Volume 04 | April 27th 2022
City of Peoria Trail Stewards' monthly updates
Welcome to our freshly formatted Trail Stewards monthly email! This month we have been busy showing our love for Mother Earth through our Trails Stewards program, our Earth Day, and Arbor Day Events.
Trail Stewards at work!
Trail Stewards:  Over the past few weeks, two Arizona Conservation Corps Crews have been on rehabilitating East Wing, Sunrise, and West Wing mountain systems widening the trail corridor, rehabilitating erosive social trails, and removing obstructing boulders. On Saturday, April 16th they were joined by Sunrise Mountain Cycling Club and local volunteers at Paloma Preserve. We’d like to thank all these wonderful Trail Stewards for the hard work put into keeping our trails sustainable and beautiful.

AZ Conservation Corp
Conservation Corp at work!
Earth Day Skunk Creek Clean-up
85 people joined the trails team on April the 9th to show some love to Skunk Creek. Many of you are aware that this site is considered a birding hotspot, especially during migration season. All manner of objects were removed from the riparian area including the reliable shopping cart, rolls of carpet, plywood, and pounds of plastic. In all, over 2000lbs of trash was removed. We are very grateful for the hard work of our regular volunteers, PUSD MET, DVUSD, Sandra Day O'Connor High School, ASU, GCU, Mid-Western, and Basis Peoria.

Trees are magical!
Arbor Day Tree Planting at Skunk Creek
Peoria celebrated Arbor Day on April 15th. The City has been hard at work with the Salt River Project (SRP) to plant 500 new trees as part of SRP's Right Tree, Right Place Program. The final trees of the project were planted at Skunk Creek Trailhead by a team of students from Peoria's Unified School District and the Women's Club of Peoria during Abor Day. The riparian area at the Skunk Creek Trailhead is considered a significant birding area with owls, raptors, and migrant songbirds frequently seen there. 21 trees and shrubs have been thoughtfully selected with bird habitat in mind to increase Peoria’s overall tree canopy coverage. Please check out our newly refreshed Community Forestry webpage at: