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City of Poulsbo April E-Newsletter

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Planning and Economic Development Department Update

2024 Comprehensive Plan Update. It’s hard to believe the first quarter of the year is behind us. In addition to reviewing land use applications, the Planning and Economic Development Department has been making substantial progress on the 2024 Comprehensive Plan update. During the first quarter of the year, we held 5 meetings with our Planning Commission and reviewed the goals and policies of 7 chapters of the Comprehensive Plan. In addition, we launched a community survey to inform our updates to the Housing, Transportation and Natural Environment chapters. An update on these efforts will be presented at the City Council meeting on April 5. 

This Spring we will bring engagement opportunities to the public by participating in community events. Our first event will be held at the Poulsbo Farmer’s Market on Saturday, April 15. Come by, meet Planning staff, and share with us your preferences on how you want the City to grow for the next 20 years. 

Engineering Department Update

SR305/Johnson Parkway Project Update. We are happy to report that the SR305/Johnson Parkway project is nearing completion. We anticipate that the new Johnson Parkway roadway and non-motorized tunnel will be open to the public near the end of April. Lights have been installed in the non-motorized tunnel. The center of the roundabout and the wall adjacent to the roundabout will feature artwork that welcomes residents and visitors to the City of Poulsbo. The artwork mounted on the wall adjacent to the roundabout was designed by the Suquamish Tribe. Both artwork pieces are expected to be installed in May. 

To celebrate the completion of the project, a grand opening celebration and artwork unveiling will take place in early May. Both pieces of art will be covered at the time of installation until the roundabout opening celebration. More information about the celebration, and the exact date, will be announced on our website (www.cityofpoulsbo.com) with a press release. 

Finance Department Update

Seasonal Averaging for Sewer Billing. The sewer portion of your utility bill is based on the metered water used. The City recognizes for residential accounts there may be summer irrigation not flowing into the City’s sewer system, so it takes the winter (November to May) monthly average of water usage and applies this “seasonal averaging” when calculating the sewer portion of your bill from June to October each year. Please remember that you are still billed for all actual water usage.

** MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Seasonal averaging watering can begin around Memorial Day & end around Leif Erikson/Columbus/Indigenous Peoples’ Day. **

Increased Poulsbo Sales Tax Rate. The sales tax rate will be changing effective April 1st, 2023, to 9.3 percent. As explained in adopted City of Poulsbo Ordinance 2023-01, the extra percent increase is due to a newly approved 1/10th of 1% sales tax for the new Transportation Benefit District (TBD).

Utility Billing Auto-Payment. The City offers auto-pay as an option to pay your utility bill. Have your payment automatically deducted from your bank account on the 20th of every month. Click here for additional details and an application. If you’d like an application mailed to you, please contact the Finance Department at (360) 394-9881.

Mayor's Office Update

Proclamations. April 28, 2023 has been proclaimed Arbor Day, and April 30, 2023 has been proclaimed National Therapy Animal Day. See Poulsbo Proclamations here!

Parks and Recreation Department

Seeking Poulsbo Advisory Tax Committee Member Volunteer. Do you own a Poulsbo rental? Operate overnight lodging, such as a hotel, Airbnb, VRBO? The City of Poulsbo is seeking a Poulsbo Advisory Tax Committee member to join our Lodging Tax Grant Program. With our Lodging Tax Grant Program, local organizations can apply for the grant to help bring more guests and visitors to stay and play in Poulsbo, aka spend the night at Poulsbo lodging!

This year’s funding included supporting the

By being a Committee member, you will help steer how the grant is allocated.

Download the application and learn more about the City of Poulsbo Lodging Tax Grant Program and 2023 Schedule: https://cityofpoulsbo.com/lodging-tax-grant-program/

Interest and questions can be sent to Lin Wilson, Special Events Coordinator: lwilson@cityofpoulsbo.com, or by phone at 360.394.9771

Poulsbo Garden Club

Upcoming Events. The Poulsbo Garden Club gave gardening grants totaling over $4,880 to 12 local organizations for their gardening projects including Raab Park P-Patch, Poulsbo Fire Department, Cub Scouts Pack 4571, Poulsbo Historical Society, Kingston Middle School Horticulture Club and Buck Lake Nature Area. Money for these grants is raised at our annual Plant Sale which will be the first Saturday of May, at Raab Park in Poulsbo from 9 am to 1 pm. Many wonderful plants, including annuals, perennials, veggie starts, house plants and fabulous garden art, will be on sale at VERY reasonable prices!! Mark your calendar for May 6th at Raab Park to give your garden a jump start this year!

Job Openings

The City of Poulsbo is currently hiring. Click here to learn more details about open positions!
