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  • Hemet City Council Announces Vandalism Relief Program to Support Local Businesses

  • Combatting Graffiti in Hemet

  • Hemet Police Department Launches Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month Pink Patch

  • Hemet Library Participates in Empty Chair Campaign

  • Crime Prevention Tips During Daylight Saving Time

City News

Hemet City Council Announces Vandalism Relief Program to Support Local Businesses

In a move to support small businesses and non-profits affected by acts of vandalism, the Hemet City Council has given the green light to the Storefront Vandalism Relief Program, allocating $200,000 from Undesignated General Fund Reserves. This initiative aims to provide financial assistance to local businesses that have faced financial setbacks due to vandalism-related damages.

The program covers various eligible expenses, including repair costs for broken windows, damaged doors, locks, graffiti removal, and other vandalism-related repair expenses not covered by insurance. Additionally, it offers relief by reimbursing insurance deductibles linked to vandalism-related repair damages.

The program will reimburse eligible expenses incurred since January 1, 2023, up to a maximum of $7,500 on a first-come, first-served basis. The City Council has allocated a total budget of $200,000 for the Vandalism Relief Program, with $50,000 appropriated initially in the FY 2023-24 Budget and an additional $150,000 from Undesignated General Fund Reserves.

The Hemet City Council's commitment to this program aligns with its adopted Strategic Plan and Safe and Clean Streets Initiative for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Developed in collaboration with the City Council's Clean Up/Graffiti Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of Mayor Joe Males and Mayor Pro Tem Malcolm Lilienthal, this program not only extends financial relief to affected businesses but also contributes to the visual appeal of the community, reduces blight, and supports economic growth. It underscores the City's broader objectives to ensure a safe, clean, and attractive environment for all residents, businesses, and visitors.

Applications for the Storefront Vandalism Relief Program are now being accepted at the City's Corporate Yard at 3777 Industrial Avenue. Applicants can access the application form at For more information about the City of Hemet Storefront Vandalism Relief Program, including eligibility criteria and application procedures, visit

Combatting Graffiti in Hemet

City of Hemet Public Works Crews have been hard at work dealing with graffiti. Over the past two weeks, their efforts have successfully removed over 40 graffiti incidents, significantly enhancing the City's aesthetic appeal and overall cleanliness for residents and visitors. Some of these tasks have been located in locations heavily tagged all over walls, gates, signs, sidewalks, and light poles. 

One particular assignment involved tackling extensive blue and red paint graffiti that defaced walls, gates, signs, sidewalks, and light poles, making the restoration process four hours.

Residents can actively contribute to this ongoing battle by utilizing the City's SeeClickFix app to report graffiti, enabling swift action to prevent further vandalism.



Hemet Police Department Launches Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month Pink Patch

The Hemet Police Department, in collaboration with the Hemet Police Officers' Association (HPOA), will be supporting the Pink Patch Project, a collaborative effort to bring awareness and support breast cancer research organizations in the fight against breast cancer in October.

Hemet Police Officers and other uniformed personnel will support the Pink Patch Project by voluntarily wearing a pink version of the Hemet Police Department uniform patch to bring attention and awareness to the fight against breast cancer. The pink uniform patches were provided by a generous donation with no cost or expense to the Hemet Police Department or the City of Hemet. 

The 2023 Collector Pink Patches are available for a $10 donation, and Pink Patch T-shirts are available for a $20 donation. Anyone interested in obtaining a patch or T-shirt can contact Officer Albert Martinez at [email protected] or Sarah Howerton at [email protected]. All proceeds will be donated to Michelle's Place in Temecula, CA.

Hemet Library Participates in Empty Chair Campaign

Amber Royer, a mother who tragically lost her 18-year-old son to an accidental overdose of Fentanyl, is now channeling her pain and loss into a powerful advocacy effort as she participates in the Nationwide Empty Chair Campaign. Determined to prevent other families from enduring a similar ordeal, she joined forces with the campaign, Amber placed her son's empty chair in the Hemet Public Library.

Amber's involvement in the Nationwide Empty Chair Campaign serves as a reminder of the impact of opioid addiction on families and communities nationwide. She hopes to raise awareness about the urgent need for comprehensive addiction prevention, treatment, and support services through her advocacy.

To learn more about the dangers of fentanyl, visit

Crime Prevention Tips During Daylight Saving Time

As we adjust to daylight saving time and the earlier arrival of nighttime, it's essential to be mindful of the heightened vulnerability that can come with the cover of darkness. Criminals often seize the opportunity to target homes during this transitional period, when homeowners may still be at work or running errands while the sun sets earlier. To help you protect your home and loved ones, here are some crime prevention tips that revolve around the power of illuminating your home.

Illuminate Your Home

Lighting is the number-one deterrent to crime, making it a powerful weapon in your arsenal against potential criminals. Keeping your home well-lit, both inside and outside, can significantly reduce the chances of a break-in. Start by ensuring your porch light remains on throughout the night. If you're looking for convenience and efficiency, consider installing a photocell sensor. This smart device will automatically turn your outdoor lights on at dusk and off at dawn, eliminating the need for manual control.

Use Timers Strategically

Timers are your allies when it comes to creating the illusion of an occupied home, especially during the early evening hours when darkness falls. These handy devices can be programmed to turn on lights at specific times, even when you're not at home. By doing so, you give the impression that someone is inside, discouraging potential burglars from approaching.

Layer Your Lighting

Rather than relying on a single source of light, consider layering your lighting to create a more comprehensive and realistic appearance of an active household. Use timers to activate lights in different rooms, varying the on/off times to mimic typical patterns of movement within the home. This layered approach can make it even more challenging for criminals to discern whether anyone is present.

Motion-Activated Lights

Motion-activated lights are another effective tool to enhance your home's security. Install them near entryways, pathways, and other areas where intruders may approach. When motion is detected, these lights automatically illuminate, startling potential intruders and drawing attention to their presence.

Neighborhood Vigilance

Participating in a neighborhood watch program can be invaluable. Communication and cooperation with neighbors can create a sense of community security. You and your neighbors can find more about Neighborhood Watch Programs by visiting 

By harnessing the power of lighting, timers, and community vigilance, you can create a safer environment for your family and discourage criminals from targeting your home. Prevention is the best defense; a well-lit home is your first protection against unwanted intruders.

Job Opportunities

City Council Highlights

City Council Meeting - October 10, 2023

At the October 10 City Council Meeting, the City Council approved a Resolution, awarding Cotter Construction an Agreement for $246,118 to construct new Pickleball Courts at Gibbel Park.

The City Council also approved accepting an Organized Retail Theft Grant from the State of California Board of State and Community Corrections in the Amount of $2,500,065 dollars. City Staff learned that businesses in town have experienced a combined shrinkage of approximately 10 million dollars in 2022. To combat the issue, the California State Board of State and Community Corrections issued a request for proposals by a grant opportunity. The newly accepted grant will help fund the Hemet Police Department to expand the community camera program, purchase new equipment, and offer new opportunities for the Hemet Police Department to combat organized retail theft.

The City Council also adopted a series of Ordinances and the City Clerk’s Office is looking for new applications to serve on our boards and commissions, including the Planning Commission. If you are interested in serving our community, submit your application today.

City Manager Mark Prestwich presented two reports on the Discussion Items for the Council. The first is, the City’s first Trash Enclosure Pilot Program to better comply with commercial and industrial refuse and recyclable materials. This program is set to reduce the blight and improve safety and security measures for the unsecured bins that are present. Manager Prestwich also delivered the Quarter One Update on Progress of the 2023-24 Strategic Plan Action Item Tasks. Earlier this year, the City Council working with the City Manager, set in motion a series of priorities to improve the City and carry out the City Council’s vision for improving the quality of life for City residents. In this report, several action items were presented to be in motion, and completed, and most projects have been initiated.

Click here to view the Agenda

Community Events


Thursday, October 26 - Community Concert

Saturday, October 28 - Chalktober

Saturday, October 28 - Trunk-or-Treat

Friday, November 3 - State of the City

Saturday, November 11 - Veterans Day

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