October 18, 2016 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,

My 2017 proposed budget was released last night and is available for review on our website (www.kingston-ny.gov) or in the City Clerk's office. I encourage each of you to take a look at what I consider to be a solid budget that maintains the delivery of essential services without an additional burden on our taxpayers. Over the next few weeks, I will be highlighting some of the proposed changes that will assist our departments to operate more efficiently and effectively. In addition, I am proposing to use a variety of innovative technologies to improve communications, transparency, and workflow management. I look forward to continuing this budget process with all of you and am confident that together we will be prepared for the challenges ahead.

2017 Proposed Budget

Mayor Noble is pleased to  announce the availability of his 2017 proposed budget. This budget successfully holds the line on taxes, with a $0 increase in the tax levy and declining tax rates for both homestead and non-homestead. In addition to remaining under the tax cap of 0.68%, the proposed budget does not include any layoffs of current employees.

"The City of Kingston is charged with providing the highest quality of essential services to its constituents and expending the funds it was entrusted by the public in the most fiscally responsible way," Mayor Noble said. "I believe wholeheartedly that this budget satisfies these critical responsibilities and still provides us with the resources necessary to make the City of Kingston a wonderful community to live, work and visit."

Read the Mayor's Budget Message in its entirety here.

Review Mayor Noble's 2017 Recommended Budget here.

Mayor Noble's 2017 Budget Message
Mayor Noble's 2017 Budget Message
Special thanks to The Kingston News for filming

Upcoming Paving Schedule

The Department of Public Works will be milling and paving the listed streets the week of October 17th.  Variables such as weather or unforeseen emergencies may affect the starting date.  During this process we ask residents and businesses to keep all vehicles off the street.  Once paving has begun access will be denied until the blacktop cools enough for normal vehicular traffic, approximately three to four hours.
Expect delays and changes in traffic patterns.  Take alternate routes when possible.  Your cooperation during this process is appreciated.
South Clinton Ave - Greenkill Ave to Barmann Ave
South Prospect St - Greenkill Ave to Hilton Place
Gage Street - Tracks to Farrelly St.

Board of Water Commissioners Declares Drought Alert

The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Kingston is declaring a drought  alert for all of its  customers. Cooper Lake Reservoir, the principal storage reservoir for the City of  Kingston, is presently at 75% of its capacity, which is 10% below the average of 85% for this time of  year. While we began September at normal levels, a significant lack of rainfall during the month caused  the Reservoir to drop 3 feet during that month.

At current levels, and assuming no significant rainfall, there is sufficient water in the Reservoir to supply all of our customers for the next 170 days. To make our supply last as long as possible, the Board has declared a drought alert. During a drought alert, all of our customers are requested to voluntarily conserve water whenever possible. We all use water differently, so please take a minute to think about how you can conserve. Some simple suggestions include taking shorter showers, running dishwashers and washing machines only when full, repairing leaky faucets and toilets, and turning off the faucet while shaving, soaping hands, and brushing teeth. Please remember that conservation during a drought alert  is strictly voluntary 
but every little bit helps. 

In advance, thank you for your cooperation.
City of Kingston Seeks Applicants for
Department of Public Works Commission

Community members are encouraged to consider applying to Mayor Noble to fill vacant seats on the Department of Public Works Commission. Applications can be found here.
Municipal Meetings

Tuesday, October 18th
Mayor's Public Hearing
City Hall, Council Chambers

Zoning Board of Appeals
City Hall

Laws and Rules Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1

Wednesday, October 19th
Police Commission
Kingston Police Department

Thursday, October 20th
Kingston Local Development Corporation
City Hall, Mayor's Conference Room

Laws and Rules Public Hearing
City Hall

Budget Public Hearing
City Hall, Council Chambers

For a full schedule of municipal meetings, visit our meetings calendar  here.

Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found here.
Kingston Midtown Arts District Launch Party

Thursday, October 27th
Broadway Commons 

Kingston's Midtown Arts District will  officially  launch on October 27th with a free evening of music and dance for all ages. The event will take place at the City of Kingston's new public space, Broadway Commons (615 Broadway) from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

Jay Ungar & Molly Mason
The Gold Hope Duo
Peter Wetzler & Elena Reyes
The Flying Kingstonians Brass Band
Pauline Oliveras & Ione 
David Temple
DJ Mapes

More details are available on the event's Facebook page.
Kingston Happenings

The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at KingstonHappenings.org do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: