and ensuring that their alarms are working properly.

For best practices for fire alarm safety click here.

Community Events

Let's Talk Community Forum to Take Place at the Hemet Public Library

Assemblymember Corey Jackson and Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia will be hosted by the City at the Hemet Public Library's second floor conference room to provide a community forum which will allow residents the opportunity to share their voice about concerns and issues that they are seeing in the City.

It is important that they hear directly from residents in order to best assess how to represent our community at the Capital level.

Don't miss out! Click read more to RSVP for this event.

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SoCalGas Annual High Consequence Area

Pipeline Notification

For more information about pipeline safety click here.

For more information about Replace Your Ride click here.

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