June 6, 2023

Stay Connected


The City of Hemet Provides Community Updates

The City Manager's Office travels every other month to different Hemet neighborhoods to provide city updates and answer your questions. Most recently we visited the Four Seasons community and we were happy to see such a large turnout!

If your community, church or organization is interested in receiving a community update, please email the City Manager team at to request a visit.

Untitled Design

Hemet News

Hemet Police Department's 2022 Annual Report is presented to Council

During a regular City Council meeting on May 9, 2023, the Council received a presentation of the Hemet Police Department 2022 Annual Report by Police Chief Eddie Pust.This report is available online here.

Council Appoints Measure U Committee Members

During a regular City Council meeting on May 9, 2023, the Council appointed three new Measure U Committee members to fill vacancies: Kayla Cain, Norm Kyriss, and Delesia Silva.

Currently, there is one vacancy on the Measure U Committee. If you or someone you know is interested in joining a City of Hemet committee, please click here for information on how to apply.

Council Solicits Candidates to Fill Council

District 1 Vacancy

During a regular City Council meeting on May 9, 2023, the Council discussed the options for filling the City Council District 1 vacancy by either election or the appointment process. The consensus was to appoint an individual into the position after an interview process. Applications were accepted until June 2nd. Interviews will take place at the June 13th City Council meeting.

To view the Council District map click here.

City Council Approves the 2022 General Plan Progress Report

During a regular City Council meeting on May 9, 2023, the Council approved the 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report.

State law requires that cities submit a progress report on the General Plan to the City Council and to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Housing and Community Development Department. The main purpose of a periodic review of the city's progress in meeting its General Plan vision is to grant the City Council an opportunity to adjust or modify its policies or approach to ensure the City meets its stated goals. Therefore, the 2022 General Plan Progress Report is structured to present the following information:

  • Amendments to the General Plan adopted by the City since the comprehensive update in 2012.
  • Required and proposed amendments to the General Plan that the City needs to prepare within the next year.
  • Demographic and development changes that update the City's community profile.
  • General Plan implementation programs that have been completed, are in-progress, or are a continuous activity of the City.
  • General Plan implementation programs that have not yet been initiated, but are recommended for initiation within the next few years.
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City Council Presents Proclamations

During the month of May, 2023, the Council presented proclamations to individuals to celebrate culture, honor our military and extend appreciation to our Police and Public Works staff!

Military Appreciation Month

Asian American and Pacific Islander Month

National Police Week

National Public Works Week

Memorial Day

City Recognizes the Spring Mayor Mentee's

The City Manager's Office works with the current Mayor/Mayor Pro Tem to develop a program that is catered toward high schoolers who are interested in learning about municipal government.

The program takes place over the course of several weeks and includes presentations from City leadership. At the end of the program, the Mentees provide a presentation at a City Council meeting.

We are so proud of these young minds and we can't wait to have our next group in the fall!

For information on how to apply click here.

Hemet Public Library Hosts a Community Clean Up

Waste Tonnage Metrics

In line with the City's commitment to reduce blight, the City has been offering Community Clean Ups on a quarterly basis to assist residents with disposing of their bulky waste items.

Our next event will take place on August 19th from 8:00am-12:00pm. Mark your calendars!

Community Events

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