Dear CRA Members --
Today the City of Los Angeles released the FAQ's related to the vaccine mandate. You can access it HERE.
As a reminder, the ordinance DOES NOT included retail, only shopping malls. It is the malls responsibility to enforce the order.
I direct your attention to:
3. When does a covered location need to check for vaccination status?
A: Businesses must check for proof of vaccination upon the patron’s first in-person interaction with staff. Outdoor events must check for proof of vaccination prior to entering the event.
This is what the city staff said to us as well. The first in-person interaction with staff only applies to mall staff, not retail employee staff. The FAQ says "businesses must check" but because the mall and shopping centers are considered the covered location, enforcement falls on them (the operators/owners).
I highlighted in YELLOW other items that I thought would be of interest to our members.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly HERE.